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The surest path to limitless, clean fusion energy


Using revolutionary high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnet technology and proven science, our tokamak design is the fastest, surest path to commercial fusion energy at scale.


Fusion energy offers the world a future with abundant and equitable energy access.


The ultimate power source, providing limitless clean energy to meet our growing energy demands and combat climate change.

A Breakthrough for Commercial Fusion Energy

Decades of worldwide, government-sponsored research in fusion science have established the tokamak-based configuration as the highest performing  approach to fusion. Yet in the past, tokamaks had to be enormous in size to produce net energy from fusion. CFS is using revolutionary high temperature superconducting magnets developed in collaboration with MIT to build smaller and lower-cost tokamak fusion systems. CFS is manufacturing these magnets and building the  world’s first commercially-relevant net energy fusion machine, called SPARC. SPARC will pave the way for the world’s first fusion power plant, called ARC. CFS has assembled a world-class team working to design, build, and scale fusion power plants that will deliver cost competitive, clean fusion energy to combat climate change.

Founded on Values That Guide Our Mission-Driven Team

It’s incredibly humbling working with this talented and mission-driven team focused on combating climate change and improving lives through access to clean, abundant energy.

Brandon Sorbom
Chief Science Officer

  • Execution

    Get things done. Refuse to stagnate. Deliver with speed.

  • Self-critique

    Combining a data-driven approach with open dialogue to root out the best ideas.

  • Integrity

    Committed to scientific integrity and treating people well.

  • Impact

    Driven to develop an economically viable, clean energy source in time to combat climate change.