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Guardians of Memory Homepage

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Binding the Public and the Private

Conservators display a paneled quilt in the lab.

Preserving the AIDS Quilt Archives

Making FETCH Happen

Close-up view of two hands carefully at work on an aged, yellowing manuscript with handwriting

Preservation Staff at the 2024 American Library Association Annual Conference

Several cardboard boxes sit waiting the next leg of their journey.

From Kenya with Love

Conservator Masumi Takeuchi standing at a table holding a teflon folder while looking at a paper object

Crystals on Watercolor

One woman listens intently while another speaks, gesturing with her hands towards a display screen and book on a counter behind her.

Knowledge Shared is Knowledge Squared

Close-up view of two hands carefully at work on an aged, yellowing manuscript with handwriting

The Touch of Art: Book Cover Designs of Sarah Wyman Whitman

Sitting tall atop the plastic trays filled with differing types of paper.

Ode to a LaserJet Printer