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8:45 AM
@Zoethetransgirl needs more visibility.
but... I am not sad that this is happening.
I am unable to.
9:11 AM
@Derpy Yep
It bothers me it came to this, but if they're not going to respond to anything but legal threats, that's officially it. The situation can no longer be recovered and needs a management attitude replacement to be fixed.
Unfortunately, this ain't a democracy, We can't exactly create a vote of misconfidence to fix all teh problemz
Which is why I'm going to leave on Friday. Trying to get close to a "natural" end anyway
2 hours later…
11:05 AM
@Zoe noticed that the Shadow's Den room is almost silent too.
room topic changed to Kirin Village Outskirts : The Incinerator beam is charging... (no tags)
11:28 AM
Yep :/
I'm retreating to Discord
Maybe codidact.org at some point
11:49 AM
@Zoe I recognize some names there.
12:19 PM
@Shadow @Zoe - I've actually upvoted this
1:02 PM
@Derpy lots of former core users
@Derpy me too. Sadly
since..... they had to mention Winter Bash, I though I could give them a nice present.
1:30 PM
I have a feeling there's gonna be a Winter Bash anyway
That is, Bash SE during Winter, creatively named Winter Bash :P
2:11 PM
Oct 31 at 11:35, by Derpy
I can totally foresee a big slip up being made with a joke hat with multiple versions like the Sun/Moon hat that instead is based on female/male
Oct 31 at 11:31, by Derpy
or we will get an hat that will somehow reference either Monica firing or the pronouns/CoC incident in some form.
3:03 PM
@Derpy ArtofCode is apparently running the server
@Derpy that's nice!
@ShadowThePrincessWizard I won't, but fell free to repost it as you wish. You don't even need to give attribution
@Derpy me too. If Winterbash will happen, I'll opt out this year. I'm still around and doing my usual things, but that one is indeed too much.
@ShadowThePrincessWizard see the recently added room description.
3:19 PM
Meaning you plan to leave too, @Zoe style? :/
@ShadowThePrincessWizard I'm gonna go out with a bang on main. I still have to figure out how
An incinerator beam isn't quite explosive enough
@Zoe thought you wanted to just become a stalker, and still visit from time to time?
Go out with a bang means rage quit, it doesn't suit you well. o_O
@ShadowThePrincessWizard I am. I'm still gonna keep my account, but that "from time to time" might disappear
@ShadowThePrincessWizard God no, I still have style!
Good... at least you won't become a vote troll like many do, I suspect. (upvoting crap, downvoting good posts on purpose, etc. just to harm SO)
Rage quitting isn't the goal here, but you can leave with a bang without leaving in a storm of rage and an accompanied suspension. Not trying to get myself blocked or burn all my bridges, at least yet
Nah, as much as I dislike the site, I'm not going to sabotage it
not the site, the way it's run*
3:23 PM
That's good to hear. :)
@Zoe THIS Incinerator.
That being said, I do plan to post something that hits SE hard. Not that it matters - they're not showing they care much, but yeah. I still don't know what that something is, nor do I know how or if I can find a way to properly say it without it looking like a rage quit. If I can't figure that out, I'll abandon it and just leave
@Derpy Not entirely
More like super-dense uranium reaching critical mass
That makes a big bang, right? I have no idea
@Zoe I meant that in the room description I am talking about that specific Incinerator beam.
and to be even more specific
3:27 PM
Didn't check the reply :]
dawww <3
@Zoe I'm pretty sure nobody who isn't part of SE management can do or say anything that can hit SE hard. Or even not hard. People said harsh things and keep saying such things, with exactly 0 effect.
@Zoe If you do know Made in Abyss.... you know what that picture means.
Maybe, just maybe, Shog can take out some secrets that will REALLY hit SE hard, but otherwise.... really nothing we can ever do.
3:30 PM
If you don't.... Turn around and run. Fast. The "dawww" you just said is how Made in Abyss traps you.
@ShadowThePrincessWizard I'm not people. I've argued them into corners multiple times.
@Derpy never seen it
@ShadowThePrincessWizard I find arguments and bash at them until I get answers that fight back to a degree big enough to actually count as defending a statement or action.
They've failed that more times than I can count
well, I can count that, but I haven't xd
@Zoe still don't get how this can hit SE?
It doesn't, but it fuels further discussion and directly hits the people who think this was a good idea.
Call it psychological warfare if you'd like. It's a long game
3:36 PM
And a longshot... :)
But yeah, maybe better than just vanishing.
@Zoe see next message then. Short version: don't.
An awful lot of the arguments directly target people (as in insults for an instance) and generally nasty stuff. Properly phrased arguments directly targeting the decision itself can cause doubt that it's a good idea, at least as long as my arguments can be proved and backed up. I tried it on HMP anyway, didn't help much, but it's definitely enough to back them into a corner. They more or less backed out of all opposing threads pretty fast. The communication channels shut down fast.
Real arguments is where it's at, and applying the proper arguments helps apply pressure.
But yeah, it might not do much to SE's actions, but it'll make an impact
@Derpy Time to look up the plot c:
@Zoe That is the least spoilerish thing I can say about Abyss. And yes, that is Lovecraft in the last panel.
And if you do, don't say I didn't warn you.
No idea what/who Lovecraft is
@Zoe Cthulhu?
3:42 PM
@Derpy watched some spoilers. Definitely not gonna watch the show
@Zoe .... let me guess... you saw Riku face, right?
I have no idea. it was just... ew
@Zoe ok, then you saw Mitty face
3:45 PM
ew or eww?
@ShadowThePrincessWizard The gore kinda ew
4:04 PM
> the curse of the 6th layer - loss of humanity or death.
1 hour later…
5:28 PM
@Derpy Is that what happened to SE?

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