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Equal Parts

Inspiration doesn’t always come from obvious places. Can 70’s jazz music encourage a culinary revolution?

Nov 19, 2019 1 min readBreaking Brand
Photo of Kevan Lee
Kevan Lee

Former VP of Marketing @ Buffer

As the Pattern team prepares to launch Equal Parts, we hear about how they built the brand and what makes it unique in the market.

Pattern’s first brand, Equal Parts, offers cookware with a difference. In episode 4, we go behind-the-scenes to learn why Pattern decided to build a brand in the cookware space. We hear where the Equal Parts name came from, the diverse range of inspiration behind the brand and discuss some of the challenges ahead for the team as they build a direct-to-consumer cookware brand.

Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

Must-listen moments

0:30 — Nick on what makes Pattern Brands unique

“Every company, every category now has 10 to 20 companies where  there's very little differentiation. They're just being built to sell some products to consumers. We're saying let's find a better way to think about companies.” — Nick Ling

1:55 — The problem Equal Parts is looking to solve

“People aren't resorting to cooking anymore because they don't have any comfort, intuition and confidence in the kitchen.” — Tyler Sgro

6:07 — Why Pattern decided to launch a brand in the cookware space

“Our north star at Pattern is how we help people create quality time. And I think there’s something universal about cooking and quality time that connects a lot of people together.” — Nick Ling

7:40 — The inspiration behind the Equal Parts brand

“I think there’s three kind of inspirations around some of the aesthetic and approach for the brand; one is 1970s American jazz or jazz in general around that time, the second was early 90s hip hop and a third is a scene in Ratatouille.” — Emmett Shine

Pattern Brands | Camille Baldwin | Nick Ling | Emmett Shine | Equal Parts | Ratatouille | Richie Siegel |

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