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The complete Yelp business category list

Photo by Tobias

Once you’ve added or claimed your Yelp Business Page, you’ll want to choose the best categories that describe your business. There are more than 1,500 different categories to choose from, and the list is always growing.

Why categories are important

Aligning your business with the right categories helps customers find your business when searching on Yelp. It also helps tell the story of your business and what you specialize in.

Tip: Make it easy for users to find you by choosing the most specific categories for your business. For example, if you’re a Shanghainese dim sum restaurant, select the “Shanghainese” and “dim sum” subcategories rather than the general “Chinese” category.

How to update your business’s categories

As a business owner, you can choose up to three categories, and it’s easy to update your categories in your Yelp for Business account. Simply log in, click edit next to Categories and services, and add up to three relevant categories.

Pro tip: While you’re there, add the services you provide within each category. You can choose as many as are relevant and edit them at any time. This helps you show up in the right search results on Yelp.

If you’re a Yelp user, you can suggest an edit to a business’s categories by clicking edit on the Yelp Business Page. Approval of category changes may take the Yelp operations team a few business days to review.

The Yelp category list

Click on the category name to expand the list of subcategories. Note that some categories might be region-specific and options may vary.

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