


🌿 Making Farm Biodiversity Investable 🌿


Make your raw-material sourcing regenerative. Move from fragile supply chains to resilient supply ecosystems. - Get support on your corporate journey to become a force of regeneration - Commit to co-creating and facilitating localized, resilient bio-regions - Join us in re-inventing agricultural systems and building capacity recelio was originally founded in 2018 under the name of “Soulfood Forestfarms” as a Swiss non-profit association. We finished our first project phase in December 2021.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Regenerative Agroforestry, Syntropic Farming, Regenerative Agriculture, Strategic Consultancy, Operational Consultancy, Project Management, Biodiversity und Systemsthinking


Beschäftigte von recelio


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    Profil von Christian Fu Müller anzeigen, Grafik

    Create Collapse Resilience | Grow Biodiversity with Syntropic Farming | Think Systemically || Vice President of recelio

    ❓ How can LIFE emerge, sustain itself, and evolve?  You guess, it's all about BALANCE! Here's why ... Italian scientist Ulisse di Corpo highlights a crucial point about balance, particularly within the realms of the microcosm and macrocosm. 🤔 So how does that look? Di Corpo suggests that life originates in the microcosm where the balance between #entropy and #syntropy is maintained. The #MACROCOSM is governed by the law of entropy. It dictates that time flows from the past to the future. This flow represents mechanical causation, where causes lead to effects in a linear progression. In the macrocosm, disorder tends to increase over time due to the law of entropy. The #MICROCOSM experiences a balance between entropy and syntropy though. 😲 Here, time flows in BOTH directions! It allows for both: causality (cause-effect) and retrocausality (effect-cause). This bidirectional flow is a unique characteristic that supports the possibility of life's origin within the microcosm. The balance between entropy and syntropy is essential because it allows for the conditions necessary for life to develop and persist. When life extends beyond the microcosm into the macrocosm, it encounters the dominant force of entropy, leading to conflicts as it tries to maintain order and complexity. Syntropy is essential in counterbalancing entropy, creating a dynamic state where life can exist and flourish. And this is exactly what we do in #SyntropicFarming:  💡 We counterbalance entropy by focusing on syntropic processes. This is essentially why Syntropic Farming is a little bit like magic and can create systems that do not need any inputs to create abundance. And we grow nice walnuts in our systems as well. No matter if you want to use them for crazy balancing experiments or just eat them 😉 __ Follow me for more: #recelioFu

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    Profil von Ursula "Uzzy" Arztmann anzeigen, Grafik

    President & Founder | Biodiversity advocate, Syntropic Farming educator, Entomology nerd, Weaver of a resilient future & Macro photographer

    🌼 Are #flowerstrips deadly traps for pollinators? This is a vital question. As agricultural practices intensify, pollinator populations drop drastically. 🌸 Field border plantings can increase the diversity and abundance of pollinators yet recent studies suggest that these areas contain #pesticides. 🐝 So a new study (Ward et al. 2022) specifically looked at wild bees and honey bees and their #contamination risk. Pesticide load of air, soil, plants and the insects themselves in field border plantings were analyzed. The top five pesticides detected in all samples were: Bifenthrin (insecticide, not approved in the EU) Thiobencarb (herbicide) Metolaclor (herbicide) Propanil (herbicide) Fluopyram (fungicide) Most types were detected in the air (24) then soils (21), then flowers (16). ⚠️ The plants in the flower strips did not receive a direct pesticide application yet contained pesticides of the adjacent fields as well as pesticides that were not used there. 👉🏼 The pesticide concentration on bees was lower than that in flowers but higher than that of the soil. 🧪 We also know by now, that the exposure pollinators receive are highly #mixed. The interactions of the chemicals together often lead to lethal or sublethal effects. Often Herbicides + Fungicides become lethal insecticides in combination. 👁 What looks beautiful to the eye and is often planted with good intentions or because it's rewarded financially, is not reaching the goals if fields are still treated with pesticides. 🛡 Buffer zones would be required that include high non-flowering hedges to absorb the air drift plus deep rooting native grasses to minimize soil leakage. Or we start farming regeneratively.... 👉🏼 With all our measures to "save" biodiversity, they will not succeed if we do not transform our land use systems, especially agriculture. photo: European wool carder bee (Anthidium manicatum) image credit: #recelioUzzy

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    Profil von Ursula "Uzzy" Arztmann anzeigen, Grafik

