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Creators at Passionfroot

How Passionfroot's Creator Akta Streamlines Content Scheduling with Buffer

Learn how Akta, the creator at Passionfroot, uses Buffer to streamline her content scheduling process and grow Passionfroot's following on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Apr 4, 2023 3 min readCase Studies
Photo of Phill Agnew
Phill Agnew

Senior Product Marketer @ Buffer

We’re big fans of creators here at Buffer.

We build products specifically for creators, and many of us working here at Buffer are creators.

So we were beyond excited to see Passionfroot (another creator-focused company) using Buffer.

Passionfroot simplifies the lives of creators by providing a one-stop-shop for managing sponsorships, collaborations, bookings, and payments.

It’s essentially  a storefront for fielding requests and managing back-office operations.

But Passionfroot is more than just a tool; it's a diverse community, with a team of second-generation immigrant founders and half of its angel investors from underrepresented minority groups.

The Passionfroot team
The Passionfroot team

Akta, the creator at Passionfroot, is a content creator, brand manager, and community builder, who hosts the Creators on Air podcast and writes the Frootful Creator newsletter.

With Buffer, she's been able to streamline her content scheduling process for Passionfroot and grow their following on Instagram and LinkedIn. In this blog post, we'll take you through Akta's journey with Buffer. She shares how it has helped not only manage but expand their online presence.

Setting Priorities and Facing Challenges

As Passionfroot' creator, Akta's primary challenge is staying consistent across all platforms while delivering valuable content that caters to various creator types.

Passionfroot's Twitter account

Akta wanted to set a publishing schedule for the podcast episodes and newsletters to prioritize her work effectively—but first, Akta needed to find a tool to help.

When Akta began searching for a social media scheduling tool, she compared various options. Akta acknowledged that there’s a lot of different tools to pick from and finding the right one isn’t easy. She appreciated how Buffer offered a powerful yet free version of the tool to help creators like her figure out if it is right without breaking the bank.

After reviewing the tools, Akta ultimately chose Buffer for its value. With it’s powerful free plan and reasonably priced paid plans.

I researched different tools for social media scheduling and Buffer offered the most for its value.”

Integrating Buffer into Her Workflow

She needed a tool that allowed her to batch-create content and schedule it over time, saving her valuable time. Buffer was there to help, however, Akta needed to tweak her workflow first.

Akta has integrated Buffer into her workflow to manage Passionfroot's content on LinkedIn and Instagram. The process starts by uploading visuals and writing captions for each post in Buffer. She then chooses the most appropriate date and time to schedule the content, ensuring consistency and avoiding overwhelming the Passionfroot audience.

I try to make sure content is consistently being scheduled and spread out so it’s not overwhelming for audience but we’re still consistently getting a message across.”
Screenshot of Buffer

Using Buffer in Tandem with Other Tools

Buffer is a great social media management tool, but it's not the only tool available to create and manage content. Akta leverages other tools such as Notion, Beehiiv, Final Cut Pro, and Riverside to create a well-rounded content creation and management workflow.

For instance, Akta uses Riverside for recording podcasts, which ensures that the audio quality is always top-notch. Final Cut Pro is her preferred tool for editing podcasts to ensure that they are polished and professional. Beehiiv is the tool she uses to send newsletters to her subscribers, while Notion helps her write articles and create a content calendar to ensure that the Passionfroot content is well-planned and organized.

By exploring and utilizing other tools that complement Buffer's strengths, Akta creates engaging and high-quality content that builds your brand online.

Achievements with Buffer

Since implementing Buffer, Akta has observed significant growth on Instagram and LinkedIn. Consistent content scheduling has helped Passionfroot establish a stronger presence and extend its reach. Additionally, Buffer has reduced the stress of manual posting for Akta, allowing her to focus on other aspects of her work.

“We’ve been more consistent on Instagram and Linkedin which has helped us to grow our platforms. It’s also taken a lot of stress off my shoulders for posting.”

Akta's story with Buffer illustrates how a powerful social media scheduling tool can help content creators and brand managers grow their following, create better content, and save time, all without breaking the bank.

Thanks to Buffer's scheduling capabilities and other features, Passionfroot has been able to maintain a consistent social media presence, which has been crucial to their growth and success.

If you're looking for an affordable and efficient way to manage your content, Buffer might be for you.

So, why wait? Get started today →

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