

Route Planner and Route Optimizer

Dark Mode in Bulma

Bulma comes with an automatic Dark mode

Modern browsers come with a way to detect if a user has set their theme preference to light or dark by using the prefers-color-scheme keyword.

This value can be used in a media query to change a website’s styles accordingly:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    /* Update CSS variables */

However, it’s not possible for a website to alter this preference. That’s why it’s preferable to also add a data-theme HTML attribute or a theme-dark CSS class.

This is how Bulma defines its dark theme:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    /* Update CSS variables */

.theme-dark {
  /* Update CSS variables */

With these rules:

  • the website will be light by default, if no user preference is set
  • it will also be light if the user has set their preference to light
  • the website will be dark if the user has set their preference to dark

Force Dark Mode within a page #

You can enable Dark Mode in part of your HTML by simply using the HTML attribute or the CSS class:

  This is in Light Mode if the user hasn't set a preference, or if their preference is set to <code>light</code>.

<div data-theme="dark">
  This is in Dark Mode

<div class="theme-dark">
  This is also in Dark Mode

Force Dark Mode for a whole webpage #

If you want to enable Dark Mode for a whole webpage, simply set the attribute or the class on the <html> element:

<html data-theme="dark">
<!-- Or -->
<html class="theme-dark">

How the Dark theme is created #

This is the content of the sass/themes/dark.scss file:

@use "sass/utilities/initial-variables" as iv;
@use "sass/utilities/css-variables" as cv;
@use "sass/utilities/derived-variables" as dv;
@use "sass/themes/setup";

// The main lightness of this theme
$scheme-main-l: 11%;
$background-l: 14%;
$text-l: 71%;

// The main scheme color, used to make calculations
$scheme-main: hsl(iv.$scheme-h, iv.$scheme-s, $scheme-main-l);
$background: hsl(iv.$scheme-h, iv.$scheme-s, $background-l);
$text: hsl(iv.$scheme-h, iv.$scheme-s, $text-l);

@mixin dark-theme {
  // Required: update the lightness colors and hover/active states
  @include cv.register-vars(
      "scheme-brightness": "dark",
      "scheme-main-l": $scheme-main-l,
      "scheme-main-bis-l": $scheme-main-l + 2%,
      "scheme-main-ter-l": $scheme-main-l + 4%,
      "background-l": $background-l,
      "border-weak-l": 21%,
      "border-l": 24%,
      "text-weak-l": 53%,
      "text-l": $text-l,
      "text-strong-l": 93%,
      "text-title-l": 100%,
      "hover-background-l-delta": 5%,
      "active-background-l-delta": 10%,
      "hover-border-l-delta": 10%,
      "active-border-l-delta": 20%,
      "hover-color-l-delta": 5%,
      "active-color-l-delta": 10%,

  // Required: update the "on scheme" colors since the main scheme color is changed
  // from white (100% lightness)
  // to black (11% lightness in this case)
   @each $name, $color in dv.$colors {
    @include cv.generate-on-scheme-colors($name, $color, $scheme-main);

  // Optional: update the shadow color
  @include cv.register-hsl("shadow", white);

This mixin outputs a list of CSS variables and their new value.

To use this theme with the prefer-color-scheme media query, write the following:

@use "sass/utilities/css-variables" as cv;
@use "sass/themes/dark";

@include cv.system-theme($name: "dark") {
  @include dark.dark-theme;

To use this theme with the [data-theme=dark] and .theme-dark selectors, write the following:

@use "sass/utilities/css-variables" as cv;
@use "sass/themes/dark";
@use "sass/themes/setup";

@include cv.bulma-theme($name: "dark") {
  @include dark.dark-theme;
  @include setup.setup-theme;

The bulma-theme() mixin

This mixin will allow you to generate a CSS rule-set with both an appropriate HTML attribute selector and a CSS class selector, which names are defined by the $name parameter.

@use "sass/utilities/css-variables" as cv;

@include cv.bulma-theme($name: "my-theme") {
  // Your code

This will output the following:

.theme-my-theme {
  /* Your code */

The system-theme() mixin

This mixin will generate a @media (prefers-color-scheme: $name) media query.

@use "sass/utilities/css-variables" as cv;

@include cv.system-theme($name: "dark") {
  // Your code

This will output the following:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    /* Your code */

The register-vars() function

All Bulma CSS variables are prefixed with bulma-. This prefix is defined with the $cssvars-prefix: "bulma-"; Sass variable.

Because writing all CSS variables with this prefix can be cumbersome, Bulma provides a Sass function to register new variables: register-vars().

This function accepts a Sass map of name: value pairs.