    President & Founder | Biodiversity advocate, Syntropic Farming educator, Entomology nerd, Weaver of a resilient future & Macro photographer

    😯 Impressed? This used to be normal, my friends. We easily forget when species are less visible, less present in our lifes. That is why most people have not noticed the dramatic drop of 76% insect populations in the past 20 years. 🦋 These magnificent #butterflies are Marbled White (Melanargia galathea). Galathea was a nymph in Greek mythology 🧚♀️ The main habitat of the Marbled White are dry meadows and pastures. These extensively managed #grasslands have strongly #declined over the past century in Switzerland (Lachat et al. 2010). 👉🏼 This year, the already declining butterflies might not be able to live their full cycle. 🌧 It was rainy, it was cold. So they are late. Fortunately their food sources are still present...oh wait ... no... 🙈 The #law! 📜 15th of June marks the time of mowing for extensive meadows. And latecomers... are f*cked. ⚠️ Or more politely: we beautifully increase #BiodiversityLoss by sticking to a law even in a year which is off the norm (which by the way will be the new normal!) 👉🏼 Dear politicians, law makers and community meadow mowers: think! Maybe you have noticed the absence of butterflies, beetles, wild bees etc. this year (it's drastic). Please think before mowing. Thank you! Video by #recelioUzzy

  • recelio hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Christian Fu Müller anzeigen, Grafik

    Create Collapse Resilience | Grow Biodiversity with Syntropic Farming | Think Systemically || Vice President of recelio

    😲 A bee riding a broomstick? Yeah, but did you know that she is 120x MORE EFFICIENT than a honeybee? Here’s what we can LEARN from her: Unlike domesticated honeybees, a mason bee carries pollen on her belly rather than her legs. What seems like a tiny detail makes her a vastly more effective pollinator. As she visits flowers, the pollen falls off across a wide array of blossoms. That significantly enhances cross-pollination and provides a vital service to our ecosystems and #agriculture. But there is more to learn from her about #efficiency: 🐝 Unlike their honey-making relatives, she doesn't waste time building extensive hives. Instead, she utilizes what nature provides, like pre-existing holes and empty snail shells, to create her nest. This not only conserves energy but also maximizes her time spent pollinating. 🐝 On top of that, she has a pretty unique way of pollinating. Mason bees crawl all over blossoms, touching every part including the styles, and drop more pollen along the way. This results in more efficient pollination compared to honeybees, which are more methodical in their movements and fill their pollen baskets carefully. The mason bee's approach teaches us a vital lesson in efficiency and #sustainability. In a world where resources are limited, her ability to do more with less supports her survival and also enhances the ecosystem around her. Imagine applying the mason bee’s efficiency in our businesses and daily processes. 💡 My takeaway: 🔸 Efficiency doesn't always mean cutting costs or speeding up processes. 🔸 It's about smarter utilization of resources. 🔸 And it's crucial to understand the environment and adapt processes that contribute to sustainable (or better, regenerative) outcomes. ❓ What if we could enhance our project efficiency by learning from the mason bee’s methods? Imagine reducing resource use while maximizing output - just like she does! __ Follow me for more: #recelioFu __ The clip of the mason bee riding a miniature broomstick is featured in the third episode of Sir David Attenborough's BBC series "Wild Isles".

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    Profil von Christian Fu Müller anzeigen, Grafik

    Create Collapse Resilience | Grow Biodiversity with Syntropic Farming | Think Systemically || Vice President of recelio

