


Zürich, Zürich 1.886 Follower:innen

Building a Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage market.


Airfix – eine Tochtergesellschaft von South Pole – kombiniert jahrzehntelange Erfahrung in Klimafinanzierung und Projektentwicklung mit einer Vision einen Markt rundum biogene Negativemissionen in der Schweiz und darüber hinaus zu entwickeln. Airfix unterstützt biogene CO2-Emittenten bei der Entwicklung und Finanzierung von Negativemissionsprojekten, die zertifizierte Carbon Credits generieren und schafft gleichzeitig mit gut aufgestellten Projekten Vertrauen bei Investoren. Das Ziel von Airfix ist es innerhalb von 10 Jahren 5'000‘000 Tonnen CO₂e zu entfernen. Mit der Schaffung eines umfassenden Ökosystems für Negativemissionsprojekte, vereinfacht Airfix komplexe Wertschöpfungsketten, schafft attraktive Investitionsmöglichkeiten im Dekarbonisierungsbereich und generiert finanzielle Mittel für Projekte. ––––––––––– CO2-Abscheidung und -speicherung bei biogenen Emittenten ist ein Prozess, bei dem CO2-Emissionen von biogenen Verwertungsprozessen abgeschieden und permanent gespeichert werden, entweder in Produkten oder geologisch. Dabei wird auf bewährte Technologie zurückgegriffen mit einem grossen Potential, Industrien mit schwer zu vermeidenden Emissionen zu dekarbonisieren, zB. in Biomasse oder -gasanlagen, Kläranlagen oder Müllverbrennungsanlagen. ––––––––––– Airfix wurde ermöglicht durch den Migros-Pionierfonds. Der Migros-Pionierfonds unterstützt Pionier*innen, die eine verantwortungsbewusstere Gesellschaft mitgestalten wollen. Sei es mit dem Einsatz für eine nachhaltigere Wirtschaft oder für ein sozialeres Miteinander: Stets geht es darum, die Zukunft in die Hand zu nehmen. Wir suchen und fördern Ideen mit gesellschaftlichem Potenzial. Vorhaben, die den Aufbruch wagen und auf unkonventionelle Lösungen setzen. Mehr dazu auf

2–10 Beschäftigte
Zürich, Zürich
Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage, Climate Change Mitigation, Carbon Dioxide Removal, Net Zero, CDR, Carbon removals, Biogenic carbon, Carbon credits, Climate finance, Carbon capture, Carbon transport, Consulting, Climate action, Climate transition, CCS, Carbon storage, Carbon project development, Waste incineration, Wastewater treatment, Biomass, Biogas und Low-carbon investment


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    Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich

    Zürich, Zürich 8005, CH


Beschäftigte von Airfix


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    💡 Great to see this new report shed some light on the links between CDR and CITIES 🏙️ There is massive potential to implement CDR at the city-level, especially when it comes to waste management and BECCS. In Amsterdam, up to 25% of the city's emissions could be removed with bio-CCS ONLY! As waste management facilities are often municipally-owned, this is a highly-replicable, low-hanging fruit for cities to generate negative emissions. CDR offers cities a way to actively mitigate emissions of CO2 causing global warming, achieve net-zero goals and eventually reduce the absolute concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, while generating a myriad of co-benefits. The report distinguishes various roles that cities can take to advance CDR: strategizer, regulator, service provider, innovator, funder and convenor. It also presents which policy instruments are most needed by CDR project developers to advance their solutions. ➡️ Full report here: #CarbonRemoval #CDR #NegativeEmissions #BECCS #BioCCS #CityCDR #NetZero #NetZeroCities #ClimateAction

