enhanced Teams

enhanced Teams


Rapperswil, Sankt Gallen 869 Follower:innen

Wir erweitern die Grenzen der Technologie, um das Leben von körperlich beeinträchtigten Menschen zu verbessern


Treppen steigen, an einem Tisch sitzen, in einen Bus einsteigen oder durch eine Tür gehen – alles alltägliche Handlungen. Für Menschen mit einer körperlichen Beeinträchtigung, zum Beispiel einer Querschnittslähmung, stellen sie eine grosse Herausforderung dar. Es gibt verschiedene Wege, diese Herausforderungen für beeinträchtigte Menschen zu mindern und ihre Lebensqualität effektiv zu verbessern. Der Weg der Enhanced Teams führt über radikale Innovation und Technik. Oder wie Werner Witschi, Paraplegiker und erfahrener Ingenieur, der seit vielen Jahren mit den Enhanced Teams zusammenarbeitet, sagt: «Ohne Innovation kommen wir nicht weiter!»

11–50 Beschäftigte
Rapperswil, Sankt Gallen
Health, Science, Mechanical Engineering, Exoskeleton for Paraplegics, Electrical Engineering, Health Science and Technology, CYBATHLON 2020, exoskeleton, engineering und exo


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    Oberseestrasse 10

    Gebäude 8

    Rapperswil, Sankt Gallen 8640, CH


Beschäftigte von enhanced Teams


  • Unternehmensseite von enhanced Teams anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    We want to say a special thanks to our sponsor and partner: FAULHABER Drive Systems 🙌 Faulhaber has been supporting us through the years with high performance motors to develop and drive our projects. Zed Evolution is an exceptional example, the Faulhaber powered wheelchair has won the renowned CYBATHLON multiple times. Without their support and expertise in the field we wouldn’t have been able to achieve such a success! Thank you FAULHABER Drive Systems for supporting the enhanced Teams @OST and your interest in rehabilitation technology! #FaulhaberDriveSystems #EnhancedTeam #Partnership #Innovation #MobilityAids

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  • Unternehmensseite von enhanced Teams anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    🌟Long-lasting Partnership 🌟 Today we want to celebrate the important and long-lasting partnership with FAULHABER Drive Systems. Through the years, Faulhaber supported us with various motors and equipment needed for our research projects. We were always able to count on their support and expertise to explore new concepts with our mobility aid prototypes.   Previously, our wheelchair ZED Evolution won the CYBATHLON challenge 2024. This achievement wouldn't have been possible without Faulhaber's vital involvement. Check out the short video clip below for some competition insights.   The Enhanced Teams are proud to be sponsored by FAULHABER Drive Systems and are looking forward to many more innovation projects.   #FaulhaberDriveSystems #EnhancedTeam #Partnership #Innovation #MobilityAids

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    ⏳ SWISS AUTOMATION. Jetzt noch bis zum 30. Juni 2024 von Early-Bird-Tickets profitieren. 👉 Den Link zur Anmeldung finden Sie in den Kommentaren. Dort finden Sie auch heraus, was das Programm zum Thema "SMART AUTOMATION" alles zu bieten hat. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anmeldung. Departement Technik OST, Toolpoint for Lab Science

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  • Unternehmensseite von enhanced Teams anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    To drive our enhanced prototypes, we rely on the outstanding performance and reliability of Maxon motors. 🚀 In particular, the simplicity of ordering motors and other equipment makes Maxon an ideal partner for innovative projects. Moreover, their customer service assists in selecting the most suitable products from their huge range of products. The Enhanced Team @OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule wants to thank maxon for the uncomplicated and goal-oriented partnership throughout the years. 🙌 #Maxon #Innovation #Partnership #Reliability

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  • Unternehmensseite von enhanced Teams anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    Ever wondered how we develop new movements for our prototypes? 🤖 As you can probably guess, this is a multistep process that involves a lot of preparation and testing. First, we define the new movement, e.g., a stairs-down movement. This movement then needs to be planned with software called a Trajectory Planner. The movement basically gets split up into smaller movements and is later assembled into a whole cycle. (Step 1) To get a rough understanding of the new movement, we then simulate the movement with software (step 2). After creating the movement pattern, we move to the testing phase. To maximize safety for our test participants and to get a first look at the real movement, we conduct tests primarily in the “air” (step 3). If the whole team approves the movement, we advance to the next phase, where we try out the movement in a secured environment (step 4). We make sure that the prototype (e.g., enhanced Hybrid) is secured with ropes and “spotters” so it can’t fall over and suffer damage. If the prototype successfully completes this testing phase, we finally prepare for testing with humans. To guarantee the highest possible safety for our paraplegic pilots, an experienced team member gets the joy of first walking the new movement (step 5). After adjusting and improving the new movement, the day finally comes when our pilots can use the newly developed prototype (step 6). The duration of developing a new movement normally depends on the complexity of the movement and the time needed for adjusting and improving the movement between the different testing phases. After all, the whole team is always excited when new movement tests are upcoming, and we get to explore the boundaries of our prototypes. #OST #enhancedHybrid #innovation #rehabilitation

