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We have a lot of goatheads1 in our area, and they have a tendency to do something like this to bike tires:


Unfortunately, I ride a roderoad bike (specifically a Kona Dew), so I have much smaller, thinner road bike tires. Is there any type of tire I can get that is resistant to goathead thorns?

1 aka Tribulus terrestris, puncturevine, caltrop, cathead, yellow vine, goathead, burra gokharu and bindii.

We have a lot of goatheads1 in our area, and they have a tendency to do something like this to bike tires:


Unfortunately, I ride a rode bike (specifically a Kona Dew), so I have much smaller, thinner road bike tires. Is there any type of tire I can get that is resistant to goathead thorns?

1 aka Tribulus terrestris, puncturevine, caltrop, cathead, yellow vine, goathead, burra gokharu and bindii.

We have a lot of goatheads1 in our area, and they have a tendency to do something like this to bike tires:


Unfortunately, I ride a road bike (specifically a Kona Dew), so I have much smaller, thinner road bike tires. Is there any type of tire I can get that is resistant to goathead thorns?

1 aka Tribulus terrestris, puncturevine, caltrop, cathead, yellow vine, goathead, burra gokharu and bindii.

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Jared Harley
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