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dotjoe's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • Wisconsin
12 votes

What's difference between 1/2 and 9/16 inch pedals?

9 votes

What's the purpose of cycling gloves?

5 votes

What are some good exercises to prevent knee pain?

4 votes

Does anyone make a split seat clamp?

3 votes

Fixed-gear bike: How to ride backwards?

2 votes

What's the performance difference between a front-load and top-load bike stem?

2 votes

Which foot to put forward when coasting or track-standing?

2 votes

Is there much of a difference between flatland and park/street frames?

2 votes

What is it called when you ride a bmx like a unicycle?

2 votes

How can bum / testicle / inner thigh pain from a saddle be prevented?

2 votes

Accessory to raise handlebars (on a bmx)

1 vote

Is it possible to perform tricks with 100% safety during commuting?

1 vote

Why ride a single-speed bike?

1 vote

What are some notable differences between a 20'' trial bike and a BMX bike?

1 vote

Creaking from cranks/spindle. How to fix?

1 vote

Where can I find replacement screws?

0 votes

Advantages / disadvantages of freecoaster and cassette hubs

-1 votes

Is it possible to put a chain on without removing the rear wheel?