Category: Full-Time MBA Application Tips (page 1 of 5)

The Value of the MBA Admissions Interview in Texas McCombs’ Full-Time MBA Application Process

As we look ahead to the 2024-2025 admissions cycle, Texas McCombs continues to embrace our core value of being “Human-Centered, Future-Focused.” In this spirit, we’re excited to once again offer all Full-Time MBA applicants the opportunity to participate in an optional MBA admissions interview. This interactive virtual session provides a unique chance to connect with current students, showcase your collaborative skills, and reaffirm your motivation for pursuing an MBA at Texas McCombs.

We pride ourselves in getting to know you at a personal level during the admissions process and will continue to provide hundreds of virtual and in-person ways for you to meet our students, alumni, faculty, and admissions team. While entirely optional, this interview can be a valuable way to leave a lasting impression on our community.


Roughly a week after the round deadline, applicants will receive an email that will point you to our online platform and allow you to select an interview slot that works with your schedule. There is a deadline to complete your interview, so be sure to schedule it early. Slots will fill quickly!


No! There are plenty of ways for the admissions committee to get to know you without the optional MBA admissions interview. For example, if you have continuously engaged with the McCombs community, feel confident in your video assessment submission, and have no additional questions for a current student, then registering for and attending a virtual interview might not be necessary. On the other hand, if you have not had the chance to get to know us and would like an additional opportunity to convey something that might not be conveyed elsewhere in the application, we might recommend signing up for a peer interview. At the end of the day, the choice is yours. The interview may serve as an additional data point for the committee, but it is not required for admissions consideration.

Tip: Remember that every interaction you have with a member of the Texas McCombs community is an opportunity to make a positive impression about who you are and your MBA candidacy. From speaking to our receptionist at the MBA Program Office to meeting an Admissions Officer on the road, all members of our community have an opportunity to provide informal feedback on MBA applicants, so make every connection count.


We listen for confidence, clear and concise communication and overall genuine enthusiasm. The interviewer will be focusing on the following competencies:


The Admissions Committee is looking for applicants with a genuine interest in pursuing an MBA and a clear understanding of how it will help to achieve their professional goals. Applicants should understand why Texas McCombs is the right place to pursue their studies and show enthusiasm for their goals and our MBA program.


We are looking for applicants that demonstrate strong collaboration skills with their ability to strategically position themselves in a group due to their self-awareness of their strengths and weaknesses. They are easy to work with and comfortable relying on others’ strengths.


The optional interview will last approximately 20-25 minutes and is available throughout the rounds. The student ambassador will introduce themselves and ask you up to 3 questions that focus on collaboration and motivation.  The rest of the time is yours to ask a few questions that are top of mind.

We recommend having 2-3 questions prepared for your student interviewer about the program and student experience. You are also welcome to discuss information about your candidacy that is not addressed elsewhere, as the interviewer can in turn provide this information to the admissions committee via a post-interview form.

Different schools have different interview processes. It’s important to be familiar with how the Texas McCombs MBA program runs the virtual interview experience. Be sure to read all confirmation emails and instructions very carefully. All optional interviews are conducted virtually by a member of the McCombs Ambassador Committee.


Yes! You will have the option to select both your interviewer and your interview time slot. While some applicants prefer to focus their choice primarily on finding a time that works best for their schedule, others may prioritize selecting a specific interviewer. The choice is entirely yours, allowing you to approach the process in a way that best suits your preferences and needs.

Your chosen interviewer will have access to your name, email, and resume prior to the interview. However, they won’t have any other information about you or your application. We recommend having a copy of your resume on hand during the conversation for easy reference.


No. All our MBA admissions interviews are virtual to keep all applicants (including those who cannot come to campus) on a level playing field. We do encourage applicants to visit us in-person so you can get to know us, but interviews must be conducted virtually (via Zoom).


