Sat Jul 20 2024 15:14:42 PDT
  • Component: Webapp
  • Product: Socorro
  • Resolution: ---

110 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1307058 Suggestion: Have crash reports checked for malware Socorro Webapp nobody UNCO --- 2016-10-07
1685143 automate revoking access Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-11-02
1110498 Add UI to display minidumps for multiple processes Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2020-04-24
1328312 Don't show 0 as number of installations when install_time is always empty Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2022-05-10
1651813 Use searchfox for crash callstack source links instead of mercurial Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-01-04
1693142 delete inactive accounts Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-04-20
1699182 [tracker] user interface overhaul Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-03-01
1711550 super search date filters miss crash reports Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2022-04-23
1725692 improve summary for topcrasher report page Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-11-02
1726518 signature report, crash reports tab has sorting problems Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-08-19
1730948 improve top of "raw data and minidumps" tab for usability Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-11-02
1749297 [traceback] HeartbeatException: supersearch failed: missing_index Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2022-01-10
1755525 report view should only use processed crash data Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2022-11-28
1763710 debug tab should list any modules where corrupt_symbols is true Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-05-02
1795703 rename "view_pii" permission to "view_protected" Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2022-10-17
1803572 change front page to be more self-serve oriented Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-06-23
1804015 Hide bugs that have been fixed by 6+ months Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2022-12-05
1812333 [traceback] TypeError: "sequence item 0: expected str instance, dict found" in reprocessing api Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-01-25
1850256 Need a better way to search for wildptr crashes in crashstats Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-09-13
1859609 consider dropping priority queue and priority processing Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-10-17
1860174 webapp should include deploy information for last few deploys Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-10-19
1861203 [traceback] ValueError: Search does not support negative slices (supersearch view) Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-10-25
1862299 consider adding a health dashboard to the webapp Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-10-31
1863524 improve data review form for crash annotations Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-11-07
1863590 validate html in tests Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-11-07
1863963 change "Mozilla Crash Reports" to "Mozilla Crash Stats" Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-11-09
1866017 extend crash stack frames to including meaningful ones if rust crash boilerplate at the top Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-05-30
1877245 improve API documentation Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-01-29
1883044 redo crash stats forms Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-03-01
1883385 add "updated" column to crashstats_signature table Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-03-04
1889001 handle RemoteException in java_exception better in report view Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-05-13
1895320 improve offboarding steps Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-05-06
1901997 [traceback] InvalidDocumentError: invalid BuildID during reducing Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-07-02
828452 Add a web API to generate a signature from a list of frames Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-06-23
959837 Supersearch should create input boxes before looking for tab stops Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-03-17
1032271 Show the last appearance by buildID on the topcrashers page Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2020-04-16
1144093 [Super Search] API link should be SuperSearchUnredacted when using restricted fields Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2017-10-18
1152927 Supersearch search term entries can't be edited or copied Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2019-01-17
1257376 Support AND combination of filters for the same field in Super Search API Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2022-06-20
1262789 Rewrite signature summaries as SuperSearch derivatives Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-02-05
1267319 Make it possible to query crashes by module name Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-06-23
1470706 Run accessibility scan against Socorro frontend and fix major issues Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2022-04-24
1493970 CrashVerify should surface errors Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2018-09-28
1547316 search page datetime fields look wrong Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2019-07-25
1548671 write tests for crashstats/crashstats/ and friends Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2019-07-25
1554994 is_returned should drive "show columns" suggestions in supersearch form Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2019-05-28
1562247 absorb pushlog-addon into webapp Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2019-06-28
1568000 Switch auth backend from AllowAllUsersModelBackend to ModelBackend Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-04-26
1614775 webapp nodes running out of memory with Reprocessing usage Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2020-02-11
1659961 rep_platform values are wrong when creating bugs Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2020-08-24
1676593 Sorting by adapter driver version doesn't seem to work Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2020-12-04
1676685 update select2 to something recent Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-03-17
1676687 update d3 to something recent Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-03-17
1696911 login flow loses tab information Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-03-08
1697599 improve summary for supersearch results page Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-08-05
1707827 quickly requesting multiple searches (crash signatures for build id, crash reports for signature) can return same url/content for different requests or Bad Request Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-04-27
