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4:30 AM
1 hour later…
@Feeds The onebox tech to build in a chatbot winter
1 hour later…
7:04 AM
@Feeds No Ryan, No Onebox
@DialFrost g
(you dropped it)
@Mithical Wondering if you saw my answer on chat moderators to the community roles question.
One point you mentioned in your initial proposal was how chat moderation requires different skills from chat moderation. Someone asked me to elaborate how that's so in a comment on my answer, and I was wondering how you came to that conclusion in your proposal.
7:25 AM
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog I did, I'm afraid I've been rather preoccupied with other things, though (such as the ChatGPT mess)
In short: Q&A moderation is much more about janitorial work such as handling flags and deleting things, investigating votes, etc. Chat moderation requires more soft skills and good communication, since you're resolving disputes or defusing tense situations. One's about proficiency with tools, one's about conflict resolution.
8:07 AM
@Mithical So I guess it's more like on a site, the decisions to make in certain cases are essentially given (codified as per policies, e.g., this type of question is off-topic), whereas in chat, a user has to be able to make snap decisions as to what tools to use and when per their judgment.
That as well.
Also, chat requires the mod to be more open minded, IMO, as it should allow more flexibility than the Q&A sites.
No, those new chat mods should delete everything that's not directly related to the Q&A sites :P
@Mithical Yeah, I replied to their comment. Another commenter called your approach to the hierarchy out of date in this comment; what do you think of that?
I did respond to that one in a series of three comments beginning here.
This reminds me a bit of those ChatGPT answers XD
Someone posts them but can't respond to comments on their own.
8:21 AM
@Tinkeringbell great way to have chat close down, yeah. :D
And we'll have 150px blinking red banner "This is why we can't have good things". ;)
There is an alternate case I thought of with regards to ChatGPT. Sometimes I have the answer in my mind but I can't really put it down into words. Say that ChatGPT comes up with wording that basically describes exactly what I think of with good words. I'd then edit it to polish it before posting it and verify it's accurate. Should that be penalty-worthy?
@Tinkeringbell copy&paste are easy enough.
Or create a plugin to make it automatic.
Please don't give anyone ideas :P
Problem is that smart people use this, thinking it's super elegant and special.
@Tinkeringbell I'm sure that quite a few already thought about it. ;)
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog that's fine, the core issue is to verify the answer is correct.
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog meh
People are allowed to think it's a poor idea or whatever. I outlined what I thought would be effective based on my experience moderating chat and having gone through the downfall of Mos Eisley. Those are my opinions. I make no guarantees that they're the best ideas.
8:33 AM
Final question: how much do you personally care for it to be implemented as of right now? Much of your initial proposal mentioned being unable to moderate mods in the TL, but that's now possible, but to me it doesn't mean much since mods still can't be moderated in other rooms.
@Mithical cheers for that.
@Mithical I wasn't there at the time of Mos Eisley's closure, but what I did later see is that the same mod who was asked to resign by a CM has been indefinitely suspended from chat for a long while.
Mos Eisley wasn't it just closed by Shog for being toxic? Or is that something else?
But yeah, is it still an important issue in your opinion?
It's less of an issue than it had been, but I still feel it would be ultimately beneficial. The core idea of chat and Q&A requiring different skill sets and different approaches remains the same.
8:37 AM
@ShadowTheKidWizard The two users who instigated the disruption are still indefinitely banned from chat today, long after Shog's employment ceased (the practical maximum 9999-hour suspension has continuously been reinstated every time it's expired).
@ShadowTheKidWizard It was a years-long collapse with a bunch of different contributing factors.
@Mithical Yeah, I kind of figured that, which is why I decided to focus my answer on the first part of your proposal (re. skills) and leave out the second part (re. disruptive mods) for the comments.
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog that's good.
@Mithical yeah, but don't remember CM asking mod to resign.
That happened 2015.
Again, long story.
I was still new at the time and I don't remember all of the context.
@Mithical neither. It was frozen, closed, and deleted in May 2017.
Again, dunno about mod might be something else.
8:44 AM
I'm referring to the CM asking the mod to step down.
@Mithical oh. So it's not related to the chat room.
It is :P
7 mins ago, by Mithical
@ShadowTheKidWizard It was a years-long collapse with a bunch of different contributing factors.
That was one of them.
@Mithical OK, so I'm unaware of that, guess better this way. ;)
Anyhow, CM should not "ask" mod to resign, it can't lead to anything good, ever.
If CM finds a mod to be bad, they should consult with more CM's and if they agree, take the diamond away from the mod, end of story.
8:48 AM
It was basically a "resign or be removed" situation.
@Mithical that's the basic mistake.
Why? It allows the ex-mod the grace of announcing it themselves and being part of the discussion.
@Mithical in ideal world, which we don't live in.
