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12:48 AM
Honestly this would make one of the most valuable questions on Proof Assistants
5 hours later…
5:45 AM
@GuyCoder Matter Modeling had a normal SE election to select the pro tempore mods. The election was announced shortly after going into public beta and held a few weeks later.
3 hours later…
8:24 AM
@Tyberius Thanks. This post seems to be the election. Good review material for when the ProofAssistants election takes place.
9:14 AM
For those who committed and are Just Curious, this may be the switch that turns the light bulb on. Proof Assistant Makes Jump to Big-League Math
Oh, didn't know an AI challenge for IMO exists
If others know of useful information for those Just Curious please add them, especially if it showcases other Proof Assistants.
Well, there's always the classic, 4 color theorem verified in Coq
and the fact that C programs and the C compiler can be verified, though I didn't have any chance to go through the details
Introductory materials: Software Foundations (using Coq); Natural Number Game (using Lean)
codewars.com has a bunch of easy to hard theorem proving challenges in Idris/Agda/Coq/Lean.
10:14 AM
@AndrejBauer I am totally new to creation of a new site. I and possibly others would appreciate a quick recap of what's going to happen. Does anyone know? The Area 51 FAQ gives a good overview but does not mention items like privileges needing lower rep points during the beta phases. The one point that they stress and many don't heed is that it is up to the members of the community to run things and not to rely on SE!
3 hours later…
12:53 PM
I have mentioned this room in the MathOverflow chatroom and Mathematics chatroom.
I hope that's ok. (I guess this might help that a few more users learn about this proposal.)
Although looking at the proposal, there are already many people who are interested in the new site.
@MartinSleziak If I was a math person I would have done that. I noted the site to a large group of high school teachers who teach AP programming. AP is a US course taken in High School that earns college credit. I did ask them not to tell the students until after the private beta phase. But it being a federal holiday in the US I don't think they will read the notice until Monday morning. :-)

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