    🤬 Extreme weather is crushing our #agriculture, but there’s a TRICK that could change everything. Bayer & Syngenta don’t want you to KNOW THIS! Our #Agriculture is NOT resilient to crazy weather patterns. If it's not the drought and water scarcity, it's torrential rainfalls and floods. Or pests and crop diseases. So where there's pain, there's demand for a cure. And maybe we could make a good buck with that? 👉 THIS IS WHAT THEY COME UP WITH: Genetically engineered seed varieties that they can patent. 👉 THERE IS JUST ONE SIMPLE PROBLEM: Their stuff does not work. Because it's engineered with a reductionist mechanistic approach that does not understand nature, evolution, and biodiversity. Or doesn't want to do it differently, because: PROFIT. Their #GMO seed "solution": 🚫 1. Lacks genetic diversity (an important part of #Biodiversity). Ancient and old varieties of seeds have evolved over thousands of years under diverse environmental conditions. That created a type of genetic memory which makes them more resilient to pests, diseases, and clim4tic variations. GMO seeds don't. They are often genetically uniform, aka they are plain STUPID. 💰 2. Depends on more and more chemical inputs. Many GMO crops are designed to be resistant to specific herbicides or to produce their own pesticides. This creates a dependency on chemical inputs, which can lead to several issues, including soil degradation, pest resistance, and negative impacts on "non-target species." And it is the stuff that poisons our families and gives them cancer, infertility, Parkinson's, and all types of other diseases. They LOVE that, by the way. First, sell the poison that creates more diseases, then sell the drugs to fight those. A never-ending circular business! ☣️ 3. Causes havoc on local ecosystems. Their GMO varieties cross-pollinate with wild relatives, leading to unintended consequences. And the reduction in the diversity of crops grown has cascading effects on the entire ecosystem, including #soilhealth and biodiversity. So here's the trick I promised you in my hook: We need to collectively say NO to 'stupid seeds' and crop varieties that are owned by big corporations. There is just NOTHING GOOD about them, other than the profit for their shareholders. 🌱 Seeds are life. 🫂 They belong to our communities and nature itself, not to private corporations. __ Follow me for more: #recelioFu __ Video clip is taken from "The Seeds of Vandana Shiva" Trailer on YouTube: You can watch the entire movie online, search for it!

  • recelio hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Ursula "Uzzy" Arztmann anzeigen, Grafik

    President & Founder | Biodiversity advocate, Syntropic Farming educator, Entomology nerd, Weaver of a resilient future & Macro photographer

    🌼 Did you know: #Pollination is a #teamsport ... ...highly dependent on wild bees and other insects. 🦋🐞🐝🐜 As studies show (Garibaldi et al. 2013, 2016, 2017), wild insects pollinated crops more effectively! An increase in wild insect visitation enhanced fruit set by 👉🏼 twice as much as an equivalent increase in honey bee visitation. Visitation by wild insects and honey bees promoted fruit set independently, so pollination by managed honey bees supplemented, rather than substituted for, pollination by wild insects. We also know that crop yield increases linearly with #pollinator_richness (no. of different species). The enhancement of #habitats for wild pollinators is the main strategy to increase flower-visitor richness. The results show that new practices for integrated management of both honey bees and diverse wild insect assemblages will enhance global crop yields.... I was able to photograph this tiny wool-carder bee (Anthidium punctatum) sleeping on lavender blossoms. Only with diverse agricultural landscapes free of pesticides will she be able to contribute to the abundance of our food supply. Happy world bee day! #recelioUzzy

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    Profil von Christian Fu Müller anzeigen, Grafik

    Create Collapse Resilience | Grow Biodiversity with Syntropic Farming | Think Systemically || Vice President of recelio

    🌽 Ever thought about how a simple PLOW changed the world? Do you think that TOOLS are value NEUTRAL? The plow wasn't just about farming, it was about dominating animals and the land. Long row cropping needed lots of land, so forests were cleared. A new worldview emerged, one of control and manipulation. Many of us naively believe that technology is neither good nor bad, it's just a tool. But tools have values built into them, and they condition the population that uses them. The plow is a perfect example: Farming with a plow was a completely different behavior, a different worldview. It ended animism, but it also grew populations. Those who used the plow had advantages that led to winning wars, while those who refused were either killed or overpopulated. So, tools and technologies not only affect the nature of human minds and cultures, but they also become obligatory if you don't want to get eliminated or disadvantaged. This is something that we should really keep in mind designing our ventures and creating and releasing new tools. 🤔 What do you think? __ This short clip is part of an epic podcast by Mark from "Before Skool" (Check it on Youtube!) featuring Daniel Schmachtenberger, entitled "Game Theory, False Narratives, Survival, Life Advice - Daniel Schmachtenberger": I can wholeheartedly recommend to watch the whole thing. It's most likely going to be a transformative masterclass for you. WATCH IT! #agriculture #technology #gametheory __ Follow me for more: #recelioFu

  • recelio hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Ursula "Uzzy" Arztmann anzeigen, Grafik

    President & Founder | Biodiversity advocate, Syntropic Farming educator, Entomology nerd, Weaver of a resilient future & Macro photographer

