Categories: News

These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 14


Friends of the Firefox team

(Give a shoutout/thanks to people for helping fix and test bugs. Introductions)

Project Updates


Activity Stream

  • 1.8.0 released to Test Pilot with more customization: editing top sites, showing 2 rows
  • Initial Pocket integration discussion targeting 57 as in-addition or replacing highlights
  • Greening of exported system add-on on pine branch to reduce starring efforts
    • Thanks aki for tweaking build configs
  • Progress with mozilla-central patches adding react / redux / reselect with related licenses, data storage / reducer framework, Places query optimizations

Electrolysis (e10s)

  • Still on target to ship e10s-multi (4 content processes) in 55
    • A bunch of work is also being uplifted to 54 to support this. If it turns out that we pass our release criteria on 54 on beta, we may consider turning on e10s-multi to some non-zero segment of our release population in 54. More details here.
  • a11y support currently targeting Firefox 55

Firefox Core Engineering

  • Doug Thayer is also working on porting the Gecko Profiler to a WebExtension! 🎉🎉🎉
  • Client-side stackwalking:
    • The client-side machinery for sending stacks in crash pings (M+C) — and using pingSender to send it right away — has landed in 55. All but two of those bugs have been uplifted to Aurora 54.
    • We’re working on the server-side processing for crash stacks to identify top crashers during 53 release.
  • Updater:
    • The Update Agent is going to begin as just a continuation of the download of the update, targeted for 55.

Form Autofill


  • The Fennec team reports better push support for account sign-in verification
  • The Fennec team has also fixed a regression preventing Nightly and Aurora users from syncing history, tabs, etc




  • Not much changed since last meeting: hi-res favicons and one-offs are almost ready to land and search suggestions are soon going to become opt-out.
  • Miscellaneous fixes still happening.

Storage Management

  • Engaging with SV for testing, front-end devs moved to Photon now.

Test Pilot

  • Snooze Tabs did a release last week!
  • Activity Stream, Tab Center and Pulse did releases this week
  • Min Vid playback queues coming next week
  • Test Pilot release going out today which uses mozAddonManager much more, fixing many weird corner case bugs
    • The non-mozAddonManager code path still works for older Firefox, but will be removed soonish
  • Finalized our Q2 OKRs
  • As requested, Brown Bag about Screenshots engineering and product roadmap coming soon

Here are the raw meeting notes that were used to derive this list.

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4 comments on “These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 14”

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  1. Marc-Andre Descoteaux wrote on

    Thank you, mconley! This is my favorite Mozilla publication now. I really appreciate you taking the time to write this up, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.


  2. Huluti wrote on

    Just keep takes time for this. It’s amazing to follow progress of Firefox.


  3. BobChao wrote on

    “my favorite Mozilla publication” +1, thanks a lot!


  4. aleksandr wrote on

    Hello. After this update, nightly incorrectly display google web fonts.


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