Give of your time

Volunteer work comes in all shapes and sizes. Join other alumni who are combining their strengths to pass on UdeM’s values.

Have your say

Share your expertise in a UdeM presentation or panel discussion.
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Become a mentor

Help alumni and students navigate career transitions and achieve success.
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Plan your own fundraising event

Support UdeM’s educational and research missions by raising funds.
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Plan a class reunion

Reconnect with classmates by organizing a reunion to be held during our upcoming Grandes Retrouvailles event.
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Join one of the committees at UdeM

Represent UdeM alumni and help shape university strategy and policy.
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Need time to think about it?

No problem. You can support UdeM's mission in various ways, including by donation.

If you want to support Brave the way, but need time to find the volunteer opportunity that’s right for you, consider making a donation. Every financial contribution we receive plays a crucial role in the success of our initiatives.

Every gift matters
Your generosity has tangible impacts on society.