Whether in physical or digital format, accumulating audiovisual content is inevitable during your life. To help you sort through all of this—and because it never hurts to be organized—there are several forms of cataloguing and managing your collection. Below are a few tools to help you administer your own film, music, and video game collections.

Ant Movie Catalog

One of the longest-lived of its field (and with an admittedly rather coarse interface), this is one of the most complete programs when it comes to cataloguing your films. The most interesting thing is its ability to “scrape” information from online film databases—or, in other words, by typing in just the name of the film you can automatically add all the information about the film taken from sites like IMDB and Filmaffinity. And best of it, it’s freeware and open-source.


This tool takes you a step further, extending the features of Ant Movie Catalogue with regard to obtaining information for music, books, or video games from external sources, and even giving you the option to sort your list by format or console. Catalogador has a free version that will pop up every now and then with a window reminding you that you can buy the paid version, but the program has no limits with regards to its functioning.


Griffith has a simpler interface than the others, perhaps because it’s limited just to films. When you install it, it will ask you which export plugins you want to add, meaning that you can select down to the last detail the reference pages you want to use to fill out your collection. It’s free and open source, and among its most interesting characteristics are the options to import and export your collection to countless formats, or keep an up-to-date list of all the films you’ve loaned out. 
