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Archive: February 2021 (3 Posts)

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Doing History with Born Digital Files: the Rhoda Métraux and Edward Lorenz Papers

Posted by: Leah Weinryb-Grohsgal

The following is a guest post by Josh Levy, Historian of Science and Technology in the Library’s Manuscript Division. What’s a historian to do with a born digital file? On Christmas Day, 1854, between family gatherings and fretting over the cost of living in Washington, engineer Montgomery Meigs was notating his plans to build a …

Dozens of squares, each with its own individual color or shade, lined up in rows and columns

Looking Back and Forward with LC Labs

Posted by: Leah Weinryb-Grohsgal

Last year, LC Labs worked with partners across the Library and outside its walls to advance the Digital Strategy. Here’s a look back at some of our work on the strategy’s goals of opening the treasure chest, connecting, and investing in our future, and a preview of this year’s plans. In the coming year, we …