Category: Executive MBA (page 1 of 13)

Impressive Outcomes from Texas McCombs Working Professional MBA Class of 2023

For ambitious professionals seeking to elevate their careers without taking a break, the Texas McCombs Working Professional MBA program, encompassing the Evening MBA, Weekend MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth, and Weekend MBA at Houston, continues to be a launchpad for success. The impressive outcomes of the Class of 2023 stand as a testament to the program’s commitment to empowering students to achieve their professional aspirations while working full-time.

When students enter the program, the identify themselves along one of four career paths:

  • Enhancers aim to continue an upward trajectory in the same career function or industry.
  • Switchers know they want to transition to a different role, function, and/or industry.
  • Explorers are curious about other opportunities and want to learn about different career paths while pursuing their MBA.
  • Entrepreneurs want to start their own business.

One such success story is Jaenero Gaither from the Dallas MBA program, who now works as a Supply Chain & Operations Consultant at Ernst & Young (EY).  Jaenero entered the program as a supply chain analyst, considering herself an “Enhancer.” However, by getting involved with student organizations like Graduate Women in Business (GWiB), McCombs Ambassador Committee (MAC), and the Consulting Club, she quickly realized her “Explorer” mindset. Although introverted, Jaenero took the advice of the Career Management team and alumni, conducting informational interviews that helped her combine her supply chain experience with a newfound interest in consulting.

Through McCombs’ recruiting resources, Jaenero achieved her goal of landing a role at EY. She credits her ease in securing the position to those informational meetings and additional career conversations with alumni at the firm. Today, Jaenero is known for solving complex supply chain problems and guiding clients through difficult transitions. She remains connected to McCombs, volunteering whenever opportunities arise.

McCombs faculty member Stefani Sereboff poses for portraits on campus on December 7, 2022.

 Stefani Sereboff, Senior Assistant Dean for Career Management & Corporate Relations at Texas McCombs.
Photo by Lauren Gerson.

In an exclusive interview with Stefani Sereboff, Senior Assistant Dean for Career Management & Corporate Relations, we delve into the achievements of the graduating class and the unwavering support provided by the McCombs Career Education & Coaching team.

Q: Can you speak to the salary increases and mobility among graduates? What employment trends are you noticing among working professional grads?

A: In our 2023 employment outcomes, our working professional students secured an average salary of $148,657, which is a 30% increase from when they started the program to post-graduation. 80% of our 2023 Working Professional MBA graduates made a career change in industry, function and/or role which highlights the desire of our students to grow in their careers which can be accomplished through career education, coaching and effective planning.

Our career education and coaching team specializes in meeting working professional students where they are at when they enter the program and providing them with education, support and resources to navigate their next career goals successfully.

Graphic that shows salary stats. $148,657 is the average salary and 30% of students reported an increase of 30% after graduaton

Q: Can you elaborate on the types of roles or industries that graduates from the class of 2023 have entered?

A: Our working professional students’ top industries for the Class of 2023 were energy, manufacturing, consulting, technology, and financial services. We saw growth in energy, manufacturing, and financial services from the year prior. We see many students grow in their careers as well moving from manager to director and/or director to executive levels.

Q: How does Texas McCombs support its Working Professional MBA students in achieving their career goals?

A: Our Working Professional MBA Career Education & Coaching team provides dedicated team members to each program with a focus on career education, planning, resources, and support to empower our students to secure their ideal career path. We offer unlimited one-on-one coaching for our students and a thoughtful roadmap to lead students from career exploration though their entire career journey successfully.

We include alumni mentoring, programming, and networking opportunities throughout the two years at McCombs.  Upon graduation, we introduce our students to alumni career management which provides coaching, resources and support for life for our alumni.

Q: How does Texas McCombs continue to evolve its career management resources to meet the changing needs of Working Professional MBA students?

A: We spend ample time researching market trends, insights, resources, and skills need for the future workplace.  As our team researches, we identify new content, technologies, and experiential learning activities to incorporate in our student career experiences. It is key to us supporting our students for their future career growth.