    Unternehmensseite von South Pole anzeigen, Grafik

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    Cities are emerging as crucial players and agents of change in scaling carbon dioxide removals (CDRs). Partnering with XPRIZE and Global Carbon Removal Partnership, we are proud to have played our part in a groundbreaking report on 'City CDR', with the support of C40 Cities, and Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM). The report highlights opportunities and challenges and offers pathways for cities to integrate carbon removal to help achieve net-zero goals. Read the full report "Pathways to Net-Zero Cities: The Role of Cities in Advancing Carbon Removals" here:

    Pathways to Net-Zero Cities

    Pathways to Net-Zero Cities

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    CO2-Entnahme (Carbon Dioxide Removal, #CDR): Ein wesentliches Puzzleteil zur Eindämmung des Klimawandels? 🌎 Obwohl mehr als 96 % der weltweiten Treibhausgasemissionen aus Ländern stammen, die sich zu Klimaschutzmaßnahmen verpflichtet haben, bleibt unser derzeitiger Kurs immer noch deutlich hinter den Anstrengungen zurück, die für das im Pariser Abkommen festgelegte 1,5 °C-Ziel erforderlich sind. Die jüngste Studie von Boston Consulting Group (BCG) und Deutscher Verband für negative Emissionen e.V. (DVNE) unterstreicht, dass eine Erhöhung des globalen CDR-Volumens auf mindestens 4,5-9 Gigatonnen jährlich bis 2050 unumgänglich ist, um die globale Erwärmung auf unter 2°C bzw. 1,5°C zu begrenzen. CDR ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Senkung und Stabilisierung der CO2-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre, die deutliche Abmilderung der Auswirkungen der globalen Erwärmung und die Erreichung ehrgeiziger Netto-Null-Ziele. CDR befasst sich mit den Restemissionen aus schwer abbaubaren Sektoren wie Stahl, Zement oder Chemikalien und kann auch “historische Emissionen” beseitigen. Das Verständnis und die Integration von CDR in unsere Klimastrategien sind für eine nachhaltige Zukunft unerlässlich. Erfahren Sie mehr über CO2-Entnahme und wie sie sich zu einer globalen Industrie mit einem Volumen von fast einer Billion Euro entwickeln kann: ganic&utm_campaign=dvne2024 #CarbonDioxideRemoval #NetZero #Sustainability 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Airfix anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌱 Proud to be part of Zurich's dynamic climate ecosystem! 🌱 At Airfix, we're so pleased to be an integral part of the growing hub for carbon reduction and removal in Zurich. 🌍 Zurich's comprehensive value chain—from world-class research at ETH Zürich to innovative startups and strong corporate partnerships—makes it a global leader in carbon reduction and removal. Together, we are pioneering a sustainable future! 💚 Find out more about the range of climate and CDR stakeholders in Zurich in this comprehensive list curated by Carbon Removal Partners: #ZurichCarbonHub #Sustainability #CDR #CarbonRemoval #Climate Action #Innovation #NetZero

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  • Unternehmensseite von Airfix anzeigen, Grafik

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    Feeling energized after attending Deutscher Verband für negative Emissionen e.V. (DVNE)'s first summer event! It was inspiring to hear from numerous engaging speakers and connect with key players across the entire #CDR value chain. ➡️ CDR's growing importance in German politics: We witnessed insightful discussions on the critical role of #CarbonRemoval in shaping German policies. Check out the highlights in the post below. ➡️ “Carbon Dioxide Removal: Europe and Germany's Role in Catalyzing a Trillion-Euro Industry”: The introduction of this report by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) underscored the immense potential of CDR, along with significant uncertainties and an urgent need for action. ➡️ DVNE has significantly boosted the German CDR ecosystem over the past year, and we look forward to seeing continued progress in this vital area!

