
When a venomous snake drinks, does it deposit even trace amounts of venom into water?

I understand that "drinking" and "biting"(attacking) involve different reflexes and muscle complexes, so it would probably not be "natural" for a snake to deposit venom while drinking, so the question is probably more about the "hermeticity" of the venom sacs/glands - does venom seep out.


1 Answer 1


Physiologically, venom glands wouldn't normally leak but could be affected by health conditions/age (similar to tissue deterioration seen in older people) but dried venom on the teeth or mouth could be deposited into water during drinking. Dried venom can remain potent for many years: https://phys.org/news/2014-02-snake-venom-decades-potent.html.

Can I ask what led to your question? It's very interesting!


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