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Instagram - Page 4

A collection of posts on Instagram

InstagramFeb 7, 2017
What Counts As a Video View on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat? The Buffer Guide to Video Metrics

In our State of Social Media report, eighty-three percent of marketers said they’d like to create more video content in 2017. And we can certainly see why marketers are so hot on social video. Facebook believe that most of the content we consume online in the future will be video. Twitter has recently relaunched Vine as a camera app enabling users to capture and share short-form video on the platform. And more than 10 billion videos are watched on Snapchat every day. So it’s clear video is inc

InstagramMar 9, 2016
47 Amazingly Talented Artists and Designers to Follow on Instagram

There you are, hunched over your laptop trying with all your might to write a catchy headline or design an engaging graphic…and you’re feeling stuck. We’ve all been there. And the truth is, more often than not, it takes a lot of effort to be creative and come up with something truly unique and eye-catching. Thankfully, there are plenty of amazing designers and artists out there to provide some much-needed inspiration, and many of them have opted to use Instagram as a place to catalogue their p