1712732 lint jinja templates Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-05-25
1720199 remove django-waffle Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-05-02
1746636 breakdown by process type is missing process types Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-12-17
1751980 drop django-pipeline for a dedicated frontend image for building Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2022-01-26
1794655 validate date ranges in supersearch better and yield better error messages Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2023-02-14
1866496 Add support for the HANDLE / file descriptor lists Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-03-20
1875276 os_pretty_version doesn't have examples in data dictionary Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-01-18
1890181 supersearch with no token and `_return_query=1` kicks up KeyError Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-04-07
1890568 [traceback] BugzillaRestHTTPUnexpectedError: unhandled 403 from secure bugs Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-04-15
1891242 nested aggregations sometimes doesn't work Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-04-16
1892787 [traceback] KeyError: 'bugs' Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-06-05
1901998 [traceback] RetryError: bugzilla 502 for /rest/bug Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-06-12
1902001 [traceback] ValueError invalid ipv6 url in /sources/highlight/ Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-06-12
1905142 Unable to sort by crash address Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-07-01
1412053 bug summary tool tip not properly unescaped Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1653620 Add WebExtensions as a bugzilla product in report/index/ view Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2022-09-06
1670550 Reference browser should use the same github template as Fenix for filing a crash Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2020-12-08
1737863 Please show gfx.linux_window_protocol in the telemetry tab and allow it as search filter Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-10-28
918101 Point out "interesting" addresses in Socorro UI Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2017-08-18
1111214 (Super Search) TAB from "contains" skips the last form field and creates a new line Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2018-03-20
1139161 [API] Super Search endpoint should throw 400 when given incorrect parameters Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2017-06-19
1163149 [Super Search] Add ability to select a range/set of versions Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2015-05-13
1179520 Expose first build id and last build id that a crash occurs on Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2015-07-03
1188097 no way to deep link into signature summary Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-03-17
1188160 Support grouping GPUs by similarity Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2017-06-19
1197263 [Super Search] Signature facet is always exposed Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2017-06-19
1200601 [Signature report] Options to change what values are shown in graphs Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-03-17
1263507 Indicate which crashes come from distinct installations Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2016-05-24
1267707 [Super Search] Operators can be at the start of some values Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2017-06-19
1274565 Show rank for each affected version in the Signature report page Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2017-09-05
1274566 Provide a view of top startup crashes (equivalent to Top Crashes, but only for startup crashes) Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2017-03-25
1286010 Add annotation for AMD crashes to the top crash list Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2016-07-12
1308718 The new date pickers automatically add date parameters to queries Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-03-17
1319041 In the topcrashers page, sort bugs by last activity date Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-03-17
1319042 In the topcrashers page, resolve duplicated bugs to the bugs they have been duplicated to Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2016-11-21
1319043 In the topcrashers page, show in which version a FIXED bug has been fixed Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2016-11-21
1366483 Socorro don't refresh URL when going to page 2 of comments of signature Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2017-05-22
1408011 search by regex should NOT use optional lucene flags Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2017-10-12
1410411 Correlation: changing the channel doesn't update the url Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2019-02-24
1443158 Sorting by "Version" gets confused by betas Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2018-03-05
1456928 Add mobile/small screen support Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-02-11
1472335 add startup information icons to signature Super Search results Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-03-17
1541976 Add URL shortener Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2019-04-27
1555096 Generate crash correlations for Fenix Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-01-03
1660884 ability to set default "show columns" value for supersearch Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2021-03-17
1726468 Missing proto_signature for java crashes Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-06-23
1768738 topcrashers report for fenix shouldn't show crash count breakdown by platform Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-04-01
1791728 Flag crash reports with stale microcode Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2022-11-22
1874265 Replace search.parseQueryString with URL.searchParams Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 2024-01-11
1908974 [prod] [traceback] ConnectionTimeout caused by - ReadTimeout(HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8080): Read timed out. (read timeout=30)) Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- Fri 11:28
1698919 "protected data" statements obscure actual values Socorro Webapp nobody REOP --- 2021-03-17
1100790 [Super Search] Combining platforms Mac OS X and Linux gives no mac results Socorro Webapp willkg REOP --- Mon 07:06
1056217 Add a firefox download link to crashes Socorro Webapp nobody REOP --- 2020-04-16
1609710 add note that aggregations are top-50 by count Socorro Webapp nobody REOP --- 2021-03-17
110 bugs found.

File a new bug in the "Socorro" product