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We currently have three Off-Topic Close Reasons:

  1. This question does not appear to be about Bitcoin within the scope defined in the help center. (Default Off-Topic Close Reason)

    This question does not appear to be about Bitcoin within the scope defined in the help center. (Default Off-Topic Close Reason)

  2. Questions on current market values, energy costs or service provider availability are off-topic as the answers are changing too frequently to be useful to others.

  3. Questions seeking product or service recommentadations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.

  1. Questions on current market values, energy costs or service provider availability are off-topic as the answers are changing too frequently to be useful to others.
  1. Questions seeking product or service recommentadations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.

We can have three Custom Close Reasons, so there would be room for one more. Moderators can edit these, so if you have some ideas how they could be improved, I'd be interested in hearing suggestions.

One thing that I might want to fold into the third one, the one banning recommendations, would be that "requesting service reviews" is off-topic as well. What do you think about that?

We currently have three Off-Topic Close Reasons:

  1. This question does not appear to be about Bitcoin within the scope defined in the help center. (Default Off-Topic Close Reason)
  1. Questions on current market values, energy costs or service provider availability are off-topic as the answers are changing too frequently to be useful to others.
  1. Questions seeking product or service recommentadations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.

We can have three Custom Close Reasons, so there would be room for one more. Moderators can edit these, so if you have some ideas how they could be improved, I'd be interested in hearing suggestions.

One thing that I might want to fold into the third one, the one banning recommendations, would be that "requesting service reviews" is off-topic as well. What do you think about that?

We currently have three Off-Topic Close Reasons:

  1. This question does not appear to be about Bitcoin within the scope defined in the help center. (Default Off-Topic Close Reason)

  2. Questions on current market values, energy costs or service provider availability are off-topic as the answers are changing too frequently to be useful to others.

  3. Questions seeking product or service recommentadations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.

We can have three Custom Close Reasons, so there would be room for one more. Moderators can edit these, so if you have some ideas how they could be improved, I'd be interested in hearing suggestions.

One thing that I might want to fold into the third one, the one banning recommendations, would be that "requesting service reviews" is off-topic as well. What do you think about that?

replaced with
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We currently have three Off-Topic Close Reasons:

  1. This question does not appear to be about Bitcoin within the scope defined in the help centerhelp center. (Default Off-Topic Close Reason)
  1. Questions on current market values, energy costs or service provider availability are off-topic as the answers are changing too frequently to be useful to others.
  1. Questions seeking product or service recommentadations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.

We can have three Custom Close Reasons, so there would be room for one more. Moderators can edit these, so if you have some ideas how they could be improved, I'd be interested in hearing suggestions.

One thing that I might want to fold into the third one, the one banning recommendations, would be that "requesting service reviews" is off-topic as well. What do you think about that?

We currently have three Off-Topic Close Reasons:

  1. This question does not appear to be about Bitcoin within the scope defined in the help center. (Default Off-Topic Close Reason)
  1. Questions on current market values, energy costs or service provider availability are off-topic as the answers are changing too frequently to be useful to others.
  1. Questions seeking product or service recommentadations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.

We can have three Custom Close Reasons, so there would be room for one more. Moderators can edit these, so if you have some ideas how they could be improved, I'd be interested in hearing suggestions.

One thing that I might want to fold into the third one, the one banning recommendations, would be that "requesting service reviews" is off-topic as well. What do you think about that?

We currently have three Off-Topic Close Reasons:

  1. This question does not appear to be about Bitcoin within the scope defined in the help center. (Default Off-Topic Close Reason)
  1. Questions on current market values, energy costs or service provider availability are off-topic as the answers are changing too frequently to be useful to others.
  1. Questions seeking product or service recommentadations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.

We can have three Custom Close Reasons, so there would be room for one more. Moderators can edit these, so if you have some ideas how they could be improved, I'd be interested in hearing suggestions.

One thing that I might want to fold into the third one, the one banning recommendations, would be that "requesting service reviews" is off-topic as well. What do you think about that?

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