As of a while back the average users seem to have lost their fear of free software when it comes to replacing the ubiquitous Microsoft Office with an open-source counterpart. Born as a fork of OpenOffice, LibreOffice might be the most comprehensive office IT suite currently available, and is now available in its 4.3 version with many new features, with the most notable being the improved compatibility with native formats used by Microsoft.

libreoffice 4 3 screenshot 1 The new LibreOffice 4.3 is now available

The Office Open XML format used by Word, Excel and Powerpoint has always been the sticking point when it comes to switching from one suite to another, with variations in the document view being very common when opening an Office document in LibreOffice. But with the most recent improvements in OOXML, compatibility has been improved in the display of graphics, documents and embedded comments, on top of the addition of 30 new formulas for the spreadsheet (whose interface has also been improved), database support, and Microsoft Works spreadsheets.

libreoffice 4 3 screenshot 2 The new LibreOffice 4.3 is now available

Compatibility has also been improved for working with old formats native to Mac, such as ClarisWorks, ClarisResolve, MacWorks, or SuperPaint, among others, and there is also an option to use the Impress presentations manager for 3D models in the GLTF open format. The list of minor changes is enormous and covers practically all tools in the suite. You can see all the new features in the official log of changes.