The achievements of the Texas McCombs Working Professional MBA Class of 2023 serve as a powerful testament to the program’s excellence and commitment to empowering ambitious professionals to unlock their full potential. With its robust career management resources and the guidance of the experienced Career Education & Coaching team, McCombs continues to pave the way for transformative career journeys, enabling students to confidently navigate the path to success.

If you have any questions about Texas McCombs, we’re here to help. Please visit our website for details on applying to each program and follow us on Instagram for an inside look into the Texas McCombs MBA. Hook ’em!

Unlocking the Power of Community: The Texas McCombs Executive MBA Experience

Pursuing an MBA is more than just gaining a degree; it’s about the relationships you build, the experiences you share, and the community you become a part of. At Texas McCombs, our Executive MBA program offers not only top-tier education but also a supportive and collaborative culture. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or an up-and-coming leader, you’ll find yourself surrounded by individuals who are not only eager to share their knowledge but also genuinely invested in your success. Here, competition takes a back seat to cooperation as students come together to tackle real-world challenges and opportunities.

Collaborative Culture 

One of the defining characteristics of our Executive MBA program is its collaborative nature, unlike traditional MBA programs that may foster competition. Our students come from diverse professional backgrounds and industries, and they bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience. Instead of competing against one another, our students work together, leveraging each other’s strengths to achieve mutual success. Whether it’s tackling group projects, participating in case studies, or engaging in classroom discussions, our students thrive in an environment where collaboration is not only encouraged but celebrated.

Emi FitzGerald headshotEmiko FitzGerald, Executive MBA Class of 2023, made strong connections while at McCombs. Recognized as one of Poets & Quants’ Best & Brightest in 2023, Emi actively contributed to the graduate community as the Communications Chair for Graduate Women in Business, while also serving on the McCombs Ambassador Committee. Additionally, she excelled as a McCombs+ Leadership Fellow and engaged in a high-impact Go-To-Market Consulting Project with Stripe. Emi’s dedication extended beyond campus as she served as a mentor in the Global Sports Mentoring Program.

One of the main reasons I chose the McCombs Executive MBA program was for the diverse cohort in geography, backgrounds and networking. It is as advertised and my professional network is exponentially stronger because of it. In the Executive MBA program, students come from different backgrounds and different strengths.Those stronger in finance helped those who didn’t have as much experience in finance classes (like me). But when it came time for marketing classes, I could tap into my strengths and experiences to help students with less familiarity in the subject. Everyone helped each other become stronger in the subject matter rather than compete.” 

Supportive Environment

Another key aspect of the Texas McCombs Executive MBA experience is the unwavering support provided by our faculty, staff, and fellow students. From day one, you’ll find yourself surrounded by a community of individuals who are invested in your success. Whether it’s offering mentorship, providing resources, or simply lending an empathetic ear, our community is here to support you every step of the way. No matter the challenges you may face, you can count on your Texas McCombs family to have your back.

Emi and her Executive MBA classmates for the Executive MBA Women’s Empowerment Summit.

Emi (center) and her classmates and co-organizers of the first Women’s Empowerment Summit for Executive MBA.

A group of women in my cohort wanted to do more for our Graduate Women in Business chapter and celebration of International Women’s Day. The program staff worked alongside us to create a GWiB Women’s Empowerment Summit by helping us secure rooms, drum up publicity, bring speakers to campus and partner with other McCombs departments. They recognized the important role of women in business and were creative in their resources and time to support us. It was a defining moment for me in my McCombs journey!

Lifelong Friendships

Perhaps one of the most rewarding aspects of the Executive MBA journey is the lifelong friendships you’ll forge along the way. As you navigate through the program together, sharing triumphs and overcoming obstacles, you’ll develop bonds that extend far beyond the classroom. These connections aren’t just limited to your time in the program; they continue to grow and flourish long after graduation. Whether you’re celebrating career milestones, seeking advice, or simply catching up over coffee, your Texas McCombs classmates will always be there, ready to support and uplift you.

In the year since graduation, I’ve kept up with a number of colleagues through family meet ups, rounds of golf, discussions about new business ideas and phone calls. One colleague was recently promoted and building out his marketing department, so another marketing-focused classmate and I have been a sounding board for him. We are cheering each other on from various corners of society.

