The greatest expertise on how to bring valuable content to the audiences of publisher sites lies with––no surprise here––your successful peers. 

Over the past months, as the whole world has been thrown for a loop (or two, or three), local and general publishers found themselves in a position of increased readership and attention that eventually returned to normal, but roused teams to prepare for better optimization by audiences in the future.

We’re breaking down insights from 10,000+ publisher partners and digital properties in the Taboola network to hand-deliver you our best recommendations for how to customize your user experience for every source of traffic––direct, search, share and social.

  • Direct traffic is when a user types your URL directly into their browser or clicks a bookmark
  • Search traffic originates from search engines like Google or Yahoo. 
  • Share traffic occurs from open web link clicks, direct messages, or emails between audiences.
  • Social traffic, of course, comes to you from social media. 

We’re here to help you optimize for all of these traffic sources, and we’ve broken it down into tips specifically for enterprise publishers and tips for smaller, more niche publishers, too. 

Publisher Benchmark Report

How Desktop Traffic Shakes Out For Enterprise Publishers

In the full report, you can find a wealth of resources that break traffic down by device, but for a sneak preview, this is the breakdown of how each traffic source contributes to revenue, total visits, and total views on desktop devices for enterprise publishers.

Creative Strategies For Recirculating Editorial Content

In the Publisher Benchmark Report, we get into the nitty gritty of headline and thumbnail best practices, including examples you can reference.

Download the full report for a look at more image recommendations such as color vs. black & white, including food vs. leaving food out, and more.

We also dive into the keyword trends shaping headline clicks and lay out some editorial content examples.

Some examples of high performing headlines include:

  • This Community’s Members Took a Unique Approach to Working From Home 
  • Pictures You’ll Want to Bookmark For When It’s Safe to Travel Again
  • This Website Has Become The Go-To Place For Comfortable Living Room Furniture 

Ad Formats 

We also dive into some of the research around which ad formats drive the most clicks on the open web. 

More Where That Came From… 

Download the full Publisher Benchmark Report and find an in-depth look at:

  • Data-driven UX recommendations for enterprise and SMB publishers
  • Image best practices for recirculating editorial content
  • Headline best practices
  • Data behind how to circulate sponsored content effectively
  • …and much more.
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