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1:58 AM
@MarkMayo added a new Metaculus question: metaculus.com/questions/9038/quarantine-free-us-travel-to-china
ooh nice
12 hours later…
1:52 PM
For next months photo competition I propose 'Foreign foods' as suggested by @MarkMayo, but as all foods are foreign to some of us, I would word it as 'food' or 'food ready to eat' or 'food on a plate/table'.
If nobody else steps up, I will post the competition post just before the current month runs out, tomorrow.
(I would like a very easy to join in topic as this month turned out to be very difficult.)
@Xnero @gparyani ^^^^
2:11 PM
@Willeke I thought of a theme a couple of days ago: water-based modes of transport. We can either go with your theme and I can run it (if there are no objections or unless you want to run it yourself), or we can go with my theme.
4 hours later…
5:56 PM
@Xnero I like water-based modes of transport
You can run it
4 hours later…
9:46 PM
@Willeke Any objections?

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