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12:10 AM
@haxor789 The problem explicitly states that the predictor may not change the contents of the box after the prediction is made. The problem also allows for the predictor being wrong some percentage of the time (even a fairly large percentage of the time). If you assert that the predictor must always be correct, you find yourself in the fantasy version of the problem that several other answers object to. So we have to allow for a fallible predictor, or else the whole problem is nonsense.
In other words: The "game that [I am] playing" is the game as it is described in the source text. The game that you are playing appears to be an entirely different game of your own creation.
My answer does not and cannot anticipate every conceivable variation of the game, especially where we allow for unphysical retrocausation.
Anyway, I have now edited my answer to clarify that a physically infallible predictor is well beyond the scope of the problem as originally stated by Newcomb, so I will not be further addressing that issue here or elsewhere.

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