  1. Be On Time: Arriving on time is “Interviewing 101,” yet it still manages to trip up even the most prepared of candidates. Please follow all the instructions in your confirmation email about how to connect with your interviewer.
  2. Test your Connection: Interviews require a desktop or laptop computer (no iPhone/iPad) with a functioning webcam, microphone, and internet connection. We recommend connecting directly to your internet for the most reliable internet connection – and make sure you have plenty of charge on your laptop or that you are plugged in!
  3. Pace Yourself: You’d be surprised how many times, at the end of an applicant’s long answer, we are asked to repeat the original question. Most often this happens to people who try to put too much into the first answer for fear of not being given an opportunity later to address their prepared examples. Keep your responses concise and keep in mind the short duration of the interview.
  4. Be Professional but Loosen Up: Given our program’s famously friendly culture, our interviews are relatively informal. If you still find yourself nervous, practice your answers in front of a mirror or with a friend or colleague and ask them how you did. Did you answer the question? Did you rush through it? Take a moment to outline your answer in your mind first, and then address it calmly and confidently. Don’t get too comfortable, though. While we’re an easy-going group, maintaining an appropriate level of professionalism is always a good idea. This includes professional language and attire.
  5. Come with questions: If you choose to participate in this optional interview, prepare thoughtful questions to make the most of this opportunity. A good list of questions for your interviewer can illustrate a few key things about you as a candidate: You’ve done your research, you care about our program, you have envisioned yourself as a Texas McCombs MBA, and you can formulate coherent thoughts under pressure.

Here is a list of topics to consider:

  • Discuss any aspect of your candidacy that has not already been covered in other application components.
  • Get to know your host and their experience at Texas McCombs. Ask them questions about their MBA journey and the McCombs community.
  • Ask for tips and advice on how to best navigate and spend the time between the admission decision and program kick-off.

In the competitive world of MBA applications, Texas McCombs stands out by prioritizing the human component. Our “Human-Centered, Future-Focused” values resonate throughout the entire admissions process, offering you an opportunity to showcase your collaborative skills and reaffirm your motivations for pursuing an MBA.

Whether you choose to participate in this interview or explore other avenues of connection, remember that every interaction can contribute to your MBA candidacy. We encourage you to consider which opportunities align best with your goals and preferences. Whichever path you choose, we look forward to getting to know you and potentially welcoming you to the Texas McCombs family.

If you have any questions during the application process, we’re here to help. Please visit our website for details on applying to each program and follow us on Instagram for an inside look into the Texas McCombs MBA.

Reapplying to Texas McCombs: Your Guide to a Stronger MBA Application

With each new admissions cycle, questions come in from those who have applied in the past about applying again to join the next class of Texas McCombs MBAs. First, having applied in a previous year is not considered a negative factor in your application.

We value persistence and growth – qualities that many reapplicants embody and are pleased to see your continued interest in the program. The Admissions Committee will evaluate your new application on its merits and in the context of the new applicant pool, just as if you are applying for the first time. Below is an overview of important info and tips for reapplying to the MBA program that we hope you find helpful.


All candidates reapplying are required to complete a new application, as well as upload a new essay, a new resume, and pay the application fee. Our essay prompts from last year have changed to new short answer questions for this year, and copying from a previous application cycle is not recommended. In addition, rewriting your essays shows effort!

Review essays and application components

Learn more about the new application updates


We keep your official transcript on file for one year. You will need to submit your transcripts again if you have taken any additional coursework or if you applied more than one year ago. After you apply, you can always review your application status on the “MyStatus” page to make sure you have current transcripts.


GMAT, GRE, and Executive Assessment scores are also kept on file for one year, and overall, scores are valid five years after the date the test is taken. If you applied with a test waiver previously, your waiver approval will be good for the new cycle as well. Note that if you have already sent us official scores, we must consider them in the evaluation process, and that a reapplicant who applied with a test waiver can decide to reapply with a valid test score. The McCombs Admissions Committee considers only the highest total submitted score in the evaluation of applications.

Learn about the test options for Full-Time MBA candidates


Although not required, we suggest you submit a new letter of recommendation. Determine if another recommender may provide a more current, insightful, and thorough perspective on your experience. If you choose to submit a prior recommendation, you will need to email MBA Admissions with a request to resubmit.


Reapplicants will be asked to complete the 2024-2025 video assessment as part of their new application; due to differences in timing and questions, we will be unable to use your video assessment from the prior year.


While completing your application, you will be asked, “Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to enhance your candidacy?” The Admissions Committee reviews this answer closely so please ensure that you spend time reflecting on and explaining these improvements. Use this section to showcase personal and professional development since your last application.

