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Slow down. Pause. Step Back. The road to launch isn’t always straight.

Nov 12, 2019 2 min readBreaking Brand
Photo of Kevan Lee
Kevan Lee

Former VP of Marketing @ Buffer

With the pivot from Gin Lane to Pattern Brands in full swing, the team focuses on how to take their new business to market.

The road to building a new company isn’t a straight line and there are plenty of challenges to navigate along the way. In this episode, we hear how Nick approached sharing the pivot with the Gin Lane team and how they navigated the rollercoaster of raising investment. Camille and Emmett share insights into building the new brand and we also hear what went down on launch day and go behind-the-scenes at the the Pattern Brands launch party.

Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify

Must-listen moments

4:00 — The problem is Pattern Brands trying to solve

"I think at a top-line it's solving this notion of a burnout in our society, in our culture, in our generation." — Camille Baldwin

5:49 — The importance of creating a memorable brand

"The fun thing about branding and marketing is you can do years worth of research. But if you can't boil it down to this thin sliced visual, logo or tagline, it doesn't matter." — Emmett Shine

8:25 — How Pattern Brands approached raising investment

“We probably talked to 30 to 40 investors over the time period all the way from very large investment funds to seed funds and I think the big learning process for us was figuring out not how we pitch, but who was the right partner for us.” — Nick Ling

14:27 — Saying goodbye to Gin Lane and embracing discomfort

"I think we're excited to go back to zero. When you're at that moment when you don't know anything and you're really uncomfortable that is probably the most motivating feeling in the world." — Camille Baldwin

21:02 — Nick reflecting on the Pattern Brands launch

“The last 6 months have been way harder than we thought they'd be. Convincing 30 people to change their lives with you — to go from Gin Lane to Patten — is a journey and now is the time where we have to live up to these ambitions we're putting out there." — Nick Ling

Pattern Brands | Camille Baldwin | Nick Ling | Emmett Shine | Outdoor Voices | Cheddar | Fast Company | Zynga | Kleiner Perkins

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