@NordTheLoftyWizard I'm not running any diffuser locally. Like I said, I'm just playing with the demos available on Hugging Face
8:50 AM
@starball interesting, @Dial is dropping letters, and you add letters. :P
So it's "go", the dropped "g" and the extra "o". :D
I am Dial's dark twin- DIAL BURN
ooh those both sounds pretty cool
@SPArcheon how can you hug a face?
@ShadowTheKidWizard go ask them.
8:55 AM
@SPArcheon how? Can't see link to their meta site.
yay! Back to 123.
9:54 AM
@ShadowTheKidWizard I've been seeing you mention numbers like this. what do they mean?
*immediately leaves to go to bed without waiting for an answer
@ShadowTheKidWizard hopefully 125 now
1 hour later…
11:13 AM
@MetaAndrewT. 126 :D
@starball they count something
3 hours later…
2:08 PM
hmm should SO ban itself for using AI?
That's AI, and low quality one. ^
(compared to the shiny new stuff we get these days)
Also, misleading people on purpose isn't nice.
Someone not familiar with those things will think it's an actual person.
SO the company didn't ban AI
The mods on SO the site did.
@Tinkeringbell well according to @Slate it's under review internally now.
We have begun internal discussions to identify options for addressing this issue. We’re also reading what folks write about the topic on their individual sites, as one piece of assessing the overall impact. While we evaluate, we hope that folks on network sites feel comfortable establishing per-site policies responsive to their communities’ needs. — Slate ♦ 18 hours ago
You mean that one?
@Tinkeringbell yup
"to identify options for addressing this issue" > That could be something else besides a networkwide 'ban'.
2:14 PM
@Tinkeringbell yeah, so maybe it's just my wishful thinking. ;)
"establishting per-site policies responsive to their communities' needs." > If you can argue CGPT answers work on MSE, we can essentially establish a policy saying that no, these aren't banned here.
It is a very narrow interpretation of the fluffiness of the actual comment, yeah.
Well, if SE will approve using AI to post answers, it's the beginning of their end.
6 hours ago, by Shadow The Kid Wizard
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog that's fine, the core issue is to verify the answer is correct.
@Tinkeringbell lol
Using your own words against you but... if you think that is fine, then you don't want to blanket ban AI :P
2:17 PM
Maybe 0.00001% of the people will actually do it.
You want at least something that is clear enough on what is/isn't allowed to do with that AI then.
And when they'll see the others not doing and it getting away with it, they'll also stop bothering.
And e.g. if/how it should be attributed.
@Tinkeringbell but I do want to blanket ban AI. And then burn it.
Yeah. I'm not saying I'm more optimistic than you about the integrity of users doing such stuff. Just want to point out that you can't really say 'this is banned' and be done with it :P
2:20 PM
@Tinkeringbell well, that's one step. And then it would be ironic if SO itself is officially using AI for things that should be done by humans.
Meh. I don't mind chatbots. Usually they're of a sufficient quality to filter out those things that are needed, and save the human some time.
I've used some recently, it was a nice experience.
@Tinkeringbell good for you!
:P I've done that 'beep' a thousand times and more back when I was working the register. I wish some questions there were fielded by a bot too :P
Robotic parrot!
I am not a robot ;) I wish there had been a robot :P
2:26 PM
@Tinkeringbell I suspect @M.A.R is a robot
3:00 PM
The last one...
Feels like a conflict of interest, but flagged.
@Mithical boinked
it's now free
@starball lmaoo
3:49 PM
Not sure if you noticed but Its supposed to be midnight rn in Singapore
I'm not in Singapore
You're not?
He's been feeding us lies the whole time!
You're in India at the moment, no?
I mean, he's never been one to pay much attention to the clock, either, so I never question when he's around. :P
4:04 PM
@DialFrost that's awesome, you can go outside and see the stars.
If we're in contest mode, I've posted here few times when it was 3am in my local time. ;)
@Journeyman when's the wedding?
My cousin just got married
@Mithical yup
@ShadowTheKidWizard if I got married without telling @Catija and preferably sending her a streaming link, she would be quite disappointed 😁
Dec 27, 2013 at 1:02, by Shadow Wizard
3 AM if I can't spell this it means I must sleep!
@JourneymanGeek yay! Ring is nice? ;)
We don't do rings
@JourneymanGeek blasphemy! :D
So what you do do?
Well at least you got to buy new clothes and shoes. :P
I got to see the cousins
4:08 PM
@JourneymanGeek can do that anywhere anytime. No? ;)
Not really
No need for whole wedding just to see relatives.
They're mostly in India, and all over
Israel too by any chance? ;)
There's a few in the us and Australia
@JourneymanGeek Streaming link? I was expecting an invite...
@Catija to crash the party!
Well that too!
4:10 PM
You can't crash it if you're invited. :P
@Catija you can if getting drunk and losing the invitation! :D
Realistically I need a new job first. Again
4:11 PM
@ShadowTheKidWizard I don't get drunk. :P
But I do lose things all the time.
@Catija maybe you won't be able to resist India's drinks...
@ShadowTheKidWizard depends - I have seen some comically unlosable invitations
@JourneymanGeek duh, tattoo
More of something the size of a coffee table book
This way it's easy to track what weddings you attended, too.