TIP: Emphasize new experiences, skills, or insights that you’ve gained, further demonstrating how your goals align with Texas McCombs’ mission and culture.

Reapplying demonstrates your commitment and resilience; both are qualities that we value at Texas McCombs. Many successful MBAs were once reapplicants themselves and this is your opportunity to show us how you’ve grown and why you’re an even stronger fit for our program now.

We’re excited to see your renewed application and learn about your journey since we last connected. Your persistence might just be the key that unlocks your MBA dreams at Texas McCombs.

Visit Texas McCombs MBA to learn more about our programs and upcoming events, or take a peek into student life on Instagram. Check out our Application Process page for more information on application components. Please reach out to the MBA Admissions Team with any questions.

Best of luck with your application, and Hook ‘em!

Guide to Full-Time MBA Standardized Test Options and Waivers

As we enter the 2024-2025 admissions cycle, Texas McCombs is proud to continue to offer applicants standardized test flexibility while maintaining our commitment to academic excellence. Preparing for and taking an MBA admissions exam is one of the best ways to get your mind back into academic mode as you prepare for business school.

Texas McCombs MBA admissions is excited to share that Full-Time MBA candidates will continue to have several options when considering how to complete the standardized test requirement in their application. All applicants are required to submit a GMAT, GRE, or Executive Assessment (EA) score. We will waive the testing requirement if:

  • Expired (taken 5+ years ago) GMAT, GRE, or EA score is submitted


Standardized exams like the GMAT, GRE, and EA evaluate a candidate’s academic preparedness for the rigor of business school and is one metric used to compare candidates within a large pool of applicants.

Note that the majority of applicants applying to the Full-Time MBA program take either the GMAT or GRE due to the competitiveness of the pool. Submitting a strong, valid test score will give the Admissions Committee an additional, relevant data point that may strengthen a candidate’s position for admission and/or scholarship award.

In addition, studying for and taking the exam – for some, even taking it multiple times – can show the Admissions Committee your commitment to the competitive business school application process and how you may approach academic challenges as a student.

This post contains a lot of information, broken down into four sections:

  • Should I Petition for a Test Waiver?
  • Which Exam is Right for You?
  • Impact of Your Test Score
  • Submitting Your Chosen Test


To be considered for a test waiver, an applicant must have:

  • A minimum of three years* of substantive and progressing post-undergraduate work experience, preferably of an analytical or quantitative nature.

AND at least one of the following:

  • Completion of an undergraduate degree, with strong academic record, preferably with analytical or quantitative courses.
  • Completion of a graduate degree, with strong academic record, preferably in an analytical or quantitative discipline.

The Admissions Committee will be reviewing your academic history closely, with a focus on analytical or quantitative courses. To improve chances of petition approval, we highly advise applicants to have an overall GPA of 3.0 or more.

*Three years by the time you would begin classes in the Fall of your first year. 


The Admissions Committee does not prefer one test over the other in terms of demonstrating your preparedness for business school, but it is important to think about which exam is best for you as an individual. There are different reasons to consider taking the GMAT vs the GRE vs the EA.

While the GMAT and GRE tests both have quantitative and verbal sections, they have noticeable differences. We encourage you to do your research and take practice tests to learn each test’s points of emphasis, and how they are scored.

Both The GMAT and GRE are adaptive, which means that your success in answering questions correctly has an impact on the future questions you are given. But the tests deliver adaptive questions in different ways.

  • The GMAT is adaptive by question. When you get an answer correct, the next question is more difficult, and when you get an answer wrong, the next question is less difficult. This also means that once you answer a question, you can’t go back to that question.
  • The GRE is adaptive by section. If you do well on the first verbal section, you get a more difficult version of the next verbal section and vice versa.

We have included some more details about the GMAT, GRE, and EA below, but if you are unsure which exam is best for you, here are our tips:

  • We recommend taking some practice tests! There’s a chance you may be more comfortable with one test format over the other. At the end of the day, the choice of which exam to take is yours.
  • Build in study time and leave yourself enough room on the calendar to retake an exam if necessary. If you’re not happy with your score, you can retake either test. While many candidates take the test only once thinking it will fulfill the requirement, others recognize that a second effort is likely to yield improvement. It comes at the cost of additional time and another test fee, but the payoff can be significant if it makes you a stronger candidate.
  • Make sure you submit your application as confidently as possible and with a score you feel good about.