    Unternehmensseite von Deutscher Verband für negative Emissionen e.V. (DVNE) anzeigen, Grafik

    2.729 Follower:innen

    Wow! Volles Haus, spannende Vorträge, super Stimmung. Mit unserem ersten #CDR-Sommerfest ist gestern der Spagat gelungen, das Thema CO2-Entnahme tiefgreifend zu behandeln und gleichzeitig einen schönen Sommerabend über den Dächern Berlins zu feiern. Einige Highlights: ☀ Die Analyse des Status Quo der CDR-Industrie durch den DVNE-Vorstandsvorsitzenden Sebastian Manhart ☀ Der transatlantische Impuls mit motivierenden Insights zur CDR-Entwicklung in den Vereinigten Staaten von Noah Deich, Special Advisor beim US Department of Energy ☀ Die wissenschaftliche Einordnung und Vorstellung des aktuellen Reports „The State of CDR" durch Oliver Geden (SWP Berlin) ☀ Die Premiere der Studie zum wirtschaftlichen Potenzial von CDR, präsentiert durch Dr. Johanna Puetz (BCG) und Dr. Patrick Herhold (BCG) ☀ Die Podiumsdiskussion zu den richtigen Rahmenbedingungen für CDR mit Sabine Fuss, Thomas Heilmann, Olaf in der Beek, Sabine Nallinger und Lisa Mangertseder ☀ Politische Einordnung durch PSt Stefan Wenzel Die durch unser Sommerfest verursachten CO2-Emissionen haben wir berechnet und durch hochwertiges CDR (Carbon Dioxide Removal) kompensiert. Vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten und jeden einzelnen Gast!

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    Unternehmensseite von Airfix anzeigen, Grafik

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    #CDR could become a game-changer in our fight against climate change! The recent Boston Consulting Group (BCG) study with Deutscher Verband für negative Emissionen e.V. (DVNE) “Carbon Dioxide Removal: Europe and Germany's Role in Catalyzing a Trillion-Euro Industry” explores the transformative impact #CarbonRemoval could have on achieving climate goals while fostering economic growth. 🌿 Key Role in Climate Goals: Beyond inevitable reduction measures, CDR is an essential part of our ambition to keep the goal of the Paris Agreement within reach by neutralizing residual emissions from hard-to-abate sectors, and eventually historical emissions. 📈 Economic Boom: CDR's economic potential could reach ���470-940B annually by 2050 – this is at par with today’s global airline industry. Europe's CDR industry could reach €220B per year by then, driven especially by technological advancements and economies of scale. 🤝 Job Potential: The European CDR industry could create up to 670K jobs. 🌍 Europe Paves the Way: With its tech expertise and climate policies, Europe is set to have a significant impact on this market. However, bold actions from policymakers, the CDR industry, CDR certificate buyers, and investors are necessary to unlock CDR’s full potential. ➡️ At Airfix, we are contributing to unlocking this market – by advising emitters, supporting project development and implementation and offering corporate buyers high-quality certified carbon removal credits. Airfix is a member of the board of DVNE. Full report here: Take a look at today’s article in the Handelsblatt: #CarbonDioxideRemoval #NetZero #Sustainability #ClimateAction

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  • Unternehmensseite von Airfix anzeigen, Grafik

    1.886 Follower:innen

    #CDR could become a game-changer in our fight against climate change! The recent Boston Consulting Group (BCG) study with Deutscher Verband für negative Emissionen e.V. (DVNE) “Carbon Dioxide Removal: Europe and Germany's Role in Catalyzing a Trillion-Euro Industry” explores the transformative impact #CarbonRemoval could have on achieving climate goals while fostering economic growth. 🌿 Key Role in Climate Goals: Beyond inevitable reduction measures, CDR is an essential part of our ambition to keep the goal of the Paris Agreement within reach by neutralizing residual emissions from hard-to-abate sectors, and eventually historical emissions. 📈 Economic Boom: CDR's economic potential could reach €470-940B annually by 2050 – this is at par with today’s global airline industry. Europe's CDR industry could reach €220B per year by then, driven especially by technological advancements and economies of scale. 🤝 Job Potential: The European CDR industry could create up to 670K jobs. 🌍 Europe Paves the Way: With its tech expertise and climate policies, Europe is set to have a significant impact on this market. However, bold actions from policymakers, the CDR industry, CDR certificate buyers, and investors are necessary to unlock CDR’s full potential. ➡️ At Airfix, we are contributing to unlocking this market – by advising emitters, supporting project development and implementation and offering corporate buyers high-quality certified carbon removal credits. Airfix is a member of the board of DVNE. Full report here: Take a look at today’s article in the Handelsblatt: #CarbonDioxideRemoval #NetZero #Sustainability #ClimateAction

