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Questions tagged [plutus]

A programming language based on Haskell used to write smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain.

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3 answers

Calculate tx fees via Blockfrost or any other provider?

Is there a way to calculate transaction fees without having to go through cardano-cli? Maybe something like Blockfrost? or any other API providers? I don't want to run a local node to do that.
Attilah's user avatar
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Deploy a local testnet

To test plutus scripts and transactions, I want to have a lightweight environment which I can use when I have no internet. So, how can I deploy a local testnet in the Babbage era for testing?
Fermat's user avatar
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TxOutRefNotFound when using Plutus.Contract.Wallet (getUnspentOutput)

I am trying to get a UTxO of the current wallet, use it to mint a token via the OneShotCurrency type, but I keep getting the following Error: (TxOutRefNotFound (TxOutRef {txOutRefId = ...
Will's user avatar
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Yoroi and Typhon return FeeTooSmallUtxo error when submitting transaction

I've been playing around with cardano-serialization-lib and building different types of transactions with TransactionBuilder. However, when I calculate fee and change using add_change_if_needed(addr) ...
Tetiana Diachenko's user avatar
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npm run start in plutus-playground-client creating npm errors

edit...I was able to get the plutus-playground-client working by using --force. How do I fix the monaco-editor dependency errors so I don't need to force it? Or do I even need to worry about it? I am ...
tamio42's user avatar
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cardano-serialization-lib ExUnits

I am new to Cardano and Plutus. I was trying to build a transaction that redeems a UTxO from the alwayssucceeds contract on Cardano Testnet. The Redeemer object constructor takes ExUnits as one of the ...
Tetiana Diachenko's user avatar
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Is there training offered for those interested in being moderators?

Is there training offered for being a moderator? I would love to be one of them. I like learning and helping too.
WIMS-Cardano's user avatar
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How to hardcode smart contract address in minting policy in Plutus?

1st way I tried to do it was to get validator address using this function: {-# INLINABLE scriptAddress #-} -- | The address that should be used by a transaction output locked by the given validator ...
serx's user avatar
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Cardano transaction builder library in Haskell

Is there a way besides cardano-cli that I can use to construct a transaction using Haskell? Something like Lucid-cardano npm package, but in Haskell land? Said library should allow me to construct a ...
Attilah's user avatar
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Deploying smart-contract

I'm have really trouble finding material that teach how to deploy a contract. Does someone here has already successfully deployed a smart-contract to the cardano test/mainnet? I need to know the steps!...
professor moriarty's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Smart contract is not working after Vasil Hardfork in testnet

My smart contracts deployed in testnet stoped working after the Vasil Hardfork. i get this error: ""transaction submit error ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraBabbage (ApplyTxError [...
Alicia Basilio's user avatar
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How Does the Blockchain Use Hashes?

Hash functions are often called one way functions however this means that you should not be able to undo them. So why and how are SHA256 and SHA512 used in blockchains if they should be irreversible. ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
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Why not just simply use Haskell instead of Plutus?

I can think of two major reasons as to why Cardano chose a strongly-typed functional language for it's Blockchain: Strongly-typed - because as the capabilities of the Blockchain and scripts become ...
Igodlab's user avatar
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How Will the Atala Plutus Integration Work?

I know that Atala prism will be used as the basis of Cardanos DiD but whenever I ask someone how it will work with Plutus, I end up hearing some new infrastructure needs to be built out. My question ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
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How Do You Convert Math Symbols in Haskell?

So i heard you can use denotational semantics to write Haskell code using math notation for example circle in place of . to denote function composition. My question is in four parts: how do I use/...
KryptoKing's user avatar
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Plutus V2 Primitives

Does any have (or has anyone found) a simple summary of Plutus V2 Primitives? They made the short list of big changes in the Vasil fork announcement, so they seem important. Other than just reading ...
nullValues's user avatar
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What is Type Safety?

In the Haskell programming language there are a number of concepts that must be understood by anyone wishing to learn and use the maximum potential of the language. One of these what is is type safety....
KryptoKing's user avatar
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How to store scripts using blockfrost?

Greeting! I got that Blockfrost has API to get plutus script hash but how to store those scripts hashes? P.S. if I got script hash, can I build and send transaction using script's hash and Blockfrost?
Nazar Mineev's user avatar
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How to convert Address type variable to get "addr_testXXX" format address?

In plutus endpoint, I want to convert Address type value to get addr_testXXX format address. I have try : import Cardano.Api ( SerialiseAddress (deserialiseAddress, serialiseAddress) ) ... -- here, ...
breeze wang's user avatar
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How To Convert Old Plutus Scripts to Vasil Reference Scripts?

One of the fun things, the Vasil hardfork gives us is the ability to reduce the size of transactions and so put more of them into a block (speeding up the chain). My question is how to change the ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
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How to reduce tx size using typed Plutus script with Vasil fork PlutusV2?

With the recent Vasil fork script references allow to reduce transaction size. Even though Vasil has been already launched on the testnet I could not find information on how to reduce the size of ...
KugisMugis's user avatar
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How to create an unspent UTXO with specific value

I want to create a script (smart-contract) utxo with a specific number of tokens (it can be an output of a transaction before) in cardano-serialization-lib - javascript. I need this utxo to be part of ...
pprs's user avatar
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How to consume and produce new UTXO to same script with different Datum?

I am trying to consume old UTXO at stript and produce new one with new Datum. Validator is validating ok but not sure why new utxo with updated datum is not available. current utxos holds one utxo ...
Piyush's user avatar
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Cannot wrap my head on NFTs

I am running through the Plutus Pioneer Program and I have reached week 5. Also as a reference, I will use the LobsterChallenge repository. I am a bit confused about how NFTs work for the Cardano ...
Kaloyan Yosifov's user avatar
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Is there a way to see which Plutus code is deployed on a specific script address?

On Ethereum, for example, there is a way to see the Solidity code that is deployed in a specific address (as long as the code gets verified). Is there a way to achieve this same behaviour in Cardano?
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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Why can't I use the same wallet more than once in Plutus Playground?

I'm currently testing my app in the "Plutus Playground" and the simulation will not let me call an endpoint from the same contract more than once. When I try to use the same wallet, the ...
user7245's user avatar
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What is this Pop Up Screen on Cardano Documentation?

When searching the docs it helps to use ctrl + F to find something fast, however, when I use it on the plutus docs I get a weird pop-up screen I'm not used to. (Image Below) My Questions are: What is ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
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Is possible to create a cNFT that depends on 'proof of ownership' in order to be own by a wallet?

I'm thinking on a way to create a cNFT that requires 'proof of ownership' to be minted and own by a wallet, by proof of ownership I refer to something the receipt owns and can pass to others or loss, ...
shackra's user avatar
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Where Do I Go To Find All The ScriptContexts Feilds and Functions?

Hi im getting lost in the documentation, I have found some things I was looking for but am failing to find the info and functions for script contents. Im using this link https://playground.plutus....
KryptoKing's user avatar
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How does valuePaidTo work?

How does valuePaidTo work ? Does it give the value paid by the script to the pubkeyhash or is it the total value of the pubkeyhash for the pending transactions ? Consider the following TxOut txOutputs ...
munx's user avatar
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