Emi and some of her classmates

Emi and some of her classmates from the Executive MBA Class of 2023 and 2024.

An Added Bonus

While pursuing your Executive MBA at Texas McCombs, you’re not just investing in your education and career advancement; you’re also gaining access to a vibrant and supportive community that will enrich your life in countless ways. From collaborative projects to lifelong friendships, the value of our community extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. So if you’re considering taking the next step in your career, why not choose a program that not only offers academic excellence but also fosters a culture of collaboration, support, and lifelong connections? Join us at Texas McCombs, where your success is our top priority, and where the power of community is truly transformative.

Visit Texas McCombs MBA to learn more about our programs and upcoming events or take a peek into student life on Instagram. For any inquiries, don’t hesitate to reach out to the MBA Admissions Team. We look forward to connecting with you on your journey to success.

Hook ‘Em!

5 Reasons to Pursue an Executive MBA at Texas McCombs

You’ve been in the game for a while, building your expertise and making your mark. Now it’s time to make a change. Welcome to the Texas McCombs Executive MBA program, designed for seasoned professionals with robust leadership experience, and a place to enjoy the benefits of an internationally ranked business school without losing any career momentum. Through a blend of dynamic, in-person classroom sessions and experiential learning opportunities, the program equips executives with the knowledge and insights necessary to address complex business challenges confidently. Here, we embrace the Texas motto of friendship, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie and placing emphasis on connections and bonds forged within the McCombs community in Texas and around the country. Let’s explore the top 5 reasons why pursuing an Executive MBA at Texas McCombs can be your catalyst for unparalleled career advancement and personal development.

#1. Connect with a Community of High Impact Business Leaders Every Month

At the heart of Texas McCombs lies a culture that thrives on three core principles: curiosity, courage, and community. This program fosters a mindset of perpetual curiosity – a hunger to explore new ideas, industries, and perspectives. With courage as the compass, students are empowered to step beyond their comfort zones, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. And through our tight-knit community, forged through shared experiences and collaborative learning, connections are cultivated that extend far beyond the classroom.

The McCombs Executive MBA program places more emphasis on leadership and strategy, preparing students for conversations with high-level leaders and board members. We go beyond traditional business education by integrating a dedicated leadership development class into our curriculum starting day one.  This class provides students invaluable time and specialized resources to sharpen their leadership abilities, something that may be difficult for seasoned professionals to incorporate into their busy lives. By prioritizing leadership development and providing a supportive environment for growth, the Executive MBA program ensures students are equipped with both technical and interpersonal business acumen, as well as the management-skills successful executives employ to drive positive change in their organizations and beyond.

#2. Enjoy an Unrivaled Return on Investment (and Interactions – in Austin, New York, Dallas, and DC!)

When considering the return on investment (ROI) of pursuing an Executive MBA, Texas McCombs stands out as an unrivaled choice, offering a unique blend of tangible and intangible returns. Ranked No. 15 among Executive MBA programs (U.S. News and World Report, 2024), Texas McCombs boasts a stellar reputation for delivering exceptional quality education equipping you with the skills and insights needed to thrive at the highest levels of leadership in today’s competitive business landscape.

The return on investment is more than financial achievement. Here, it’s also about forging enduring relationships within a unique cohort, finding support through life’s milestones, and becoming a part of a vibrant community where classmates contribute to each other’s personal and professional growth. The Executive MBA experience is designed to maximize the return on interactions, offering a variety of opportunities to engage with peers and alumni across all Texas McCombs MBA programs through tailored programming. Executive Immersions, available solely in the EMBA program, engage executives with McCombs’ network in key locations such as New York, Dallas, DC and abroad! With a network boasting over 100,000 McCombs alumni worldwide, students gain extensive exposure to various industries, geographics, and backgrounds, enriching their learning experience and networking opportunities.

Through these interactions, students gain a wealth of perspective, experience, and insights that enrich their learning journey and broaden horizons. Whether collaborating on group projects, engaging in discussions, or networking with industry leaders, every interaction becomes an opportunity of growth and discovery. This exposure enriches the learning experience and enhances marketability, positioning students for accelerated growth and success.

