Who’s shaping the future of the internet? Nominate your pick for Mozilla’s Rise25

The text reads: Mozilla. Rise 25. Surrounding the text are images of five people posing for a portrait.
Mozilla is celebrating 25 years with Rise25, a celebration of 25 individuals who are doing groundbreaking work to make the internet a better place.

Do you know someone who’s shaping the future of the internet? Tell us about them!

This year marks Mozilla’s 25th anniversary, and we’re raising a toast with Rise25 – a celebration of 25 individuals who are doing groundbreaking work to make the internet a better place. The best part? We’re enlisting your help to find them.

Think about it: Who’s making a difference in your online community? Who’s keeping you signing on? Who’s not a household name yet but will be a decade from now? 

We want your nominations for five categories: 

  1. Artists: These are the creative forces creating innovative and thought-provoking digital artwork. Nominate artists who use the internet as their canvas to inspire others and re-think what’s possible online.
  1. Activists: We’re recognizing the activists who are using the internet to drive social and political change. Nominate individuals who are using the internet to amplify their voices and make a difference in the world.
  1. Creators: These are the content creators using storytelling to build community online. Nominate the filmmakers, educators, comedians and social media creators inspiring their audiences and sparking important conversations.
  1. Builders: These are the engineers and technical people building the infrastructure of the internet. Nominate the builders shaping the technical side of the web, making it faster, more secure and accessible to everyone.
  1. Advocates: This category is for the people shaping the policies and regulations governing the internet. Nominate the policymakers, lawyers and advocates who are fighting for an open, free internet.

Each category will have five winners to make up Mozilla’s Rise25. Starting today, you can nominate your friend, your favorite influencer or even yourself. We want to hear from you!

And hey, we’re not just doing this for fun (although it will be fun). By recognizing and celebrating the people who are shaping the web now, we’re helping ensure a positive future for all. So let’s get to it.

Join us as we celebrate our 25th anniversary and honor the game-changers who are shaping the future of the internet. Send us your nominations today.

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