Oxygen at Work

Oxygen at Work


Wir verbessern die Luft im Büro mit wissenschaftlich basierten Pflanzenlösungen und smarter Luftanalyse-Software. 🌿


Oxygen at Work hilft Unternehmen, ihre Luftqualität mit Pflanzen und Luftanalysen zu verbessern. Dies führt zu gesünderen und produktiveren Mitarbeitenden, weniger Krankheitsabsenzen, einem gesteigerten Wohlbefinden und einem geringen ökologischen Fussabdruck. Unsere massgeschneiderten Pflanzenkonzepte basieren auf wissenschaftlichen Studien und praktischer Erfahrung aus über 450 realisierten Projekten. Durch professionelle Pflege und der richtigen Menge an geeigneten Pflanzen reduzieren wir den Anteil von Luftschadstoffen und stellen eine optimale Luftfeuchtigkeit sicher.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Innenraumbepflanzung, CO2 Reduktion, VOCs, Betriebliches Gesungheitsmanagement, Begrünung und Luftmessungen


Beschäftigte von Oxygen at Work


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    Yesterday, our team gathered for another unforgettable team event at the Bächlihof in Jona. 👩🌾🎉 After our quarterly update in the morning, we started our journey to Jona. In a Farmer's Tournament, everyone got to show their skills and practice teamwork in various farm-themed challenges. From tractor races to darts, the competition was surprising and exciting. Congratulations to our winning team, Deborah, Anna, Tom, Arjanit, and Olivier, who proved their skills. 🚜🏆 As the sun set, we enjoyed a nice dinner, during which we had some more wonderful time getting together and sharing stories from our lives. Thank you to everyone who was part of our adventures yesterday; you made this an unforgettable day filled with fun and laughter! 💚✨🌱 #TeamEvent #SummerEvent #CompanyCulture #TogetherWeGrow #OxygenAtWork Jucker Farm AG

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    Have you talked to your plants today? No? You might want to change that immediately! 🤭🗣️ It turns out it's more than just a quirky habit—there are scientifically proven benefits behind it! Researchers published an article with Frontiers showing that talking to your plants can boost your mental well-being and even contribute to their growth. 🌱✨ They discovered that playing music at the level of a regular conversation (around 70 decibels) triggered specific responses in plants, indicating they do react to sounds. Even more interestingly, the frequency of the sound affected the intensity of these responses—higher frequencies resulted in stronger reactions. 🎶🔊 So, make sure to take a second to check in and chat with your leafy friends! It's good for both you and your plants. 💚 #PlantScience #MentalWellbeing #OfficePlants #OxygenAtWork

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    A functional greening concept that brings nature into your daily work life? Welcome to ABB’s office! 🤩🪴 Imagine stepping into an office equipped from small plants on shelves and climbing plants as room separators to standalone potted plants seamlessly integrated into the architecture. This green concept and ABB's modern and light office design, featuring beautiful wooden ceiling elements, huge windows, and abundant natural light, complement each other perfectly. Our goal was to create an environment that not only looks beautiful but also feels invigorating and is functional. The lush greenery adds a dynamic touch to the sleek, contemporary aesthetic, fostering a welcoming and energizing atmosphere for employees and guests, while providing privacy, separation and improving indoor air quality. Check out more project where we've brought a bit of nature indoors on our website 👉 https://hubs.la/Q02CpK0X0 #OfficePlants #OfficeDesign #ModernWorkplace #GreenWorkspace #NaturalLight #OxygenAtWork

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  • Unternehmensseite von Oxygen at Work anzeigen, Grafik

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    How can hanging plants transform your workspace? 🌿🏢 By incorporating hanging plants into your office, you're not just adding a touch of nature to your workspace. You're also implementing a strategy that can significantly enhance your well-being and productivity. These plants, a key element of biophilic design, connect us with nature and create a more pleasant work environment, all while being a practical solution for limited office space. To learn how to effectively use these plants and discover three species that thrive even with limited light, explore our new blog 👉  https://lnkd.in/dTPMgyMi #BiophilicDesign #HealthyOffice #OfficePlants #GreenWorkspace #OxygenAtWork

    The three best hanging plants for your office | Oxygen at Work

    The three best hanging plants for your office | Oxygen at Work


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    On today's World Environment day we would like to introduce you to a partner we have been working with since our very early days! 🌱👶 The NGO WeForest 🌿 runs 18 restoration projects and are growing an impressive number of 100 million trees all over the world. We have been supporting one of their projects in Zambia’s Copperbelt with two trees for every plant we place in an office since our first greening. They are partnering with farmers and are also promoting forest-friendly livelihoods like beekeeping, helping local communities as well as nature. To learn more about this project, read here 👉 https://lnkd.in/dq8JCRev #WorldEnvironmentDay #ForestRestoration #Sustainability #OxygenAtWork Images: © Ruben Foquet, WeForest © Sybryn Maes