    🌼 A bee does not know from birth where the flowers are or what exactly they look like. She does not know how to manipulate them and whether they contain nectar or pollen. 🐝 There is no experience on her first flight whether a flower is a good resource or poor or if they have been depleted already by another pollinator. All these things have to be explored and learned by each individual bee. 🧠 In other words, a bee has to learn a looot in its short adult lifetime of around three weeks or it will neither find its way home nor become an efficient flower forager. 🍯 A foraging bee will have to visit 1000 flowers and fly 10km to fill its honey stomach once. 100 such trips are necessary to generate a teaspoon of honey. 🔐 Visiting 1000 flowers means learning and remembering up to 1000 floral puzzles on how to actually get to the nectar. These mechanics can be as complicated as operating a lock. 🧭 And it means to fly through natural habitats of repetitive and similar patterns over large distances yet still be able to find the hive, find rewarding flower patches and knowing when these flowers are available at which time of the day. 👉🏼 A tiny brain in a tiny animal, yet their capabilities are mindblowing. 👏🏼 📗 Reading tip: "The mind of a bee" by Lars Chittka #mindofabee #natureisstunning #macrophotography #pollinators #uzzyself

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    Profil von Christian Fu Müller anzeigen, Grafik

    Create Collapse Resilience | Grow Biodiversity with Syntropic Farming | Think Systemically || Vice President of recelio

    🎉 We have just finished our innovative hybrid #SyntropicFarming course for the temperate zone and it was a full success! ❤️ Teaching people in syntropic farming is a privilege and a joy – especially when you are lucky to do it on the warmest and sunniest of weekends of this year! So we began March with the highlight of a training program that started last October and brought 30 people from all over Europe and beyond to a little village in Germany. 👉 What was special about it? 🌱 We listened to you and changed the classical 5 day workshop on site into a format of 5 evening classes in fall and a practical weekend in spring. This way the workshop was less of an investment time-wise, cheaper and at the same time richer in content. 🌱 The online sessions were enriched with additional content and could be watched whenever. 🌱 We created many printout and digital templates for you to do better designs and analyze your environment and market more swiftly. 🌱 With the distribution of theory in fall and practical in early spring, we were able to collect seeds, do a design and order planting material, so that the new systems of the participants could be planted within the same planting season. 👉 That's way better impact and a deeper learning journey. This was also feedback received by a happy and hard working group of participants. 🙏 All of this would not have been possible without the fruitful partnership with #relavisio / Urs Mauk and Laurenz Von Glahn – thank you all for your support, energy, and experience! Next: We are happy to be able now to continue with our work on English training materials and courses. Follow us to stay up to date: #recelioRegeneration __ #recelioFu

    • A group of people planting trees and shrubs during a Syntropic Farming workshop in Germany, March 2024
  • recelio hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Christian Fu Müller anzeigen, Grafik

    Create Collapse Resilience | Grow Biodiversity with Syntropic Farming | Think Systemically || Vice President of recelio

    🔺 +++ #AMOC Tipping Point Warning +++ 🔺 You may have seen the news regarding the possible #collapse of the AMOC... "Physics-based early warning signal shows that AMOC is on tipping course.“ So what's the AMOC and why is this BAD news? The AMOC is like a slow-moving river in the ocean. This ocean river moves warm water from near the equator, where it's really sunny and warm, all the way up to the North Atlantic, near places like Greenland and Europe. The warm water it carries makes some places, like parts of Europe, warmer than they would be otherwise. And when this warm water gets to the colder areas in the north, it cools down, sinks deep into the ocean, and then travels all the way back down south. Now this AMOC is moving towards a tipping point, which will lead to massively slowing down the process - or make it even stop entirely. When this happens, we will see dramatic changes in weather patterns. Temperatures in Northern Europe can lower 10-30°C. It has happened before, so we know that it can happen again. And while this is generally known since decades, we have alerting news: New advanced models have developed definitions of warning signs for the AMOC reaching a tipping point. And now we have fresh data from the south Atlantic that shows these warning signs. This could happen within the next decades and as early as 2025, although that's of course uncertain. 2025. Next year, my friends. Well.. that does not mean that the AMOC will stop entirely immediately, but even that could happen within the next 50-100 years. It's time to not only be aware, but to accept collapse. The implications on energy consumption, migration and #agriculture will be significant. And speaking for my area here: Agriculture needs to transition rapidly to regenerative highly diverse systems. We have developed these systems in the last 5 decades and are ready to implement and scale them up. 👉 What is needed now is that the finance and governmental world wakes up and joins the regenerative movement. __ 🔔 Follow me: #recelioFu __ #regenerativeagriculture #syntropicfarming

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