Articles in “Announcements”

Firefox will upgrade more Mixed Content in Version 127

Most of the web already supports HTTPS: In fact, 93% of requests made by Firefox are already HTTPS. As a reminder, HTTP over TLS (HTTPS) fixes the security shortcoming of HTTP … Read more

Mozilla VPN Security Audit 2023

To provide transparency into our ongoing efforts to protect your privacy and security on the Internet, we are releasing a security audit of Mozilla VPN that Cure53 conducted earlier this … Read more

Firefox 90 supports Fetch Metadata Request Headers

  We are pleased to announce that Firefox 90 will support Fetch Metadata Request Headers which allows web applications to protect themselves and their users against various cross-origin threats like … Read more

Updating GPG key for signing Firefox Releases

Mozilla offers GPG signing to let you verify the integrity of our Firefox builds. GPG signatures for Linux based builds are particularly important, because it allows Linux distributions and other … Read more

Introducing Site Isolation in Firefox

When two major vulnerabilities known as Meltdown and Spectre were disclosed by security researchers in early 2018, Firefox promptly added security mitigations to keep you safe. Going forward, however, it … Read more

Firefox 83 introduces HTTPS-Only Mode

  Security on the web matters. Whenever you connect to a web page and enter a password, a credit card number, or other sensitive information, you want to be sure … Read more

Multi-Account Containers Add-on Sync Feature

The Multi-Account Containers Add-on will now sync your container configuration and site assignments. Firefox Multi-Account Containers allows users to separate their online identities into different tab types called Containers. Each … Read more

Hardening Firefox against Injection Attacks

A proven effective way to counter code injection attacks is to reduce the attack surface by removing potentially dangerous artifacts in the codebase and hence hardening the code at various … Read more

Safe Harbor for Security Bug Bounty Participants

Mozilla established one of the first modern security bug bounty programs back in 2004. Since that time, much of the technology industry has followed our lead and bounty programs have … Read more

Introducing the ASan Nightly Project

Every day, countless Mozillians spend numerous hours testing Firefox to ensure that Firefox users get a stable and secure product. However, no product is bug free and, despite all of … Read more

Secure Contexts Everywhere

Since Let’s Encrypt launched, secure contexts have become much more mature. We have witnessed the successful restriction of existing, as well as new features to secure contexts. The W3C TAG … Read more