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2022 Moderator Election

nomination began
Aug 1, 2022 at 20:00
election began
Aug 8, 2022 at 20:00
election cancelled
Aug 15, 2022 at 19:58

On Stack Exchange, we believe the core moderators should come from the community, and be elected by the community itself through popular vote. We hold regular elections to determine who these community moderators will be.

Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege on our community, and should themselves be exemplars of positive behavior and leaders within the community.

Our general criteria for moderators is as follows:

  • patient and fair
  • leads by example
  • shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
  • open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track and resolve (hopefully) uncommon disputes and exceptions

Full elections have three phases and an optional fourth phase (Primary):

  1. Question Collection
  2. Nomination
  3. Primary
  4. Election

Please participate in the moderator elections by voting, and perhaps even by nominating yourself to be a community moderator!

etgriffiths, aka Emily T Griffiths.

I'm an American living in Denmark, mid-career, working for the Marine Mammal section at Aarhus University. Presently I work on noise and marine mammal monitoring via bioacoustics in northern Europe. Previous, I've contracted for SWFSC focusing on the detection and classification of cryptic marine mammals, and testing new monitoring methods. I've worked on terrestrial bioacoustics for different groups, including Cornell Uni. I also work in science communication.

Moreover, I am a fieldwork specialist. I am not on a tenure track, nor have a PhD, though I do hold a stable position in my lab. I am brought on to projects to collect, manage, and clean data, conduct quality control, and run preliminary statistics. I have a lot of ship time. I'm experienced in-field troubleshooting, and have worked with a wide range of equipment, both off the shelf and internally designed.

As a result, I work with many different types of people. Academics, yes, but also policy makers, engineers, industry workers, and the general public. It's important to know which tone to take with your audience.


I am a government contractor and work in the world of underwater passive acoustic monitoring and marine mammals. I am based in the US and consider myself an early career researcher, having just finished my PhD in 2020. You can find more info about me at my research website (...that needs updating). It wasn't that long ago that I could have benefited hugely from this site, when starting my Bioacoustics journey.

I am very passionate about the Bioacoustics SE and have worked to help make it happen since our first attempted proposal in 2018. I believe I would make a good moderator because I am actively invested in making this site a welcoming and invaluable resource to the community; I'm patient and kind and have experience with other science outreach activities. Prior to this site, I have asked and answered questions on Stack Overflow for several years so am familiar with the SE system.

Lionel Feugère (@Noil)

Hi, I'm a non-tenure researcher at the Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich in the United Kingdom. After some years working on human singing voice and musical digital instruments, I've mostly been working on air-borne acoustic behavior in mosquitoes using behavioral playback experiments and 3D audio/video recordings.

I have studied physics and sound technologies in France (1 year exchange at IIT-B in India and 3-month at UPF in Spain), worked in France and the United Kingdom, with researchers from different fields (speech, perception, musicology, music, mechanical engineering, disease-vector entomology, animal behaviour).

I have experiences of moderating as the main moderator of the Gillingham Freecycle group since 2020. I support open-science, for instance as being a new recommender in PCI Zoology.

If I am elected as a moderator, I'd try to be as transparent as possible with the community when choices have to be taken (meta.bioacoutics site), I enjoy critics, and I'd be happy to leave the chair when others will want to give a try.

Thejasvi Beleyur (@Thejasvi)

About me

I'm a postdoc working on how bats echolocate in groups using sensory simulations along with acoustic + video tracking in the field. My broad expertise lies in the fields of echolocation, sensory simulation, and writing scientific software. Before my PhD, I worked with social spiders for a while - and so have an interest in all things vibration related too! For more on my research profile, see my homepage.

The vision:

I'd like to see the Bioacoustics SE become the central platform for queries related to sound +vibration (from any kind of organism: microbe, plant, in/vertebrate).

I entered bioacoustics for my PhD, without any past experience and thus get how challenging it can be to tackle the conceptual + methodological parts of bioac. I've also been in a few multi-disciplinary collabs (biologists, engineers, applied math). I thus have experience of how things are 'lost in translation' across disciplines, and how to reach common ground.

Dan Stowell

I am a academic studying computational bioacoustics. I'm keen on developing a lively community in this field, which is why I have coordinated many in-person research workshops (1, 2, 3) and mentored lots of junior researchers.

I am committed to open science and open online community-building:

  • On Stack Exchange, I have a high reputation after years of active membership in Stack Overflow (for programming), Cross Validated (for stats) and some others.

  • I've been an active member, community organiser, and trainer for OpenStreetMap for over a decade. This involves similar moderation work as I expect in Stack Exchange: patiently reconciling disagreements through online discussion, being sensitive to individual differences, assuming good intentions while looking out for inappropriate intentions, etc.

This election is over.