@use "sass/utilities/css-variables" as cv;

$scheme-main-l: 11%;
$background-l: 14%;
$text-l: 71%;

@include cv.bulma-theme($name: "my-theme") {
  @include cv.register-vars(
      "scheme-brightness": "dark",
      "scheme-main-l": $scheme-main-l,
      "scheme-main-bis-l": $scheme-main-l + 2%,
      "scheme-main-ter-l": $scheme-main-l + 4%,
      "background-l": $background-l,
      "border-weak-l": 21%,
      "border-l": 24%,
      "text-weak-l": 53%,
      "text-l": $text-l,
      "text-strong-l": 93%,
      "text-title-l": 100%,
      "hover-background-l-delta": 5%,
      "active-background-l-delta": 10%,
      "hover-border-l-delta": 10%,
      "active-border-l-delta": 20%,
      "hover-color-l-delta": 5%,
      "active-color-l-delta": 10%,

Updating the lightness

For Dark Mode, Bulma will keep the same hue and saturation of the main scheme color. It will however invert the lightness of background, borders, text colors, and hover/active states.

Lightness Name Light Mode (default) Dark Mode (default)
--bulma-scheme-main-l 100% 11%
--bulma-scheme-main-bis-l 98% 13%
--bulma-scheme-main-ter-l 98% 15%
--bulma-background-l 96% 14%
--bulma-border-weak-l 93% 21%
--bulma-border-l 86% 24%
--bulma-text-weak-l 48% 53%
--bulma-text-l 29% 71%
--bulma-text-strong-l 21% 93%
--bulma-text-title-l 14% 100%
--bulma-hover-background-l-delta 5% 5%
--bulma-active-background-l-delta 10% 10%
--bulma-hover-border-l-delta 10% 10%
--bulma-active-border-l-delta 20% 20%
--bulma-hover-color-l-delta 5% 5%
--bulma-active-color-l-delta 10% 10%

The generate-on-scheme-colors() function

The scheme color is the one used for:

  • backgrounds
  • borders
  • text shades
    • strong text
    • weak text
    • title text
    • and normal text

For each of the 7 primary colors , the default Bulma theme generates on scheme shades, meaning shades of each color that will look decent on the main scheme color.

In Light Mode, they look like this:

link var(--bulma-link-on-scheme)
primary var(--bulma-primary-on-scheme)
info var(--bulma-info-on-scheme)
success var(--bulma-success-on-scheme)
warning var(--bulma-warning-on-scheme)
danger var(--bulma-danger-on-scheme)

Because in Dark Mode we are inverting the lightness of these colors, the page background will go from white to black . We thus need to update the -on-scheme colors of all 7 primary colors.

In Dark Mode, they look like this:

link var(--bulma-link-on-scheme)
primary var(--bulma-primary-on-scheme)
info var(--bulma-info-on-scheme)
success var(--bulma-success-on-scheme)
warning var(--bulma-warning-on-scheme)
danger var(--bulma-danger-on-scheme)

If you are creating your own theme, you can automatically generate new -on-scheme colors by using the generate-on-scheme-colors() for each color. It takes 3 parameters:

  • $name which is a string. E.g. "primary"
  • $color which is the color value. E.g.
  • $scheme-main which is the theme’s main scheme color (the one used as the page background). E.g. #fff

The full code looks like this:

@use "sass/utilities/css-variables" as cv;
@use "sass/utilities/derived-variables" as dv;

$scheme-main-l: 11%;
$scheme-main: hsl(iv.$scheme-h, iv.$scheme-s, $scheme-main-l);

@include cv.bulma-theme($name: "my-theme") {
  @each $name, $color in dv.$colors {
    @include cv.generate-on-scheme-colors($name, $color, $scheme-main);

The setup-theme() function

In Bulma, some CSS variables reference other CSS variables. For example, --bulma-scheme-main is defined like this:

:root {
  --bulma-scheme-main: hsl(

Because of how CSS variables work, if you update the value of --bulma-scheme-main-l, you need to define --bulma-scheme-main again. That is what setup-theme() does.

.theme-my-theme {
  --bulma-scheme-main-l: 7%;
  --bulma-scheme-main: hsl(

If you create your own theme, simply call this function after having set your own CSS variables:

@use "sass/themes/setup";

@include cv.bulma-theme($name: "my-theme") {
  // Set your own CSS variables,
  // either manually:
  --bulma-scheme-main-l: 7%;
  // or using Bulma's register-vars() function:
  @include register-vars((
    "bulma-scheme-main-l": 7%,

  // Then, setup the new theme.
  @include setup.setup-theme();

How to support Bulma

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