  • Unternehmensseite von enhanced Teams anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    Inclusion is the idea that everyone should be able to use the same facilities, take part in the same activities, and enjoy the same experiences… … including people who have a disability. There are a lot of companies that publicly promote the idea of inclusion. But there are only a few companies that actively support the key area where there's the highest possibility to accelerate the transition to a fully inclusive society. And that one area is technological innovation.   As Werner Witschi, wheelchair user and SUVA ambassador said: "Without innovation there's no progress." Technological innovation 🦿removes the barriers standing between our current society, and a fully inclusive one.   A company that has supported novel technological breakthroughs since many years is @Faulhaber Drive Systems. We want to thank you for your unceasing efforts to create an even better society – and for your partnership. #faulhaber #innovation #OST #inclusion

  • Unternehmensseite von enhanced Teams anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    The Motors are great Maxon! 🚀 We often get asked what the cornerstone of our assistive technologies are. While there are many components that facilitate the work of our technology…   ·        … cables… ·        … metals… ·        … computers…   … it's truly the motors that (literally) move the needle.   They also happen to be one of the most complex components of our devices. So we're happy to say that maxon has generously supported all of our projects with high-quality, durable motors. Thanks again, maxon #OST #enhancedTeams #rehabilitation #maxon

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  • Unternehmensseite von enhanced Teams anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    🎉 Thrilling Progress! 🚀 We are delighted to share that this week marked a significant milestone for the Enhanced Teams. Our pilot Rolf Schoch, accomplished a remarkable feat with the Enhanced Hybrid. Following extensive testing and meticulous planning, Rolf was able to walk the first few steps. This achievement not only signifies a breakthrough for our team but also represents a momentous occasion for Rolf himself. For the first time, he experienced the freedom of movement, walking in an exoskeleton with hands free—an extraordinary moment that underscores the transformative potential of this technology. Here's to many more milestones and successes on our journey towards enhancing lives through technology! 🌟#CYBATHLON2024 #enhancedTeam #Innovation #Accessibility #EngineeringExcellence

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    Unternehmensseite von Werner Forrer AG anzeigen, Grafik

    277 Follower:innen

    Ein Roboter, der gleichzeitig Rollstuhl und Gehhilfe für Paraplegiker ist? Genau dieses futuristische Szenario vereint der «Enhanced Hybrid», ein Forschungsprojekt der OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule. Die technologische Weltneuheit verwandelt sich quasi auf Knopfdruck vom Rollstuhl in ein Exoskelett, eine Stützstruktur, die Querschnittgelähmten das Gehen ermöglicht. Am 13. März 2024 vollzog Paraplegiker Thomas Krieg die allerersten Schritte als Betroffener im «Enhanced Hybrid» – der regelrechte Reality-Check! Ein kleiner Schritt für den Testpiloten – ein grosser Schritt für Projektleiterin Silvia Rohner und ihr Team! Die Idee, die beiden Paraplegikerhilfen Rollstuhl und Exoskelett in einem einzigen Roboter zu kombinieren, hatten sie nämlich bereits 2017, seit 2021 läuft die konzeptionell komplette Neuentwicklung. Und um es noch ein wenig herausfordernder zu gestalten, integrierte das Team gleich auch noch die Krücken in die Exoskelett-Version, sodass die Person darin zukünftig die Hände frei hat, statt die Gehstöcke selber halten zu müssen. Umso brillanter, dass diese echten Testschritte gleich im ersten Versuch tadellos geklappt haben! Wir gratulieren!!! Und was verbindet unser Unternehmen mit dem Projekt? Viel! Denn der «Enhanced Hybrid» ist mit Kabeln und Verbindern der Werner Forrer AG ausgestattet! Ein Sponsoring, durch das wir die Entwicklung dieser konzeptionellen Weltneuheit massgeblich unterstützen. Ende März lieferten wir die zweite Generation konfektionierter Kabel für das Forschungsprojekt, welche momentan gerade eingebaut wird. Damit wird die Fachhochschule OST gar an einem Wettkampf teilnehmen! Mehr Infos zu dieser ganz besonderen Herausforderung gibt es in Kürze! #enhancedhybrid #exoskelett #rollstuhl #kabelkonfektion 

  • Unternehmensseite von enhanced Teams anzeigen, Grafik

    869 Follower:innen

    🌟 Curious about the daily challenges faced by individuals with impairments? Want to explore how technical innovations can help bridge these barriers? 🤔   Since this week you can visit the immersive "Mobility & Inclusion" exhibition at the main hall of ETH Zürich! 🏛️ It's not your typical exhibit - prepare for an interactive journey that promises not to disappoint! 😉 More details: https://lnkd.in/gQBcuDmW   Be sure to check out our exhibit sponsored by FAULHABER Drive Systems showcasing a miniature version of our "Enhanced Hybrid" exoskeleton. 🦿 Discover how this cutting-edge technology will revolutionize mobility! 💪   Don't miss this opportunity to expand your understanding of mobility and inclusion. You can visit the exhibition at ETH Zürich until the 27th of February. #exoskeleton #exhibition #mobility #inclusion

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