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  • Unternehmensseite von Airfix anzeigen, Grafik

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    💭 By how much could CO₂ transport costs fall over the next 5 years for inland emitters? From our analysis: quite a lot 📉 💡 At Airfix, we identify and evaluate levers that will influence the cost of #CO2Transport. By unlocking cheaper and more efficient transport modalities, and aggregating volumes from different emitters, cross-European CO₂ transport costs for a small emitter in Switzerland could fall by 40% by 2028! 💬 Want to find out more? Get in touch! #CarbonManagement #CO2Capture #CO2Storage #CDR #CarbonRemovals #ClimateAction #NetZero

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  • Unternehmensseite von Airfix anzeigen, Grafik

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    🇨🇭🇳🇴 Switzerland-Norway cooperation on #CCS and #CDR Two days of exchange between Swiss and Norwegian stakeholders in Zurich last month. Organised by both governments, the aim was to generate collaboration between stakeholders of both countries. It was great to meet in person many of the stakeholders we work with on a regular basis. 💭 A lot of interesting discussions to choose from, but here are a few: ➡️ Financial institution & CO2 infrastructure players recommended to remove the financial guarantee requirements for storage contracts, as it excludes small and medium size emitters, adds cost to the value chain and makes the emitter bear the full risk. ➡️ First movers have the daunting task of setting up the CO2 value chain and this will benefit the entire CCS industry – they should be incentivised rather than bear the full risk ➡️ Swiss emitters need to aggregate to be integrated in the EU plans for CO2 transport infrastructure, and to make their value chain more efficient ➡️ Most BECCS projects currently need both CDR sales and subsidies in order to be financially viable ➡️ The number of BECCS methodologies is growing with heterogeneous quality standards, making it even more complicated for CDR buyers to navigate → many look to the #CRCF to set the minimum quality standards (unclear how it will impact Swiss compliance market standards) 🙏🙏 A huge thanks to Sophie Wenger & Veronika Elgart for inviting us to contribute to this event, and to the City of Zürich for hosting. Airfix is leading the Carbon Rhine Route (CO2RR) CETPartnership project, involving ChemOil Logistics AG, Northern Lights JV and Carbon Impact France – we hope to further foster cooperations between Switzerland and Norway.