For many years, the GMAT was the only standardized test accepted by business schools, but in the last decade, that has changed. Like Texas McCombs, many schools accept the GMAT, GRE, and EA with no preference for one test over another. However, it’s important to be aware that the GMAT is still used by some large consulting and investment banking companies as a baseline qualifier for the recruiting process. If consulting or I-banking are in your sights, this means that the GMAT is the best choice.

The Fine Print: Not ALL consulting and investment banking firms look at your GMAT – boutique consulting firms, for example, typically do not ask for your score. So, this is not a one-size-fits-all rule but is something to consider if those industries are of interest to you. 


Sometimes the GRE is the best choice for applicants who have already completed a Master’s degree or those who are pursuing their MBA in conjunction with other Master’s degrees, for example, our dual degree programs. Taking only the GRE allows you to apply to both programs separately with one score, a convenience factor that most dual-degree applicants appreciate.

Executive Assessment (EA)

In 2016 GMAC (who also administers the GMAT exam) saw the need for a new exam, designed specifically for the needs of MBA applicants who have a significant amount of work experience.

Today, almost 100 MBA programs, Full-Time, Professional, and Executive, accept the EA. Unlike the GMAT or GRE, the EA is a readiness exam and a benchmark for academic preparedness.

Learn more about the EA at


Understanding the potential impact of your test score goes beyond just meeting an application requirement. Your score can influence multiple aspects of your MBA journey, from your admissions prospects to future career opportunities. Let’s explore how your test performance might shape your path at Texas McCombs and beyond.

Future Employment

Before you make a final decision on your testing options or a waiver petition, it’s best to research some of your target companies or industries and determine two things:

  • The extent to which they evaluate a test score in reviewing job candidates.
  • Whether they have a preference for one of the tests. At McCombs, we have found that most top-tier consulting and investment banking firms do ask for a candidate’s test scores, and both industries historically have favored the GMAT.

You should consider taking the GMAT, GRE or EA as another opportunity to not only impress the Admissions Committee, but also potential employers.

Academic History

Does your undergraduate or graduate transcript accurately reflect your academic ability? If your GPA is low, and you do not submit a strong test score, the Admissions Committee may have concerns about your ability to succeed in the rigorous MBA curriculum.

One other factor to consider is whether your quantitative ability shines elsewhere in your application. While many of our MBA students come to McCombs from non-quantitative majors, these applicants are typically able to prove their quantitative prowess through their test scores. If you come from a non-quantitative background and do not submit a strong test score, you will need to find other areas within your background or experience that can demonstrate your quantitative skills.

At the end of the day, we want to make sure that you are set up to succeed academically in the program. If the Admissions Committee has concerns about your quantitative ability, it may impact your chance of admission, or you may be required to complete pre-MBA coursework prior to admission and/or prior to enrollment.


Scholarship awards are competitive and limited in number. Scholarship decisions are based on a longstanding holistic review process that considers your entire application and serves to assess the overall strength of your candidacy, including readiness for academic rigor, career goals, leadership potential, and fit with our program culture.  Submitting a strong, valid test score will give the Admissions Committee an additional, relevant data point that may strengthen a candidate’s position for scholarship awards.


Once you’ve decided on the test or waiver that best aligns with your strengths and goals, it’s crucial to submit your scores correctly and on time. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Self-reporting: Always self-report your scores in your application, regardless of which test you choose.
  • Official reports: Ensure that official score reports are sent directly to UT-Austin by the testing agency.
  • Timing: Be mindful of processing times. It can take up to 3-4 weeks for new scores to be processed, so plan accordingly.
  • Online tests: If taking the GMAT, GRE, or EA online, allow up to two weeks to receive your score from the testing agency.
  • Deadline adherence: Remember, you must have your test score in hand by the application deadline to submit your application.

By following these steps, you ensure that your chosen test score is properly considered as part of your application package.

