

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

Zürich, Zurich 11.372 Follower:innen

And your digital business works


Das Schweizer Software-Unternehmen Adnovum unterstützt Kunden bei der schnellen und sicheren Digitalisierung von Geschäftsprozessen von der Beratung und Konzeption über die Implementierung bis hin zum Betrieb. Zu Adnovums Kernkompetenzen gehören weiter Identity and Access Management sowie Security-Lösungen und Security-Beratung. Im Fokus stehen Kunden, die sich über innovative Digitalisierungslösungen differenzieren wollen. Dazu gehören unter anderem Banken, Versicherungen und Behörden. Adnovum wurde 1988 gegründet. Heute arbeiten am Hauptsitz in Zürich und in den Büros in Bern, Lausanne, Budapest, Lissabon, Ho Chi Minh City und Singapur 600 Mitarbeitende.

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Zürich, Zurich
Application development and integration, security engineering, IT consulting, mobile enterprise, Nevis product suite, identity management, cloud enabling, compliance, collaboration, Software solutions, Cyber Security und custom applications


Beschäftigte von Adnovum


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    Have you ever thought about how you identify different people in your life?🕵️♂️ Stefan D. shares his insights on the key factors he considers. In life we have different ways of identifying others. But how does identifying someone in the digital space work? 🤔 Understanding #digitalidentity is crucial for creating accessible websites and apps that benefit everyone. Watch the recording of our latest webinar and learn why enabling accessibility is essential: 🌐

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

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    Here’s the answer: #ConversationalAI is a subarea of #artificialintelligence that allows interaction with computer systems in natural language. 🤖💻💬 It uses advanced algorithms and #machinelearning to decode speech patterns, understand the intention behind the words, and answer in a way that corresponds to human dialog. This technology is increasingly being complemented by #generativeAI, enabling the creation of dynamic and contextual content that makes interactions even more natural and adaptable. Those are pretty powerful features which is why Conversational AI is a game changer for any customer service. Don’t believe it? Read for yourself 👉

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎉 Ein dreifaches “Hurra!” für unsere Lernenden Nico, Philipp und Raphael zu ihrem erfolgreichen Abschluss als Informatiker EFZ! Ihr könnt mächtig stolz auf euch sein! 🎉 Seit 2000 hat Adnovum grossen Spass dabei, Lernende auszubilden. Deshalb bieten wir neben unseren klassischen Lehren mit Schwerpunkten in der Applikationsentwicklung und Plattformentwicklung seit zwei Jahren auch die Lehre im Interactive Media Design an. Und Anfang August geht es gleich weiter: Interessierst du dich für eine Lehrstelle in der Applikationsentwicklung? Dann schau ab Anfang August auf unserer Karriereseite vorbei und bewirb dich! ⬇️ #Lehre #Applikationsentwicklung #Plattformentwicklung #InteractiveMediaDesign #Karriere

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

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    Stereotypes in the workplace 👨🔧👩💻👨🔬 During the 6th edition of our Lean Learning Sessions in Lausanne, Joel Wanner gave a presentation on workplace stereotypes with a focus on research. We engaged in a lively discussion about where our stereotypes come from, how they affect our lives in the workplace, and what can be done to mitigate these effects. Here are our key insights from the session: 👉 The iceberg of consciousness: Everyone has stereotypes, but most of them are implicit—meaning that we cannot consciously assess them, but they affect behavior. 👉 Measuring stereotypes: There are tests like the Implicit Association Test that aim to measure such unconscious associations. 👉 Sense of belonging: Many talented people decide against a career in STEM fields due to stereotypes. For example, there are strong correlations between strong automatic "male–career" associations and girls deciding against a STEM career. 👉 Stereotype threat: Stereotypes affect not just our decisions, but they can also have measurably negative effects on the performance for those being threatened by stereotypes. From our discussion, here are some approaches to mitigating negative effects: ⭐ Have your decisions challenged: Try to seek out someone to challenge your decisions. Be it during the hiring process, as a PM, and in other roles—having your decision challenged before you take it can help eliminate biases. This can also be achieved through well-designed processes (e.g., during hiring). ⭐ Representation: role models and representation of underrepresented groups (e.g., women) can help attract talents to STEM careers. ⭐ Effect of surroundings: some interesting research has shown that stereotypically "nerdy" classroom decorations have a negative effect on people affected by stereotypes. Thanks everyone for joining and for the engaging discussions! We look forward to our next Lean Learning Session very soon. Stay tuned for more. 💥

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

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    Gehören Sie zu den 277'000 Mobility-Car-Sharing Nutzer:innen? Dann haben Sie die Veränderungen in der App bestimmt auch bemerkt... Pssst! Wir stecken dahinter🤫 Denn wir hatten die Ehre, für die Mobility Genossenschaft eine neue App mit frischem Look-and-Feel zu entwickeln. Das Ergebnis war sehr zufriedenstellend und das Echo ziemlich umwerfend... 🤯nicht nur für unseren Kunden, sondern auch für uns! Die neue App hat unglaubliche 4 Medaillen abgestaubt: 🥇🥇Gold in den Kategorien «Design» und «UX & Usability», 🥈Silber in der Kategorie «Funktionalität» sowie 🏆den prestigeträchtigen BOSA Master Award selbst. Das glauben Sie nicht? 🚗 Dann lesen Sie selbst 🚗

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

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    Sometimes, a face is not enough to identify a person. 👁️🗨️ This can be the case for visually impaired people like Werner, someone with face blindness or simply for a person that struggles to remember names. But the talk is not only about #facerecognition. In our latest Live Webinar on #accessibility, we spoke about how to be identified in the digital world. And you might be surprised, as not even #digitalidentities are that straight-forward! 🕵️ One thing is for sure: Accessible solutions benefit everyone. To find out why, watch the recording of the webinar 👇

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  • Unternehmensseite von Adnovum anzeigen, Grafik

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    Just as with any software system, AI-driven apps have unique security challenges. ⚡Here are 4 threats worth mentioning⚡ 1️⃣ Data poisoning With data poisoning, an attacker manipulates training data to misguide AI algorithms. As a result, AI-driven apps may make wrong predictions or conclusions, negatively impacting decision-making processes and potentially leading to serious consequences. 2️⃣ Adversarial attacks Adversarial attacks are designed to deceive AI algorithms through subtly modified input data. Even slight modifications, invisible to the human eye, can trick AI systems into misclassifying information. 3️⃣ Model leeching Model leeching enables an attacker to copy chunks of data of large language models (LLM) and to use the information gained to launch targeted attacks. 4️⃣ Model privacy With a model privacy attack, a hacker tries to obtain information about the training data of the model itself. Is AI thus too much of a risk to take advantage of it? 🤔 Find out in this blog:

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    This short story shows nicely that #ConversationalAI goes far beyond the mere automation of customer inquiries. Its added value extends across the entire customer journey: 📈 Conversational AI improves efficiency, 😃 increases customer and contact center employee satisfaction, 🤝 strengthens customer loyalty and 💰 boosts sales. Enough reasons to try it yourself? Learn more👉

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