Is there a fairly simple way to include a standard-looking but not too elaborate "Bitcoin accepted here" logo in a LaTeX document?


2 Answers 2

Voici les symboles :  \faBitcoin  et  \faBtc

Other symbol you can use with this package can be found here: https://mirrors.ibiblio.org/CTAN/fonts/fontawesome5/doc/fontawesome5.pdf


Yeah, check out this answer on tex.

% arara: lualatex


\foreach \i in {0,100}{
    \node [circle, fill=orange!90!white!\i, font=\large, inner sep=0.25ex, rotate=-15, text=white] 
    (symbol) at (-1.25,1/8+\i/4000) {\faBtc};}

  • Actually, the reason I posted here is that I thouoght someone here might know something that those who posted there do not know. For example, maybe something like invoking one style file designed for the occasion and adding a single command to the document where the logo is to appear. Commented Sep 17, 2014 at 20:03

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