4:12 PM
@JourneymanGeek :( I'm sorry to hear about that (again). Any leads atm?
When we were doing our wedding invites, I was amazed by some of the Indian ones... little scrolls in boxes and stuff with tassels... very elaborate.
@Spevacus not yet
Best of luck, then!
@Catija that's usually for friends, the family ones are simple
@Spevacus nothing solid
He's here!
That means it's time for me to go get haircut. Cya! :D
4:14 PM
Seems like the style has changed quite a bit since I was looking last... lots more just flat styles, more similar to US ones. :)
@Catija my brother's one was embossed paper and had a little resin cast 3d thing
That sounds somewhat fancy... though that was a while ago, too, right?
@ShadowTheKidWizard I'm getting my hair cut today, too. :D
Is it going to be green again?
@Catija yup
@Catija If it does work out, if there's samples I'll send you photos :D
:D YAY! :D
@Mithical No. Just cut, no color.
The place I'm going now is super expensive for color and I'm too lazy to find someone else.
4:29 PM
@JourneymanGeek Me too thanks :D
"Uh... so, I need 2-3 for friends and... the entire stack exchange community team"
Hey, what about me?
I think you'd be the former category :D
(Well unless SE's hiring policies change by then - which at this point I'm not holding out hope for)
But yeah, if you're someone I know here and want an invite, especially mod/cm types, its doable when well, things work out :D
as long as you feel I can be trusted with a mailing address :D
4:35 PM
4:53 PM
@JourneymanGeek well, the name starts with the same letter... are you two related in any way?
Q: More than 15k bottles of Viagra from Kenya, asking 110+ people for money, seriously?

iBug says Reinstate MonicaI received a strange mail from a well-known SE user with the following body two days ago: HALLO EVERYONE. I am writing to you from Kenya. I have recently come into contact with a great bunches of Viagras -- roughly 15,395.5 bottles worths! That's FIFTEEN THREE NINE FIVE and a half bottles. Th...

@JourneymanGeek see above, also know as "the great CC scandal"
oh I was on that mailing list
@JourneymanGeek neither am I
@JourneymanGeek same
Well then, the time in singapore should matter vaguely less
4:59 PM
@JourneymanGeek wru rn?
@JourneymanGeek Don't bother with mine, I'm sick that particular day :P
2 hours later…
6:33 PM
@Catija huh! What a coincidence. Barber named Kobi too? ;-)
@Mithical careful, such comment put someone in prison. :D
6:45 PM
@ShadowTheKidWizard stylist named Nina
@Catija well, close enough. Four letters too. ;)
Mine also calls himself "hair stylist" and charge more for that. :D
Apparently my $85 haircut would have been about 300 in Israel?
What the heck is that barber cutting ?! 85 dollars for a haircut ?!
Your hair made of barbed wire or snakes or something else hazardous?
7:01 PM
@Catija yeah that's about the price of woman's haircut. For men it's around 80 NIS when done by "stylist", I get it for half the price because they know my wife's parents from ages ago, so we're kind of V.I.P there. ;)
@Tinkeringbell it's like a jeans with a name cost double and triple. So when a barber becomes "hair stylist", price also gets double and triple. Premium quality, etc. :D
@Tinkeringbell the barber is cutting in @Catija's wealth ...
Dunno... it's pretty standard here. And that's without a tip. :D
She is one of their "master stylists".
My hair is one of the few things I spend much money on... :)
Even the expensive one my mom goes to doest dare ask over forty euros, and we don't have to tip XD. Last time I got a cut it was fourteen euros.
7:11 PM
I mean, if I go to a Supercuts, yeah. But a high-end salon, it's $60-100 here.
Oh, not saying you shouldn't spend the money however you like, it's just so far out of the price ranges I know over here, especially if it's only a haircut and not also dyeing or curling or a whole bridal thing XD
It's wash, cut, blowout.
Yeah, that's what they do with mine too, mostly because my hair is apparently thick and using one of those plant spray mist bottles to get it damp is too much work XD
Otherwise the one I go to skips the wash, the one my mom goes to does it always
Hope the haircut was worth it, and if you ever visit the Netherlands... Maybe get a haircut?.;)
:D It was nice. She makes her own products and she used a shampoo that has peppermint and it made my scalp really cool and tingly.
@ShadowTheKidWizard but what? D:
7:25 PM
My last haircut was a month ago in Tanzania - I paid $8 (in local currency) and got the feeling I paid the tourist price - not that I mind, not at all ...
(and I do know treatments and hence prices are different for men)
7:44 PM
@Catija Might've been tea tree oil. It's good stuff.
But yeah, here in the US, 85$ cuts for women is quite common (sadly)
@Spevacus She did tell me that it was peppermint. :P
But there are a few areas in the US where it's cheaper, depending upon the place you go
there's small barber shops around here you can get it for less, but, they're not necessarily stylists

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