Adding users and setting up permissions in your organization

Work together with your team by inviting them as users to your Buffer organization, which allows them to contribute new posts, engage with comments, and analyze metrics.

⭐️ This feature is on our Team and Agency plans.

In this article:

  1. How users work within your organization
  2. User permissions and access
  3. Inviting users
  4. Assigning permissions in bulk
  5. Removing users

How users work within your organization

Each individual Buffer user has their own organization (where they can connect personal channels that only they have access to), and they can also be part of other organizations as a user with different levels of permissions.


  • Your users will always access your organization’s channels on their own Buffer dashboard and they will never need to log into your Buffer account.
  • Your users will have access to all of the business features of your organization when working with your channels — even if they have a different plan. Most users of an organization have a Free plan.

In the publishing dashboard, your team members will be able to create and share draft posts, and you can define which users should have their posts approved. Posts created by your users will be shared within your posting schedule, which keeps every post from your team flowing seamlessly into a single queue for each channel. You'll also be able to see who created each post when viewing the queue.

In the analytics dashboard, your team members will be able to view metrics for any channel they have permission to access. Admins have the additional ability to create reports and access campaign metrics.

In the engagement dashboard, users within your Buffer organization who have Full Posting access to your organization's Instagram business accounts or Facebook Pages can respond to comments that come through for those accounts.

User permissions and access

You can grant your users full Admin access to the entire organization, or you can give them specific permissions for the channels you’d like them to work with. See the explanations below to decide what’s right for your team before you invite your users.


Admin access

  • Users with Admin access will have full control over all of the channels you’ve already connected, so this level of access should be used sparingly.
  • Users with Admin access won’t automatically have access to all channels; they still need to be invited to any channels they should see within each tool. If a user with Admin access hasn’t been invited to any channels, they wouldn’t be able to create posts or respond to comments. However, as an Admin, they are able to invite themselves to any channel at anytime.
  • Users with Admin access can connect new channels. The Admin who connected the channel will have Full Posting access to it by default but other Admins wouldn't unless they are invited to the channel. 

Approval Required access

  • Users with Approval Required access will not be able to create posts from the Calendar view.
Tool Admin access Full posting access (channel specific) Approval required access (channel specific)
Account settings
  • Connect and manage social channels
  • Invite and manage users
  • Manage subscription and billing
  • Read-only access to channels area
  • Read-only access to channels area
  • Dependent on permissions level granted for that social channel (Full Posting or Approval Required access)
  • Create posts
  • Edit and delete scheduled posts
  • Approve draft posts from other team members
  • Adjust posting schedules
  • Create draft posts
  • Dependent on permissions level granted for that social channel (Full Posting or Approval Required access)
  • Respond to all Instagram and Facebook comments
  • None - Team members must have Full Posting access to use the engagement tool
  • Viewing metrics
  • Create custom reports
  • View campaigns
  • View metrics
  • View metrics
Start Page
  • Start Page creation
  • Editing
  • No access
  • No access

Inviting users

Follow the steps below to invite a user to your organization.

📝 All organizations are called "My Organization" by default. To reduce confusion, please take a moment to rename your organization before inviting your users.

  1. From your publishing dashboard, start by clicking on your profile avatar at the top right of your dashboard and then click Team.

  1. From there, click Invite a New User and then enter their name and email address.
  2. Toggle Admin Access to Yes or No, depending on what level of access they should have.
  3. You're then able to decide which of your social channels the user should be invited to. Click inside the box below "Let’s assign a social channel to the new user on your team" and start typing the first few letters of the channel you'd like to invite them to. Once a channel has been selected, you can set the level of access the user should have.

📝 Please note, if you're using the campaigns feature, it's important to know that all users within an organization are able to view all campaigns within the publishing tool, including all posts belonging to those campaigns, regardless of whether or not they have access to the channel a post belongs to. Only admins can access campaign analytics in the analytics tool.

  1. You can then continue assigning the user to as many channels as you’d like.

  1. Finally, click on Invite User. They will receive an email invitation and will be required to create their own login. Once logged in to their personal Buffer dashboard, they will have access to any of the channels you've invited them to. Learn more in this article: Getting started as a user in an organization.

Assigning permissions in bulk

If you are managing lots of channels, you may prefer to assign permissions in bulk. This can be done by visiting the user's profile and clicking the assign in bulk link.

The Team area assign in bulk channel field

From there, select the channels the user should have access to on the left-hand side, and then choose the level of access they should have. Finally, click Save Changes.

Permissions drop-down for each assign-bulk-permissions

Removing users

To remove a user from your organization, you can take the following steps:

  1. From your publishing dashboard, start by clicking on your profile avatar at the top right of your dashboard and then click Team.
  2. Click on the user you'd like to remove.
  3. Click Edit User.
  4. Click Remove.

Buffer organization - remove team member

  1. A pop window confirmation will appear. Click Confirm and Remove to complete the process.
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