Categories: News

These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 22


  • The main toolbar now has 2 flexible spaces, one on either side of the url/search bar(s). The library button has also replaced the bookmarks menu button in the default toolbar set.

Friends of the Firefox team

  • Resolved bugs (excluding employees):
    • More than one bug fixed:
      • Alejandro Rodriguez Salamanca
      • Dan Banner
      • Hossain Al Ikram [:ikram] (QA Contact)
      • Masatoshi Kimura [:emk]
      • Michael Kohler [:mkohler]
      • Michael Smith [:mismith]
      • Richard Marti (:Paenglab)
      • Rob Wu [:robwu]
      • Tomislav Jovanovic :zombie
      • flyingrub
    • New contributors (🌟 = First Patch!)

Project Updates


Activity Stream

  • Landed pref’ed off in 56 Beta, with localization, snippets, performance telemetry, and Pocket recommendations.
  • Up next
    • Adding “Recent Bookmarks” and “Recently Visited” to Highlights.
    • Adding custom sections via a Web Extension.
    • More customization for Top Sites: Pin/Dismiss, Show More/Less, Add/Edit Top Site.
    • Creating a site summary pipeline (high-res page icons -> Tippytop -> Screenshot + Favicon).
    • Optimizing metadata queries and Tippytop Icon DB improvements.

Firefox Core Engineering

  • Installer
    • Profile cleanup option has landed in the stub installer for 57. Users who are running the stub installer and have an older version of Firefox installed will be presented with the option to clean up their profile.
  • Updater
    • LZMA/SHA384 changes have landed as of 56 beta 3.
  • Quantum & Photon Performance pile-on:
    • Felipe Gomes, Kirk Steuber, Adam Gashlin, Perry Jiang, Doug Thayer, Robert Strong closed 16 bugs and are currently on 11 more bugs.

Form Autofill







Sync / Firefox Accounts

  • We’re wrapping up iOS bidirectional sync work!
  • Form Autofill Address sync is now enabled on Nightly. Enable it in about:preferences#sync

Test Pilot

  • All Test Pilot experiments are off the Add-on SDK now!
  • All Test Pilot add-ons are getting signed through a new signing pipeline (not AMO) to allow for non-WebExtensions in the future.
  • Planning to roll out Screenshots to Release in the next couple of weeks.

Web Payments

3 comments on “These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 22”

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  1. John M. wrote on

    Awesome, Thank you guys.


  2. Leonardo Santagada wrote on

    Are there more of “these weeks” going to be published? I really liked the previous two.


    1. Johann Hofmann wrote on

      Hi Leonardo,

      Yes, we’re normally doing this kind of blog post every two weeks, summarizing the contents of the Firefox Desktop Engineering meeting. Last week both Mike and I were on vacation, so nobody had access to the blog. We might need to skip these weeks and return next week! 🙂


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