It’s becoming typical for some of the most popular apps in the world to stop working for a few hours at a time. Every time WhatsApp goes down, chaos tends to break loose due to the enormous number of users that are signed on at all times. It’s a problem that grows exponentially when these outages also effect other services like Facebook and Instagram. But there’s no need to panic! Here we bring you a solution for when WhatsApp, Instagram, or Facebook aren’t working. 

whatsapp feat What to do when WhatsApp, Instagram or Facebook are down

It’s been 10 years since WhatsApp came into our lives, and nowadays, it’s the most used messaging app in the world. There are already more than 1.5 billion users per month and these numbers just keep on growing. That’s why these outages are such a world-wide event — it’d practically be considered an apocalypse if we were to pay any attention to what they’re saying on Twitter. But what happened on March 13, 2019 was definitely something big. Not only did WhatsApp go down, but Facebook and Instagram also stopped working in many places around the world.

whatsapp instagram facebook caida

DownDetector tends to inform us of the problems that these apps expereince. The outages that occurred on March 13th must have been related with the Facebook servers, given that the company from Mark Zuckerberg owns Instagram and WhatsApp. What’s more, Oculus Rift was also having problems, which is another Facebook-owned company.

Although these services are more or less back to working normally, the question is clear: what should you do when WhatsApp isn’t working? This is a question that we can also apply to Facebook and Instagram, although the enormous number of users of the messaging app accentuate the problem. While you could always consider the break from your smartphone as a blessing, it’s also true that exchanging messages through apps has become an almost vital part of our daily lives. There are a few different alternatives to consider, but in our humble opinion, we believe in the services of an app with fewer users. Our mantra on this blog is the same as always:

Use Telegram

The messaging app created by the Durov brothers is one of our favorite apps. We’ve already gone on and on about its advantages, but we’re going to list them here anyways, in case it helps convince a few more readers:

  • The privacy is much better than what WhatsApp offers.
  • It has all sorts of groups and channels.
  • You can edit messages.
  • Its multiplatform use is fast and fluid.
  • You can have multiple accounts without any problems.
  • You have more customization options.
  • It’s possible to share files up to 1.5 GB.
  • It’s constantly updated and always comes with new features aimed at improving the user experience.

Often, we consider Telegram to be a relatively unknown app to the general public, but this situation is slowly changing. The WhatsApp outages tend to be followed by an increase in Telegram users, as we’ve seen occur on multiple occasions.

It’s hard to imagine that Telegram will ever surpass WhatsApp in the number of users, but it’s clear that things are looking up for Telegram. Plus, we’ve forgotten one special feature that you can’t forget: we have our own channel where we release news about Android. What more could you possibly ask for?

telegram whatsapp


  1. True breakdowns are very frequent not only with Facebook or Whatsapp, but, entire internet on our phones. What is the best way forward?

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