Conversation started May 28, 2013 at 15:47.
May 28, 2013 3:47 PM
I think this question is going to be a very hot...
Q: Is it ethical to read programming books on the clock?

Jason SwettI have an issue that hasn't ever surfaced as a problem, but it's a question that's been bugging me internally a little bit for the last several years. I've worked at a few different places where they hadn't given me explicit permission to read programming books on the clock, but I've done it any...

and due to braindead bug in collider formula I expect it to run as usual,...
collecting hordes of hotness lemmings, ...
Q: Lots of not-always-useful but well-intentioned answers

Mark MayoIn episode 42 of the Stack Exchange podcast Joel Spolsky mentioned something along the lines that some sites (for example, Travel Answers) suffer a little from questions that don't always get useful answers - even when someone has good intentions. So, for example, someone asks a question about g...

...and quickly getting CW because everyone will be willing to share their "unique" opinion on this
...and every answer no matter how senseless will only add up to fake hotness score...
@gnat Iduno, I think it's a good question and that may be why; but at the same time you're right, there are two possible answers to the question and it will probably get a ton
"After the fire settled, what is left for future visitors of the question looks like a wasteland of low quality garbage..."
gee how I hate that bug
@gnat a firebug? :)
it has trashed so many good questions before and is going to trash and trash
@JimmyHoffa sort of
@JimmyHoffa yes that's a good question, this is what makes me sad knowing how it will probably end up and especially why it will end up so
May 28, 2013 4:12 PM
@jimmyhoffa more than I expected. I had a Honda civic hybrid, the ima battery died on me in snowmass. No good acceleration... Good thing that glenwood is all down hill from snowmass. Ultimately bought a new car there.
Could a mod please check where all my referrals came from for
Q: How are operators organized in memory

kishu27How are operators organized/saved in the memory in context of a programming language. Are they procedures/functions saved somewhere and compilers just manipulate things to call these procs whenever the operators are used in the program?

Not that I'm complaining, but I got a completely undeserved publicist badge for it.
May 28, 2013 4:29 PM
@MichaelT heh there's a solution at least.. my wife's old prius had a shit of a time getting up there
May 28, 2013 4:40 PM
I got an insight. Got the civic fixed (2 weeks to get the part - a $2k battery isn't standard stock), and then my parents took the train out, got the car and drove it back.
The civic, manual stick, once you drain the assist battery has almost no acceleration, and going up a mountain can't easily get the torque to do too much.
The insight is a CV transmission and can more easily get the mountain climbing torque. Furthermore, the civic was calibrated for sea level, while the insight was for mountains. I had to get a tune up to recalibrate when I got to Wisconsin.
You know, I never thought about that, but my wife bought her Prius in Alabama, maybe I should have had them do some jiggering to get the correct fuel air mixture for up here
1 hour later…
May 28, 2013 5:53 PM
@KarlBielefeldt Unfortunately, we can't.
Q: Is there any analytics information that moderators can access for individual questions?

ChrisFThere are a number of questions on Programmers' that seem to be getting a lot of traffic: Do I need to go to a big-name university? How to be a zero-bug programmer? for example. I'm curious as to why these questions are getting lots of views, while others aren't. So I'd like to know if anyone...

May 28, 2013 6:12 PM
SubString or Substring?
@JimmyHoffa subString.
PHP really has rotted your brain hasn't it?
May 28, 2013 6:32 PM
@JimmyHoffa Tequila did that years before I met PHP.
May 28, 2013 7:05 PM
@YannisRizos Is tequila a greek cultural thing or is that just you?
much though the greeks drink and english as well, I know you didn't bring that back from england
@JimmyHoffa Drinking (from a very early age) is a Greek cultural thing (wine producing country and all that). Tequila happens to be my prefered poison.
Got my first taste of ouzo at age 6.
..and vomitted profusely; because ouzo is gross :P
Didn't vomit (or at least I don't remember it if I did), but yeah, ouzo isn't really my cup of tea. Conversely, neither is tea.
May 28, 2013 7:10 PM
I don't know how ouzo is anyone's cup of tea. yech. It's just clear jager to the best that my taste buds can divine
Stay away from tsipouro. It's ouzo on steroids.
May 28, 2013 8:00 PM
@gnat Yeah, it's collecting an answer pile now... that does stink.
@JimmyHoffa yeah I just flagged asking to protect the question, referring to what we just discussed
@gnat I wonder if I should decline that flag to encourage you to get to 15K rep and be able to protect questions on your own...
1 hour later…
May 28, 2013 9:22 PM
@YannisRizos You know, if it was "from outside", if high collider score was caused by some high number of views from outside reference, I wouldn't mind doing this janitorial stuff, discussing it in chat, voting, editing, flagging, whatever. If it became CW for getting too many low quality answers, I wouldn't worry much...
...We can't control outside stuff, we can only manually adjust for it, learn to live with it. If it was so, it would be fine. But it ain't so. All this crap is only a result of collider bug. It's just a mistake in formula that scores a question with 2 good answers as if it has 5-6...
...It is very disappointing to see that SE team doesn't give a shit about this. They don't even bother to try corrected formula on Programming questions. That... hurts
Q: Trial run of modified "hotness formula" for Programmers questions

gnatCould we please make a trial run of modified "hotness formula" for Programmers questions? Modification details are described in this MSO post as follows: As far as I can tell, substantial part of Qanswers in current formula is fake. (log(Qviews)*4) + ((Qanswers * Qscore)/5) + sum(Ascor...

answer scores: +25, +14, -1, -1, -1 and one deleted
all -1 answers contribute +5 to question score, how freaking fair
how freaking smart
> the sum(Ascores) are now included -- one assumes if there are lots of answers, there will be a lot more voting on the answers, too
yeah sure
-1's are a lot more voting, indicate hotness, who would think otherwise
Conversation ended May 28, 2013 at 21:27.