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11:49 AM
@DavidPostill When you say "You should never add to an existing answer (unless it is a community wiki answer)", does this mean it is best practice to always "decline" all "suggested edits" in Review if anyone is suggesting an edit of anyone else's answers? I look and try to analyze each one but if that should be a red flag for decline automatically regardless then I will start doing that in such cases instead.
I didn't read all the comments from NZall so I may be missing something further but wanted to ask since I saw that.
4 hours later…
3:42 PM
@McDonald's on the subject of suggested edits could you check whether the suggested edit is actually useful. I'm not singling you out as a bad approver, but as someone I see a lot in the review queues and I've seen a lot of garbage coming from suggested edit rep grinders lately.. The following was basically trash as there should have been sections in codeblocks and not just a couple of pointless areas. superuser.com/review/suggested-edits/687428
1 hour later…
5:04 PM
@Mokubai Not sure what happened there but I think my issue with suggested edits is seeing the actual approved result where I think in the view I saw that edit that it appeared to just code block the code which I didn't see a problem with—plus the other Swedish language or whatever so ya I may not have picked the correct choice so it's good I'm not the lone approver here. As far as suggested edit "rep", I wasn't aware there was such a thing as getting SU rep for approving edits.
Still interested in hearing from David on that topic if possible. I'm all for simplification so if there's a simple standard, that will help ensure I don't make further mistakes.
I realized I should have spent more time in review when I first joined so I'm making up for lost time right now—my goal is to learn it and get better at it—obviously no one in perfect other than the one that does his own perfect master piece.
So for delegated tasks I think it's appropriate to expect at least a "satisfactory" result most of the time and not necessarily a master piece or above average—we are all human.
@Mokubai So to further clarify, here's a side by side view of your edit and the disapproved suggested edit: i.imgur.com/BYYr4p4.png. The non-English foreign language threw me off I think and I didn't know that was part of the error output I suppose. Then again sometimes the views and highlighting throw me off a bit but like I asked.....
If someone needs to have an edit approved then is it best practice to reject those most of the time for someone else's answer? As per the words of the conversation on that topic which I read and asked about, it can be interpreted as that so I wanted to confirm.
5:44 PM
@McDonald's Editing to correct formatting or spelling mistakes and removing greetings/thanks is fine. Don't add new stuff to somebodies question or answer and you will be fine. That applies to edit reviews as well.
3 hours later…
8:20 PM
@McDonald's Additionally, If an edit is adding or fixing a link, verify it actually needs to be updated. People have been approving updates to spam links recently
1 hour later…
9:23 PM
gracias muy mucho migos!!
10-4, over and out, yabba dabba doo!!
Thank you!

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