Creationism vs. Materialism/Naturalism

A room for sharing and discussing evidences for Creationism and/or Evolutionism/Uniformitarianism. Related Biblical hermeneutics, especially of Genesis 1-11, is also on topic. Please refrain from ad hominem attacks, not just on chat participants, but also in response to claims made for or against Creationism.
1d ago – Matthew
Matthew: 1d ago, 1545 posts (40%)

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Apr 19 2:04 PM
Paulogia has said in his heart: "There is no God". From this point he reasons. Of course he will tend to think that it is "more likely " that the gospel is reports of reports of reports.
Apr 11 4:22 PM
@Mark The problem with this is that you need to have correct assumptions fed into the theorem prover. Formal logic is not how logic works in real life.
Apr 11 4:15 PM
@Matthew "I can't answer that question, because I started from believing Christianity (including Genesis 1-11) to be true" - So you didn't come to believe in Christianity as an evidentialist, did you? You came to believe in Christianity as a presuppositionalist. So your own conversion experience doesn't seem consistent with the evidentialist epistemology you seem to uphold as the ideal standard for everyone.
Mar 18, 2022 6:58 PM
The best proof of the Christian God, specifically, is perhaps Christ. There is excellent evidence that He existed, that He was crucified, and that His body went missing in a way that's nearly impossible to explain from a purely naturalistic worldview. Christianity is the only religion with a resurrected founder. It's also the only religion in which you cannot earn your own salvation. I consider those two facts to be... not proof, but extremely compelling.
Mar 18, 2022 5:49 PM
I should probably clarify; I'm an atheist whose stance is 'God might exist', but there is no reason to believe the Christian god exists. That's quite different from 'God does not exist'.