#3. Gain Career Momentum and Mobility

For many Executive MBA students, the decision to pursue advanced education stems from a desire to propel their careers forward, to break free from stagnation and pursue new opportunities. We’ve witnessed countless success stories from students who have not only enhanced their current roles but also made significant career transitions, switching functions, industries, or companies.

Take, for example, the Executive MBA Class of 2023, which saw a roughly doubled the number of people in executive roles within three months of graduation. Within the same time, 69% of the class achieved employment change, primarily driven by job level promotion.

These achievements underscore the effectiveness of our general management curriculum, which equips students with the business acumen and strategic mindset necessary to navigate complex challenges and seize emerging opportunities. By fostering a culture of empowerment and instilling a growth mindset, students gain the confidence and skills needed to chart new paths and embrace change mid-career.

#4. Networking, Networking, Networking

Networking is the cornerstone of success in today’s interconnected business landscape, and at Texas McCombs, immersive experiences are critical to fostering meaningful connections. Executive MBA students participate in seven dynamic Executive MBA immersions strategically spread throughout the duration of the program and designed to enhance academic learning and cultivate a strong sense of community in the cohort. From bustling cities like New York and Dallas to international destinations, each immersion blends coursework with real-world experiences, executive speakers, and networking opportunities.

The connections made during the program not only open doors to new career opportunities but also enrich the learning experience by bridging theory with real-world insights. Whether forging partnerships or seeking mentorship, the network built at Texas McCombs extends far beyond graduation, serving as a lifelong resource for growth and support.

#5. Experience a Breadth of Resources at Your Fingertips

Beyond the classroom, Texas McCombs is committed to nurturing the next generation of leaders through a comprehensive range of resources and developmental opportunities. Our two-year curriculum is meticulously crafted not only to impart knowledge but also to cultivate essential leadership skills.

In addition to our embedded leadership course, our program offers a comprehensive suite of resources, including career and specialty coaching (including topics on leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, managing teams, and setting priorities), as well as our prestigious Leadership Fellows program through McCombs+. Texas McCombs+ provides experiential learning and global programs designed to grow influential business leaders through action-based co-curricular and academic initiatives. These offerings, combined with other opportunities like the Capstone project, provide tailored support and personal and professional growth, ensuring every student emerges from the program equipped to lead with impact.

Why Executive MBA?

The Texas McCombs Executive MBA program offers seasoned professionals the opportunity to advance their careers while maintaining their momentum. With a curriculum designed to foster leadership and strategic thinking, coupled with a tight-knit community that embraces the Texas motto of friendship, the program provides a transformative experience that transcends traditional education. From immersive classroom sessions to invaluable experiential learning opportunities, Texas McCombs equips executives with the skills, insights, and connections needed to confidently tackle complex business challenges. With a strong return on investment, a focus on maximizing interactions, and a commitment to fostering career momentum and mobility, the Executive MBA at Texas McCombs opens doors to new possibilities and propels students toward their professional goals. So, is it worth it? Without a doubt. Dare to take that leap, embrace the journey, and unlock the endless possibilities that await.

Visit Texas McCombs MBA to learn more about our programs and upcoming events or take a peek into student life on Instagram. For any inquiries, don’t hesitate to reach out to thMBA Admissions Team. We look forward to connecting with you on your journey to success.

Hook ‘Em!

Mastering the Employer Support Conversation,
As Told by Current MBAs

Pursuing an MBA while working full-time allows you to immediately apply new skills and knowledge to drive your career forward. For those considering an MBA program, seeking employer tuition support can supplement your financial planning and make a top-ranked program more accessible. The Texas McCombs School of Business offers Evening and Executive MBA options in Austin, and Weekend MBA programs in Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston, all catered to working professionals, giving you the the ability to complete your advanced studies without career disruption. As you consider Texas McCombs and determine how to fund this investment, here’s how to have an effective conversation about receiving tuition support from your company.  

First, employer tuition support refers to companies funding all or part of an employee’s graduate school costs. This usually includes tuition reimbursement up to a set amount per year. It may also cover textbook purchases, travel for residencies, and time off to study and attend classes.  