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    Unternehmensseite von Swiss Carbon Removal Platform anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌍 Meet the Advisory Board 🌍     We are excited to introduce the highly qualified advisory board 👏 of the Swiss Carbon Removal Platform from Stiftung Risiko-Dialog Risiko Dialog. This dedicated team of experts is passionately committed to leading us towards innovative carbon removal solutions, a sustainable future, and achieving negative emissions. Meet our exceptional advisory board members:   💡Stephanie Bischof: Managing Director at Airfix, bringing a broad background in corporate finance, performance management and various industries. 💡Dr. Gunter Siddiqi: Project Manager at conim ag, adding extensive experience in technology and policy, particularly in geothermal energy and carbon capture and storage, spanning both industrial and institutional partners nationaly and internationaly. 💡Christoph Beuttler: CEO at Carbon Gap, Co-Founder of the CDR Swiss Platform and previous Chief Climate Policy Officer at Climeworks, a global expert on carbon dioxide removal (CDR) with several years of experience in direct air capture technology (DACS) and holding several board positions in Carbon Removal associations in the US and Europe. 💡Dr. Yasmine Calisesi: Executive Director at Energy Center EPFL, renowned for her high expertise in in energy research, athmospheric Chemistry and Physics and experience in collaborating with industrial and institutional partners. 💡Prof. Dr. Marco Mazzotti: Professor of Process Engineering at ETH Zürich Zurich, an authority in chemical engineering and carbon caputure and storage. 💡Rene Estermann: Director of Environmental & Health Protection at the City of Zurich (UGZ), with a strong background in agricultural economics and leadership. 💡Dr. Reto Burkard: Head of Climate Division at Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, bringing his expertise in climate policy and climate adaption, protection and monitoring on a national and international level.   Their diverse backgrounds and extensive experience in Carbon Removal research, policy, leadership and entrepreneurship will be invaluable as we strive to make a significant impact in carbon removal and climate change mitigation.   We are deeply grateful for their support and look forward to continue benefitting from their invaluable insights and guidance👏. Together, we are committed to making a difference and exploring the way in carbon removal innovation 🙌.   🌱 Join us on this journey to a Net-Zero future!   For more information about our mission and the incredible work of our advisory board, visit our contact page: Samuel E., Nicolas Solenthaler, Matthias Holenstein and Nicole Blasko #CarbonRemoval #CDR#DACCS #BECCS #BIOCHAR #CCS#ClimateAction #Innovation #AdvisoryBoard #removal

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  • Unternehmensseite von Airfix anzeigen, Grafik

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    Thrilled to have shared the stage with these pioneering innovative CDR companies at the Carbonfuture Carbon Removal Summit 2024! Eva van der Want spoke about how Airfix supports robust CDR certification and aggregates volumes in regional clusters. How does that benefit carbon removal offtakers? 1️⃣ By derisking carbon portfolio 2️⃣ By boosting market readiness 3️⃣ By unlocking more efficient transport modalities, for lower costs Reach out to us to find out more! #CarbonRemoval #CDR #BiCRS #NetZero #ClimateAction #CO2Storage #CO2Transport #CO2Capture

    Unternehmensseite von carbonfuture anzeigen, Grafik

    17.718 Follower:innen

    📚We’re back with the latest from Carbonfuture’s Carbon Removal Summit 2024, and we’re talking tech: specifically, the diverse range of durable carbon removal technologies that are shaping the industry right now – and will do so for years to come.     Our CDR Innovation Showcase kicked off with XPRIZE’s Executive Director Nikki Batchelor, who shared details the $100 million XPRIZE Carbon Removal, that’s helping innovate the next generation of CDR technologies (with the help of Carbonfuture, which is the MRV partner for the XPRIZE Carbon Removal!). She then introduced our panel of innovation leaders from all over the world:     🟢 Eva van der Want from Airfix, which is working to remove 5 million tonnes of CO2 via Biomass Carbon Removal  🟢 Tom Buchanan from Climeworks, which is working on innovative new Direct Air Capture and recently announced their new Generation 3 technology  🟢 Tim Preisenhammer from Eion, which has a patented approach to Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) on existing farmland  🟢 Chloé Bigio of InPlanet, which seeks to remove 1GT of CO2 while regenerating tropical soils through ERW in Brazil  🟢 Lisa Braune from neustark, which helps businesses address their hard-to-abate emissions by turning demolition waste into a concrete sink  🟢 Duncan Kariuki of Octavia Carbon, which is building the first DAC facility in the Global South and utilizing Kenya’s many competitive advantages  🟢 Jan Cihlar from Pyreg GmbH, which specializes in the production and scaling of Biochar Carbon Removal based on trust and transparency  🟢 Erik Rylander from Stockholm Exergi, which is building the world’s largest BECCS project at Värtan, Stockholm in Sweden    A huge thank you to all of our CDR Innovator sponsors who are shaping the future of carbon removal!     #carbonremoval #climateaction #cdr #netzero #CarbonfutureCDRSummit24 

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