Categories: News

These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 72


  • We’ve posted an update on our partnership with Scroll! North American users can sign-up now for a risk-free 48 hour trial period
  • Instant evaluation in the console is now enabled (bug) and will be riding the trains to release!

    DevTools console displaying a preview evaluation of the object in the console

  • Context menu for elements rendered in the Console panel has a new action called ”Reveal in Inspector”. It navigates the user to the Inspector panel and selects the clicked element (bug).

    Context menu in DevTools console displaying a “Reveal in Inspector (Q)” option

  • Double-clicking on the Picture-in-Picture player window now puts it into fullscreen
  • We landed Fast Shutdown Phase 2 in Nightly, and we are waiting for more Telemetry to saturate to give us a better sense of the impact out in the wild. If you’re seeing broken behaviour around shutdown/restarts, please file bugs!

Friends of the Firefox team

Resolved bugs (excluding employees)

Fixed more than one bug

  • aarushivij

  • Alex Henrie

  • Jayati Shrivastava

  • Jorge

  • Marinella

  • Meena Murthy

  • Ratnabali Dutta

  • Tim Nguyen :ntim

  • Tom Schuster [:evilpie]

New contributors (🌟 = first patch)

Project Updates

Add-ons / Web Extensions

WebExtension APIs
  • Fixed an issue with the identity.launchWebAuthFlow API, which was causing the oauth dialog to get stuck while detecting the redirect_uri (Bug 1616596, landed in 76 and uplifted to 75)

  • Shane fixed a bug in the activityLog API which was preventing some API calls from being logged as expected (Bug 1621491), issue spotted also thanks for the increased interest for this API due to the related GSoC project proposal.

WebExtensions Framework
  • Starting from Firefox 76 the content scripts js code will not be precompiled in the parent process anymore (where they are never going to be actually used), Bug 1622104. Thanks also to Tom Ritter for adding the telemetry probes that allowed us to spot this.

  • As part of the Fission-related changes to the WebExtensions internals, In Bug 1316748 (+ follow up fix from Bug 1624124) Tomislav ported the extensions Port implementation (part of the extension messaging API) to the Fission-compatible internals.

Addon Manager & about:addons
  • about:addons now allow a user to see the entire list of host permissions requested by an extension (Bug 1579734). Thanks to mirefly for contributing this change!

Developer Tools

  • WebSocket Inspector (part of the Network monitor panel) is now supporting ActionCable WebSocket messages (bug)

    WebSocket Action Cable inspector

  • Instant evaluation (aka Eager Eval) is now enabled in all channels and rides the train (bug)

    DevTools console displaying a preview evaluation of the object in the console

  • Switching JS Execution context automatically updates instant evaluation results (bug) Note that you need to have the Context selector enabled (pref: devtools.webconsole.input.context)

    JS execution context selection menu

  • Double-click table resize handler resizes column to fit its content (bug) (contributed by Farooq)

    Resizeable columns in DevTools Network tab

  • The Application panel is now showing the current state of a Service Worker (bug).

    Service Workers “Status” field in DevTools Application tab

  • Context menu for elements rendered in the Console panel has a new action called ”Reveal in Inspector”. It navigates the user to the Inspector panel and selects the clicked element (bug).

    Context menu in DevTools console displaying a “Reveal in Inspector (Q)” option


  • Neil finished porting Remote Controller so the edit menu commands now work in fission

  • Alphan Chen made some significant progress on session restore by moving more work into the parent process.

  • Remote Page Manager is going to be converted to use actors. The work there also simplifies the code which performs access checks so the work is done in a base class so mistakes can be minimized.


  • Dave Townsend and Ed Lee have landed ESLint and Prettier support for the nullish coalescing operator and optional chaining.

    • This is accomplished by using babel as the parser for ESLint. If you see any strange problems, please let us know (file bugs and/or discuss in #lint on Matrix).

  • We’ll probably need to wait until the next ESLint major version before we get globalThis support (tracking bug).

New Tab Page

  • Finishing up moving pocket story recommendation provider work into promise worker. Patch is in review now.

Password Manager



Search and Navigation

Address Bar

User Journey


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