






(Rename) ->


And, maybe removing , as it's what this website is about


Could you please make each of those synonyms if you agree with me about them being synonyms?

1 Answer 1



Never worked with either, but I thought that those were two not completely overlapping things.


The tag refers to a specific feature of Bitcoin Core which finally is being removed. Accounting is about the process of keeping track of stuff. Gonna rename to .




Merged into







(Rename) ->



These two don't quite seem to match up. is more about adoption, while seems to be more about blockchain usage and storage footprint.

And, maybe removing , as it's what this website is about

Agreed, but I don't have time right now. I'll put it on my list of things to do. :)


While confidential transactions are an application of zero-knowledge proofs, they seem to have a mostly separate topic body on our site, so gonna leave that one be.

Could you please make each of those synonyms if you agree with me about them being synonyms?

Thanks for your report!

Update 2018-11-01: I've merged into .

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