Submitting Current GMAT, GRE, Or EA Scores

For current scores, you must self-report your test scores in your application as well as have official score reports sent directly to UT-Austin by the testing agency. The date your official scores are sent to UT-Austin by the testing agency should be no later than the application round deadline, as it can take up to 3-4 weeks for new scores to be processed. If you are taking the GMAT, GRE, or EA online, allow up to two weeks to receive your score from the testing agency. You must have your test score in hand by the application deadline to submit your application.

Submitting Expired GRE, GMAT, or EA Scores

For expired scores (5 years or older), you must self-report your score and upload proof of the test score in the application. Examples of proof for expired test scores include a score report you received previously from the testing agency OR documentation from another educational institution that previously received the score (e.g. for another graduate/terminal degree application).

Submitting a General Test Waiver Petition

To complete a merit-based test waiver petition, candidates must submit a short statement highlighting the merits of their request, an up-to-date resume, and undergraduate and/or graduate transcripts.

  1. Create a UT EID if you do not already have one.
  2. Submit the merit-based test waiver petition form prior to submitting your application. The merit-based test waiver petition form can also be accessed via the test scores section of the application. UT EID Log-in is required.

Approval for the test waiver petition is merit-based and takes into account your work experience and academic history. The Admissions Committee will be assessing your academic and professional background, looking for evidence of demonstrated readiness – specifically in quantitative subjects – for the rigorous MBA curriculum.

A decision on your test waiver petition will be shared via email 5-10 business days after petition submission. Test waiver petitions must be submitted no later than 7 days prior to the application deadline for the round to which you are applying.

Test waivers are not available for applicants who have already sent scores to UT-Austin.


We understand that each applicant brings a unique set of experiences and strengths to our program. Our flexible approach to standardized testing reflects our commitment to holistic admissions, allowing you to present your best self to the admissions committee.

As you evaluate your testing options or consider a test waiver petition, we challenge you to critically assess the quantitative data points in your application. Think carefully about what will truly strengthen your overall MBA candidacy. While some applicants may have a compelling case without a test score, others may significantly enhance their chances of admission (and potentially scholarship opportunities) by submitting a strong test result.

Remember, objectivity is key. Take a step back and evaluate how the quantitative aspects of your application—be it test scores, GPA, or professional achievements—come together to showcase your readiness for the rigors of our MBA program. This self-assessment will help ensure you put your best foot forward in the admissions process.

Whether you choose to take the GMAT, GRE, EA, or petition for a waiver, keep in mind that this is just one component of your application. Focus on presenting a well-rounded picture of your potential across all aspects of your candidacy. We’re excited to learn more about you and how you’ll contribute to and grow within the Texas McCombs community.

Visit Texas McCombs MBA to learn more about our programs and upcoming events, or take a peek into student life on Instagram. Check out our Application Process page for more information on application components. Please reach out to the MBA Admissions Team with any questions.

Successfully Answering the Texas McCombs Full-Time MBA Essay Prompts

For the 2024-2025 admissions cycle, Texas McCombs has refreshed our essay section to provide you with more opportunities to share your unique story. We’ve transitioned from a single essay to three focused prompts, each with a 250-word limit. This change allows you to showcase different facets of your personality, experiences, and aspirations. The most successful essays thoughtfully address the prompt, clearly communicate, and authentically share who you are.


Prompt #1: At Texas McCombs, we do things a little differently. We embrace those who take the initiative and forge new paths. What ambitious goal or change do you aim to achieve with an MBA, and why is Texas McCombs your ideal launchpad?

This prompt invites you to articulate your personal and professional ambitions and demonstrate how they align with Texas McCombs’ unique MBA offerings and culture.

Prompt #2: Here, you are what’s next. At this pivotal crossroads where you’re deciding your future path, the Texas McCombs MBA experience will equip you with the tools and mindset to make “what’s next” happen in your career. Please share unique qualities you possess that highlight your potential to shake up the status quo in your professional life.

Use this prompt to showcase your self-awareness and leadership potential. Highlight experiences or qualities that set you apart and indicate your capacity for innovation in your field.

Prompt #3: The University of Texas at Austin’s motto, “What starts here changes the world,” embodies a spirit of impact and transformation. What fuels your drive to lead change and make your mark in the world?

