It’s time to update your Ubuntu distributions, especially now that the latest release of Ubuntu 16.04 is LTS (Long Term Support), meaning it’s supported until 2021. Code-named Xenial Xerus, its two main features are: readjusting that lateral panel in the lower corner of your screen, and that users are now able to access Snap packages that’ll allow them to install apps from bundles in which basic units are already provided.

In terms of included software, the main updates are already provided for Kernel Linux 4.4, Python 3, LibreOffice 5.1, Unity 7.4 and Firefox 45. Specifically in terms of Ubuntu distribution, many add-ons are a welcome change like removing the very confusing online search system that came activated by default along with replacing the older Software Centre with the one that’s used by GNOME. The rest of the features on this version are listed here at the official changelog.

Ubuntu 16.04 screenshot

As always, this latest distro is out now in all the usual flavors: Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu and Ubuntu GNOME, each one of them with their own desktop and a distinct set of integrated default tools.


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