
Top Stories

Shaklan Investigative Reporting Fellowship

NC Connection:
Closing the News Gap

A special CPP research project on the news needs of rural North Carolinians


Elections Brain Drain

Low pay is driving the rapid loss of experienced NC county
elections directors. What makes the situation challenging,
and what policy changes could fix the problem.

Dodging Standards

Social services in NC may be in the hands of people
who don’t meet minimum qualifications.
Why and how it happens, and how other states avoid the problem.

Changing Tides

How climate change affects North Carolina’s fisheries
and the people who rely on them for a living.

Finding Nurses

The importance of sexual assault nurse examiners
and the difficulty of locating them in North Carolina

Seeking Conviction

Justice elusive for NC sexual assault survivors

Fraught Forests

Climate change is causing erratic weather events and altering
ecosystems in the forests of Western North Carolina’s mountains.
What these changes mean and the challenges
they pose for managing the forests.

Raising Jails

How and why North Carolina counties decide to build
or expand jails, the costs of those decisions
and possible alternatives.

Patchwork Protection

Inconsistency and inequity in child welfare policies across NC

What ails NC prisons?

Struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic in state’s prison system

Questionable Care

Is one of North Carolina’s main systems
for housing those with mental illness failing?

Crime & Justice




Politics & Government