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Archive: August 2023 (9 Posts)

The Web Archiving Team Answers Questions About the Web Archives

Posted by: Tracee Haupt

Have you ever wondered what exactly is web archiving? How the Library select which websites to preserve? Or how you would find and search the web archives? The Web Archiving Team’s Senior Digital Collection Specialists gathered to answer these questions and more in a live webinar during the Preservation Directorate’s celebration of Preservation Week. If …

Margaret Gentry, 2023 Presidential Management Fellow in the Digital Strategy Directorate.

Creating New Opportunities with Digital Strategy: An Interview with Margaret Gentry

Posted by: Leah Weinryb-Grohsgal

We are happy to share this interview with Margaret Gentry. Margaret is serving as a Presidential Management Fellow with the Digital Strategy Directorate. In this interview, we learn a bit about Margaret’s interests and work with us at the Library. Welcome! We’re so excited you’ve joined the Digital Strategy Directorate as a Presidential Management Fellow. …

Construction of the dome of the Jefferson Building

Improvements Ahead for the Web Archives

Posted by: Tracee Haupt

Today’s guest post is from Abbie Grotke, Assistant Head of the Digital Content Management section at the Library of Congress. Users of the Library of Congress Web Archives may have recently noticed issues when trying to access archived content presented at We want to give some background and explanation about the ongoing work that is happening to modernize and …

digitized scan of historic map of austria-hungary

Check out: The Secret Life of GeoTIFFs

Posted by: Eileen J. Manchester

n October 2022, the outcomes of a 2015 experiment to geo-reference 4,998 digitized maps of the Austro-Hungarian empire were shared with the public at the Computing Cultural Heritage in the Cloud Data Jam. Check out this recent post on World's Revealed, the Library's Geography and Maps blog, to learn more about the resulting GeoTIFF files enable access to digitized historical maps.

Merci Silva-Acosta, 2023 summer intern in the Digital Strategy Directorate.

Opening Doors and Reaching Communities: An Interview with Merci Silva-Acosta

Posted by: Leah Weinryb-Grohsgal

We are happy to share this interview with Merci Silva-Acosta. Merci is serving as a Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) intern with the Digital Strategy Directorate in the summer of 2023. In this interview, we learn a bit about Merci’s interests and work with us at the Library. Hi Merci! It’s great to …

Ensuring Enduring Access to eBooks: Update on Recent Research and Analysis

Posted by: Carlyn Osborn

Today’s guest post is from Andrew Cassidy-Amstutz, Kate Murray, Marcus Nappier, Camille Salas, and Trevor Owens of the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress recently completed a project to analyze the technical characteristics of a substantial set of eBook and eJournal files in the permanent collection and available for onsite access in Stacks, the …

Learning Something New Every Day: An Interview with Carly Boerrigter

Posted by: Trevor Owens

I’m excited to share this interview with Carly Boerrigter, one of my colleagues in the Digital Services Directorate here at the Library of Congress. My hope with these interviews is to share out more about the background, experience, and interests of the people that support digital services of the Library of Congress. Along with that, …