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Riding with others is very much a Trust-Fall exercise. If anyone doesn't gellgel with your group, it can cause dynamics issues with the dynamic and that can grow into full-on accidents.

Sometimes itsit's best to set some ground rules or expectations before departing. For example most of our group rides arefollow these rules:

  • route is described generally to everyone
  • group stays together, we stop for red lights and flats
  • climbs are at your own pace
  • regroup at the top (or nominated spot like "the fountain" )
  • descents are never a race and often result in spreading out. We'd rarely end up with a paceline heading down a descent, though undulating terrain would be normal
  • again, regroup at the bottom, or push on and maintain momentum till some convenient stop/cafe etc.

Riding with others is very much a Trust-Fall exercise. If anyone doesn't gell with your group, it can cause dynamics issues and that can grow into full-on accidents.

Sometimes its best to set some ground rules or expectations before departing. For example most of our group rides are:

  • route is described generally to everyone
  • group stays together, we stop for red lights and flats
  • climbs are at your own pace
  • regroup at the top (or nominated spot like "the fountain" )
  • descents are never a race and often result in spreading out. We'd rarely end up with a paceline heading down a descent, though undulating terrain would be normal
  • again, regroup at the bottom, or push on and maintain momentum till some convenient stop/cafe etc.

Riding with others is very much a Trust-Fall exercise. If anyone doesn't gel with your group, it can cause issues with the dynamic and that can grow into full-on accidents.

Sometimes it's best to set some ground rules or expectations before departing. For example most of our group rides follow these rules:

  • route is described generally to everyone
  • group stays together, we stop for red lights and flats
  • climbs are at your own pace
  • regroup at the top (or nominated spot like "the fountain" )
  • descents are never a race and often result in spreading out. We'd rarely end up with a paceline heading down a descent, though undulating terrain would be normal
  • again, regroup at the bottom, or push on and maintain momentum till some convenient stop/cafe etc.
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Riding with others is very much a Trust-Fall exercise. If anyone doesn't gell with your group, it can cause dynamics issues and that can grow into full-on accidents.

Sometimes its best to set some ground rules or expectations before departing. For example most of our group rides are:

  • route is described generally to everyone
  • group stays together, we stop for red lights and flats
  • climbs are at your own pace
  • regroup at the top (or nominated spot like "the fountain" )
  • descents are never a race and often result in spreading out. We'd rarely end up with a paceline heading down a descent, though undulating terrain would be normal
  • again, regroup at the bottom, or push on and maintain momentum till some convenient stop/cafe etc.