Securing MBA employer support can be advantageous for both employees pursuing further education, as well as for companies supporting their staff. Some key advantages include:  

Benefits for Employees Benefits for Employers
Reduce out-of-pocket education expenses Improve talent retention
Position yourself for a promotion Encourage professional development
Gain skills to help you advance Gain employees with upgraded skills

Initiating the Support Conversation 

When looking to secure employer support for an MBA program, it is strategic to lay the groundwork with your manager early on. A current Dallas MBA student said, “My biggest piece of advice is to start the conversation with your manager about your MBA early on. Once I started doing research, I sought out my manager’s advice. We discussed my decision criteria, whether it was the right time to go, etc. This way, when it came time to talk about employer support it was 1 – not a surprise and 2 – came from a place of furthering my career, which is beneficial for both parties.” 

When the time comes to formally request financial backing, prepare specifics on your program of interest and anticipated costs. Antonio Hung (MBA at Houston) took this approach by first getting organized and gathering all the information possible.

“First, I made sure to understand our company’s sponsorship policies, then I set up a face-to-face meeting on a Friday afternoon with my manager to talk about my career goals and how pursuing an MBA could benefit both me and the organization. I was honest and transparent about my ambitions and how the program could contribute to our mutual success.”

The most compelling case ties your development to benefits for your employer. As Michael De Lucia (Evening MBA) did, “I explained that I thought getting my MBA would help me to be a more effective leader and build more core competencies that would directly benefit our team.” He connected his request to previous career path discussions showing how the MBA aligned with his roadmap, and highlighted how bringing back knowledge could aid his team. 

Tips for an Effective Discussion 

Having an organized, compelling case for tuition assistance is key to securing employer support and sponsorship. Useful strategies include: 

  • Looking at our curriculum to find specific classes/opportunities that McCombs provides that would benefit your company’s objectives and help you improve or advance in your role
  • Highlight the access to expert faculty and a wide range of other business professionals to learn from and to help you spark new ideas
  • Emphasize the strength of the Longhorn Network of students and alumni. This can come in handy should your company have openings they need to fill
  • Quantify the anticipated return on investment and performance benefits 
  • Align your goals to your manager’s career plans for you
  • Start the conversation early while applying, when your reasons for pursuing an MBA are fresh 

In my case, the areas I wanted to develop through the MBA were roughly the same developmental areas that I knew were going to get me on a better trajectory inside my current company, so I leveraged some of the same talking points from my application and my essays to talk to my manager about it,” said Giuliano Seguro (Evening MBA). “I also anchored on the example of peers and other people at the company that also had done an MBA and how it affected their trajectory within the company. One thing that really helped was introducing my manager to the managers of these other peers that had gone through the MBA so that my manager could understand from someone in their position what was like for them to have someone on their team that had gone through a similar program.” 

Addressing Challenges &
Managing Expectations

Your manager may be hesitant for reasons like budget restrictions or concerns about work disruptions. Be ready to make a case by highlighting your past performance. Offer reasonable accommodations like using vacation time to attend residencies or making up hours spent in classes. 

One of the more significant challenges I encountered during my MBA was a change of reporting lines,” said Kelly Benda (MBA at Houston). With the managerial change, I needed to be sure that my new manager was not only aware of the sponsorship agreement, but also supportive of the associated time commitment. To make sure each transition went smoothly, I initiated the discussion early.Every manager is different, but transparency was always the priority. I outlined the time commitments and potential impacts to my schedule and work. In some of my roles, my job included some weekend operational support, so I was constantly communicating with my manager when I was concerned about any conflicts with the weekend class schedule.”

Once support is secured, it’s vital to proactively manage expectations. Schedule regular check-ins with your manager to discuss program updates, workload changes, and potential flexibility needed for exams or course commitments. Come prepared with clear talking points and be transparent about any struggles so you can collaboratively problem-solve.

Seguro emphasized overcommunication: “I made sure that nothing came as a surprise to my manager at any time during the program. I had to get out of my comfort zone and learn to ask for help when needed. My manager knew what was going on with my MBA at all times and whenever I needed to re-balance priorities at work to fit the MBA and vice-versa, we were always able to find a solution together.” 

