Bright Security high performer leader by G2

Product overview

See how dev-centric DAST for the enterprise secures your business.

Web attacks

Continuous security testing for web applications at high-scale.

API attacks

Safeguard your APIs no matter how often you deploy.

Business logic attacks

Future-proof your security testing with green-flow exploitation testing.

LLM attacks

Next-gen security testing for LLM & Gen AI powered applications and add-ons.

Interfaces & extensions

Security testing throughout the SDLC - in your team’s native stack.


Connecting your security stack & resolution processes seamlessly.


Getting started with Bright and implementing it in your enterprise stack.

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DAST that doesn’t slow your organization down

Smarter Dynamic Application Security Testing for every stage & stakeholder in your SDLC. Give your teams proof of vulnerability and clear remediation guidelines so they can cut through the alert fatigue and fix the real issues before they hit production.

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Enterprise-grade, developer friendly,
& AppSec approved DAST

Dev-centric DAST for the enterprise

Every organization wants to increase release velocity, but if you're waiting to run DAST only at UAT then that's too late in the SDLC. Bright's DAST puts automated security testing in the hands of your developers. Empowering AppSec and engineering collaboration so developers can start testing for vulnerabilities from unit testing all the way to production in their tools and stacks of choice.

Holistic security testing in dev environments, clear remediation, minimal false positives, and alert fatigue.

Less than 3% false positives

We get that you’re overwhelmed with alerts and security events. Bright doesn’t just map out your attack surface of potential vulnerabilities, it executes diverse attack simulations on targets so you get proof, clarity, and clear priorities.

Comprehensive security testing that AppSec trusts

Bright is the only DAST platform that gives AppSec 360 visibility of their organizations security posture across the entire SDLC so the can identify and remediate real vulnerabilities earlier.

Future-proof your security posture with LLM & business logic security testing

With a new age on LLM and Gen AI powered applications here on our doorstep organizational resilience needs to go beyond the technical bits and bytes. Bright is leading the way with its new generation of business logic and LLM security testing capabilities.

Snapshots are good. Continuous security testing is better.

Modern, enterprise-grade security testing for web, API, business logic, and LLMs at the speed of deployment.


“Empowering our developers with Bright’s DAST has been pivotal at SentinelOne. It’s not just about protecting systems; it’s about instilling a culture where security is an integral part of development, driving innovation and efficiency.”

Kunal Bhattacharya, Head of Application Security at SentinelOne

“Bright enabled us to significantly improve our application security coverage and remediate vulnerabilities much faster. Bright has reduced the amount of wall clock hours AND man hours we used to spend doing preliminary scans on applications by about 70%.”

Bobby Kuzma, ProCircular


Protect cloud accounts


Protect cloud accounts


Protect cloud accounts