This prompt explores your sense of purpose and vision for creating positive change. Share experiences or values that motivate you to make a meaningful impact in the world.

TIP: You can discuss your identity, upbringing, core values, formative experiences, obstacles you’ve overcome, special talents/interests, etc. Feel free to be creative and share anything that you think the Admissions Committee will find interesting.


The optional statement (250 words) remains available for addressing specific concerns or gaps in your application. Use this space judiciously to provide context for any areas that may raise questions, such as gaps in work experience, choice of recommender, academic performance, or extenuating personal circumstance.

Optional Statement Prompt: Please provide any additional information you believe is important or address any areas of concern that you believe will be beneficial to the MBA Admissions Committee in considering your application.

Honestly, the most important piece of advice we can provide you on the optional statement is to remember that it is just that– optional. Only applicants who feel some piece of their profile deserves more explanation should submit an optional statement. This section of the application is not to designed for you to tell us more about your extracurricular activities or expand upon the essay prompt. While we love to see how excited you are to share additional information with us, there are other ways to let the admissions committee know about additional projects or passions. Your resume and the video assessment are better forums for these additional details. Optional statements should focus on filling gaps or answering questions we are likely to have about you.


Before we dive into specific tips, let’s address an important topic: the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your application. While AI tools can be helpful for research and editing, all essay content must be your own original work. You may use AI for brainstorming or grammar checks, but the ideas, experiences, and words in your essays should come directly from you. With that in mind, here are our top tips for crafting compelling essays:

  • Be patient with yourself. Take time to reflect, brainstorm, rewrite, and EDIT. It will likely take more than one draft to realize your final submission. With shorter essays, precision is key. Take time to refine your language and ideas.
  • Don’t copy and paste. Do not use the same content for multiple business schools. We can always spot recycled content.
  • STAY ON PROMPT. If you bypass the actual questions to tell us something you think we want to hear, you will not provide the information we are looking for. This includes sticking to the word counts. With only 250 words per prompt, be clear and concise in your responses.
  • Align with your application. Ensure your essays complement and enhance the other components of your application!
  • Be honest. These essays are our way to learn more about you. Our community values authenticity and we look for essays that reflect your authentic self.
  • Have someone you trust read over your essays. Those closest to you can provide valuable insights, feedback, and perspectives as you highlight your personal gifts and qualities.

Remember, these essays are your opportunity to go beyond your resume and bring your application life. We’re excited to learn more about you through these prompts and how you envision yourself contributing to and benefiting from the Texas McCombs community. We hope these insights into the essay prompt gives you some ideas to think about and some points to revisit as you write (and rewrite) your essay. Good luck and happy applying!

Visit Texas McCombs MBA to find out more about all our programs, submitting your application, and upcoming events.

Deep Dive Into the 2024-2025 Full-Time MBA Application Deadlines and Components

Application components for the top-ranked Texas McCombs Full-Time MBA program have been updated for the 2024-2025 cycle with a few exciting new additions alongside the continuation of successful existing offerings. Together, these elements create a robust application experience designed to comprehensively evaluate each candidate’s unique profile and fit for the program. These additions not only provide increased flexibility but also create more opportunities for meaningful self-expression, allowing candidates to put their best foot forward.

  • Refreshed Essay Prompts: The essay section has been refreshed with new essay prompts that provide an invaluable opportunity to showcase different facets of your unique background, goals, and fit for Texas McCombs. These prompts allow you to express yourself authentically and highlight what distinguishes you from other applicants.
  • Expanded Standardized Testing Options: Texas McCombs continues to offer flexibility by accepting the GMAT, GRE, and Executive Assessment (EA). The school also maintains its merit-based test waiver process for exceptional applicants whose academic records and professional achievements demonstrates readiness for the program’s rigor.
  • Avenues for Authentic Self-Expression: We continue to prioritize getting to know applicants as well-rounded individuals beyond just written materials. The video assessment allows you to showcase skills like communication, critical thinking, and professionalism through recorded video responses. The virtual interview with a current MBA student, while optional, allows for a candid conversation and personal connection where you can gain insights into the student experience while demonstrating fit for Texas McCombs culture and values. Both the video assessment and interview component create powerful avenues for self-expression.
  • Extended Application Window: We remain committed to providing flexibility throughout the process. As such, the program is continuing to offer a Round 4 deadline for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle. Prospective students have until May 15, 2025, to submit their materials for Round 4 consideration. The admissions committee understands that applying to top MBA programs requires significant time and effort. By maintaining a later deadline, candidates have increased flexibility to thoughtfully prepare their application materials without being rushed.