Share what you learn in the classroom with your manager and team. Not only does this benefit your team with the latest research on a topic, but it also demonstrates the value your employer is gaining by sponsoring you in the program. Often you will have the opportunity to use a team project assignment in class to solve an issue for your company. Look for these opportunities to showcase the benefits your employer is gaining through your experience and connections. 

I had a frank conversation with my manager on what I thought I would be able to reasonably take on while pursuing my MBA and they were candid in their expectations towards me. I detailed out the structure of the program (e.g. class Monday & Tuesday) and how I would be unavailable during those times but offered that I would be able to make up for that later in the week should it be needed,” DeLucia said. “My manager set the expectation that I prioritize and get my work done on time and that if there were things that I was struggling with bandwidth-wise that I would communicate and be upfront about it.”  

How Sponsorship Shapes Your
Career Trajectory

Securing employer assistance for MBA tuition not only eases financial barriers but influences career growth in meaningful ways. By backing educational investment in their people, companies open up expanded advancement routes and signal retention priorities. 

As Hung shared, it “gave me the confidence to pursue a working professional MBA without compromising my career trajectory. It reinforced my commitment to personal and professional growth while strengthening my alignment with the organization’s goals.” When companies invest in tuition assistance, it signals retention plans and advancement potential. 

For DeLucia, getting employer support approval “solidified that I would be able to successfully pursue the degree financially” and served as a catalyst. By easing the monetary constraints, he could accelerate his timeline and optimize his learning. 

The fresh knowledge gained also opens up new trajectories internally. As Seguro experienced, support enabled realizing “there was still runway for me to grow inside the company in areas I didn’t think possible before the MBA.” New business perspectives connected opportunities to pivot roles.��

As Matt Bowen (Evening MBA) summarized, sponsorship facilitates “this great synergy where what you learn on Monday, you can apply on Tuesday and what is learned on Tuesday gets applied on Wednesday, and so on.” When companies sponsor tuition, they reap the benefits of elevated employee skills and can quickly apply emerging lessons at work. The outcome is growth and mobility for both sponsored professionals and their supportive employers alike. 

Pursuing an MBA while maintaining your career is a challenging yet rewarding path that leads to immense personal and professional growth. By securing employer tuition support, financial barriers are reduced and unique opportunities are unlocked. With transparent communication, shared vision, and ongoing collaboration, employees and companies together reap the multitude of benefits from this valuable investment. The outcome is strategically aligned career progression, optimized talent development, and synergistic gains on both sides. Now equipped with tips for securing sponsorship, you can confidently initiate the conversation and put plans in motion to propel yourself toward your next-level goals. 

Visit Texas McCombs MBA to learn more about our programs and upcoming events or take a peek into student life on Instagram. For any inquiries, don’t hesitate to reach out to the MBA Admissions Team. We look forward to connecting with you on your journey to success.

Hook ‘Em!

Navigating MBA Funding Opportunities at Texas McCombs as a Student Veteran

Student veterans bring a unique perspective to the MBA classroom, shaped by their exceptional leadership abilities and experiences gained during military service. Their backgrounds and strategic mindset contribute to dynamic learning environments and deeper discussions. For veterans considering their post-service career paths, pursuing an MBA can be a transformative opportunity to leverage their skills and experiences for professional growth and advancement. Here, we are dedicated to guiding Texas McCombs Military MBAs through this journey and providing the support they need to thrive. 

Why Consider an MBA as a Veteran? 

There are several compelling reasons for veterans to pursue MBAs: 

  • Complement Leadership Skills: An MBA will expand your business and management competencies to complement the exceptional leadership skills cultivated during military service. 
  • Develop Strategic & Analytical Thinking: MBA programs teach innovative approaches to dissecting problems and developing winning solutions that translate to strategic advantages in any field. 
  • Job Mobility & Acceleration: An MBA credential enhances professional advancement opportunities, whether transitioning into civilian roles or seeking to further a military career. The knowledge gained through an MBA program can lead to new opportunities and accelerate career growth.  
  • Improve Assignment & Promotion Prospects: The MBA credential demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning and personal development, positioning veterans for success in leadership roles.  

Is an MBA Worth it for Veterans? 