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    Say Hello to Team Berlin! 🌍 We're excited to extend our roots in Germany! To support our Berlin team and establish Oxygen at Work as the leading brand for office greening, we're making regular visits to our new Berlin office. This time, our CEO Manuel joined in. But it's not all about formal meetings; building strong connections matters too. Check out Manuel with our Berlin team—Vanda & Matilda (Business Development) and Silvan (Greenery Expansion Manager)—enjoying a pleasant evening while basking in the Berlin sun. ☀️ Want to join our journey in Berlin? We are looking for a Project Manager and Greenery Specialist to join our team. Find out more here: https://hubs.la/Q02z2t8w0 #TeamOxygenatWork #GreenOffice #OfficeBerlin #WorkplaceHealth #SustainableGrowth

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    🌿📰 Exciting News - Literally! 📰🌿 Usually, they are the ones writing headlines, but this time it’s different. We're excited to announce our project with 20 Minuten, a leading name in Swiss media. Here’s what we’ve been up to 🍃 Oxygen Curtains: Leaves of the Philodendron scandens create curtains, ensuring that fresh ideas remain just that—fresh and private. Green Lounges: Exhausted from the fifth proofread? Relax surrounded by the heart-shaped leaves of the Scindapsus pictus and the large, majestic Monstera deliciosa. Green Shelves: Tuning into the latest news podcast has never been easier - green shelves with plants create the perfect acoustics. Air Quality Monitoring 🔍 Of course, our air quality sensor technology was also installed. Through that, 20 Minuten can observe the impact the plants make on the air and to what extent the air quality supports the health and wellbeing of the employees. What green features would you add? 🌱 Link to the project: https://hubs.la/Q02ydk4t0 #GreenOffice #AirQuality #BiophilicDesign #WorkplaceHealth #SustainableWorkspaces

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  • Unternehmensseite von Oxygen at Work anzeigen, Grafik

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    True or False? Removing office plants increases stress and reduces productivity. 🧠🌿 If you said it’s true, you’re absolutely right! Research’s Results🍃 > Studies found that office plants do not only improve air quality, but also boost focus, productivity, and creativity. > When plants are removed, productivity even drops! 📉 > Psychological research shows that being around plants helps us feel less tired and more alert. This means that adding plants to your office is more than just making it look nice; it's about making it a better place to work. > Office plants are also a smart choice because they're affordable and easy to add to any space. How we can help 🌱 At Oxygen at Work, we help you using these superpowers of office plants — by creating science-backed plant concepts tailored for your workspace. Imagine walking into an office that not only looks welcoming but actually helps you think clearer and work better. Let’s make your office a place where everyone wants to be, and everything gets done. #WorkplaceWellbeing #Productivity #OfficeDesign #BiophilicDesign #HealthyWorkplace

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    🍃 The Secret to Workplace Health is in the Air - Learn More About It in Our April Air Quality Report 🍃 Clean air is essential for workplace productivity and health. That’s why we not only introduce greenery to improve air quality but also meticulously measure it to offer factual insights. 🔍 Our April’s Report Highlights Overall, employee health, well-being, and safety scores surpassed 80%. While most key parameters remained in optimal ranges, TVOC levels exceeded the ideal threshold every now and then. Though this may sound concerning, the actual impact depends on exposure time. Understanding TVOCs and Their Impact TVOCs (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) are chemicals that evaporate easily and can impact employee health and productivity. They come from office equipment, carpets and furnishings. 💨 4 Tips on How You can Effectively Control TVOCs 1. Ventilation: Improve airflow to reduce pollutants. 2. Material Selection: Opt for low-emitting office furnishings. 3. Regular Maintenance: Keep equipment and surfaces clean to limit pollutants. 4. Plant Power: Office plants naturally absorb harmful pollutants like TVOCs and CO2. Read the full report online for more insights. 🌿 https://hubs.la/Q02w7cG_0 #AirQuality #OfficeAir #EmployeeWellbeing #OfficePlants #HealthyWorkplace

    April 2024: Office Air Quality Report – Nurturing Healthier Work Environments

    April 2024: Office Air Quality Report – Nurturing Healthier Work Environments


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    🌿 Ever Wondered How "Green" Can Go Vertical? Check Out Eraneos' Five Floors of Green Revolution! 🌿 In our latest project, we collaborated with Eraneos Switzerland - enhancing their office air quality and design across five floors at their headquarters in Zurich. 🍃 What we Achieved: A Welcoming Reception: Anchored by two majestic Kentia Palms, the reception area sets a lush, inviting tone for both visitors and staff. Striking Plant Additions: Each floor showcases an array of plant life - from the towering Spathiphyllum 'Sensation' with its glossy, dark green colours to the charming heart-shaped leaves of Philodendron scandens. State-of-the-Art Air Quality: Similar to Eraneos, we care about cutting-edge technology. On every floor we've installed advanced air sensors, providing Eraneos with real-time updates on the improvements in air quality—proof that our green initiatives are making a difference. 👀 Curious to see more photos of this green transformation? Check out the project on our website: https://hubs.la/Q02tNmDg0 Workplace Concept: Evolution Design #GreenOffice #AirQuality #BiophilicDesign #WorkplaceHealth #SustainableWorkspaces

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