Our admissions committee dedicates itself to a meticulous, holistic review of each application. Our objective is to determine if you are a good fit for Texas McCombs and to be sure we are the right school for you and your goals. There are no fixed criteria or weighted portions of the application. Unless otherwise noted, the following application components will be required this cycle:

  • Standardized Test (GMAT, GRE, Executive Assessment) or merit-based waiver
  • English Proficiency Test (TOEFL, IELTS) or waiver (international students only)
  • Undergraduate transcripts and graduate transcripts (if applicable)
  • Resume
  • One Professional Recommendation
  • Three Essay Prompts
  • Video Assessment
  • MBA Interview (Optional)


Applications for the Full-Time MBA program are accepted in four rounds, and the program enrolls annually every August. Applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM Central Time on the deadline date for each round.

  • Round 1: October 15, 2024
  • Round 2: January 15, 2025
  • Round 3: April 1, 2025*
  • Round 4: May 15, 2025

*Final deadline for international applicants.


Most applicants will need to submit a valid GMAT, GRE, or Executive Assessment (EA) score as part of their application package. These exams help evaluate academic preparedness for the rigor of business school; however, the admissions committee will waive the testing requirement if:

  • Expired (taken 5+ years ago) GMAT, GRE, or EA score is submitted
  • General Test Waiver (merit-based) is approved

For those planning to take the GMAT, GRE, or Executive Assessment, adequate preparation is crucial. These exams evaluate various skills, including quantitative reasoning, verbal abilities, and analytical writing. Investing time and effort into focused studies can undoubtedly boost your performance and increase your chances of earning a competitive score.

Note that the majority of applicants applying to the Full-Time MBA program take either the GMAT or the GRE due to the competitiveness of the pool. In many cases, having a strong GMAT or GRE score will make you more competitive for both admission and scholarship opportunities.


The essay prompts serve as a powerful storytelling tool, allowing you to share narratives and insights that may not be captured elsewhere in your application. The essay section has been refreshed for the 2024-2025 cycle, now featuring three prompts with a 250-word limit for each response. These are purposefully designed to elicit thoughtful and introspective responses that reveal your motivations, values, and aspirations.

As you approach this section, resist the temptation to restate information from your resume or transcripts. Instead, use this opportunity to provide context, share personal anecdotes, and convey your genuine passion for pursuing an MBA at Texas McCombs. Remember, the admissions committee is not merely evaluating your accomplishments but also seeking to understand the person behind the achievements.


The video assessment component evaluates your ability to think critically, communicate clearly, and present yourself professionally in a virtual setting – invaluable assets in today’s digital environment.

During the video assessment, you will be prompted to respond to a series of questions within a specified timeframe. While the format may seem daunting initially, it is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your poise, quick thinkings, and ability to articulate your thoughts coherently under pressure.

Preparation is key to excelling in this component. Practice responding to sample questions, familiarize yourself with the technology, and ensure a distraction-free environment.


The optional interview serves as the culminating “last dance” in your application journey – a final platform to convey your authentic self and solidify fit before the admissions decision. This candid two-way dialogues with a current student allows you to showcase interpersonal skills, reaffirm motivation, and make a lasting positive impression. More than just answering questions, you can gain an insider’s perspective into the MBA experience while the student ambassador evaluates your potential to collaborate and contribute to the community. Approach this final opportunity present, ask insightful questions, and reinforce why Texas McCombs is the perfect next step in your journey.


As you prepare your application, remember that Texas McCombs is dedicated to understanding you as a multidimensional individual. The new components create meaningful opportunities for self-expression that allow your unique story and fit for the program to truly shine through. With thoughtful preparation, you can craft an application that showcases your potential to thrive at Texas McCombs.

Stay tuned for our blog series on key application components over the summer and mark your calendar for our Full-Time MBA Class of 2027 application opening in August 2024.

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