Pursuing an MBA provides veterans with opportunities to transition into business and civilian workplaces. An MBA clarifies career pathways and opens access to management-track positions that an operational background alone may not offer. The MBA also enables veterans to speak the language of business, boosting their value and versatility across industries and sectors. 

Can I use VA Education Benefits? 

Students admitted to VA SAA-approved programs may choose to use their VA Education Benefits. UT Austin certifies benefit requests for Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33), Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E Chapter 31), Montgomery GI Bill® (Chapter 30), Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (Chapter 35), and Montgomery GI Bill® Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606) in accordance with VA policies. 

The following benefit types do not pay a tuition benefit but will pay a monthly stipend to eligible students: Montgomery GI Bill® (Chapter 30), Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (Chapter 35), and Montgomery GI Bill® Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606). 

These benefits cover eligible tuition (based on student eligibility percentage) and may pay a book stipend and Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) stipend:  Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) and Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E Chapter 31). 

For details on how to request benefit certification visit UT’s Veteran Certification Veteran Education Benefits website.  

In addition to requesting benefit certification Executive MBA students: If you are a nonresident or have not yet been classified as a resident, contact the Residency Office ( for questions regarding VA Education Benefits Non-Resident tuition waiver or re-classification to Texas Resident for tuition purposes.

Evening MBA GI Bill® Benefits for Class of 2027: The Evening MBA program for the Class of 2027 is under review for GI Bill® Education Benefits (which may include tuition, housing stipend, book stipend, etc.). Please contact with questions).

Many top-ranked MBA programs, including Texas McCombs, offer additional financial assistance through scholarships, military tuition waivers, and other funding options. Understanding and maximizing the available benefits can alleviate the financial commitment of pursuing a Texas McCombs MBA.

Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) stipend considerations: MHA amounts are determined by the VA and vary based on enrollment status. Some months you may have full-time enrollment and full-time MHA. Other months you would have less than full-time enrollment and thus you would receive partial or no payments. It’s essential to understand how enrollment levels may impact MHA payments throughout the academic year.  

For example, if you were enrolled in 10 hours over an entire term and you completed 6 of those hours mid-term, the VA may consider you full-time for the first half of the term and pay you MHA accordingly. The VA would consider you less than full-time for the second half of the term (even though UT considers you full-time for the entire semester) and pay or not pay you accordingly.  

For more information regarding MHA, please contact UT’s Veteran Certification Team (; (512) 475-7540). 

Out-of-Pocket/Program Waiver Details: The total program cost is itemized by three categories: tuition (generally about 80-85% of the total charges), course materials, and non-tuition fees. For students using Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33), the Department of Veterans Affairs will cover your tuition at your percentage of eligibility.  

To supplement the VA’s Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) tuition contribution, our program will apply a waiver to your course materials and non-tuition fees at a matching rate. For instance, if you have 100% Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) eligibility, your tuition and expenses will be fully covered, with the exception of your plane ticket to your Global Academic destination, and any optional items you choose to purchase, such as MBA paraphernalia. 

Hazlewood Act Exemption and Texas Military Waiver: While the Hazlewood Act Exemption is not applicable to all programs, such as the Weekend MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth and Weekend MBA at Houston, Texas McCombs offers the Texas Military Waiver to eligible veterans, providing financial assistance toward program costs. 

Applications for the Texas Military Waiver will require a Certificate of Eligibility, a DD Form 214, and a notarized affidavit (a sample will be provided to you upon admission). Please submit all items to 

Pursuing an MBA as a veteran offers a transformative opportunity to leverage military skills and experiences for professional growth and advancement. Understanding available benefits, financial assistance programs, and application procedures is crucial for veterans embarking on their MBA journey with Texas McCombs. We remain committed to supporting veterans and active-duty military personnel in achieving their academic and career goals.  

For additional assistance or inquiries,
please reach out to:

UT Austin Veteran Certification
(512) 475-7540 


Lanita Hidalgo  

Visit Texas McCombs MBA to learn more about our programs and upcoming events or take a peek into student life on Instagram. For any inquiries, don’t hesitate to reach out to the MBA Admissions Team. We look forward to connecting with you on your journey to success.

Hook ‘Em!

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