SatisMeter changelog
SatisMeter changelog

Integration with Productboard




This is the first step in connecting SatisMeter to Productboard as part of our mission of making products that matter, together.

Send any survey responses natively to Productboard as individual notes where you can easily tag them and prioritize the customer feedback.

Check out the documentation to learn how to activate it.


Organization Management




Until now, our subscriptions were tied to a single user and projects they created. This often caused confusion for bigger teams.

Today we are introducing Organization management.


Subscriptions are now tied to Organizations, which can have multiple projects and surveys in them. We are also introducing user permissions, allowing you to adjust per-project permissions for every user individually or assign them global roles.

Check out our documentation on this to learn more.

Customer Support Changes




We are moving from Intercom to Zendesk (chat & help docs). You should also see some new faces on our support. The level of support we provide is staying the same, but expect a few bumps as we polish the kinks in the setup.


You can find the new documentation here.

Multiple Answers




This highly requested survey type is finally here. A single choice is nice, but what if you want more. Let users choose as many checkboxes as they wish.

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Productboard + SatisMeter




SatisMeter joins Productboard, the customer-centric product management platform that helps organizations get the right products to market, faster.

Read our announcement and our FAQ to learn more.


Filter per Quarters




A new set of Dashboard's date range filters allows you to filter all survey data per "This quarter", "Last quarter", or simply by the "Past 3 months".

Screenshot 2022-05-05 at 14.00.31.png

Rest API improvements




Our Rest API is no longer limited only to NPS surveys, now covering all survey types! Plus, you can now fetch data on the project or survey level.

You'll find the documentation in our Help Center article.

Survey Delay




In the Targeting section, you'll find the option to trigger the survey after XY seconds spent on the page or right after the page loads. Screenshot 2022-02-17 at 9.55.21.png

Trigger on Event improvements




Choose between triggering the survey only right after the event was tracked, or allowing the system to attempt its delivery for up to XY days.
Screenshot 2022-02-15 at 14.57.00.png

Overlay pop-up




Make your in-app pop-up appear overtop of the main content on the page. A great option for surveys that require the user's complete focus! image.png